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鄭永輝,男,博士,研究員,博士導師,密西根州立大學終身教授,重要人獸共患病與烈性外來病團隊成員;主要致力於揭示宿主天然免疫與HIV-1、流感以及Ebola 病毒相互拮抗的機制;在多個國際知名學術期刊Nature Cell Biology、PNAS、Current Biology、Journal of Virology、Journal of Biological Chemistry 等上發表52篇高質量的有關天然免疫方面的論文,並在國際著名專業期刊上發表了多篇有關天然免疫的綜述文章;多次受邀在國際專業大會上演講;作為HIV天然免疫領域的國際知名專家,參與評審了多項國際基金項目,是多個國際知名期刊的審稿人;以導師身份培養多名優秀中、美、巴基斯坦博士和碩士


  • 中文名:鄭永輝
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學、北海道大學
  • 個人成就:承擔了10項美國NIH重大研究專項
  • 職稱:研究員


1993.04-1998.03北海道大學醫學專業 博士


2013.05-至今 中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所特聘研究員
2016.07-至今 美國密西根州立大學 教授
2011.07-2016.07 美國密西根州立大學 副教授
2005.07-2011.07美國密西根州立大學 助理教授
1998.04-1999.11美國范德堡大學 博士後




1. Zhang X, Shi J, Qiu X, Chai Q, Frabutt DA, Schwartz RC, Zheng YH. (2019). CD4 expression and Env conformation are critical for HIV-1 restriction by SERINC5.Journal of Virology,in press.
2. Ahmad I, Li S, Li R, Chai Q, Zhang L, Wang B, Yu C,Zheng YH. (2019). The retroviral accessory proteins S2, Nef, and glycoMA use similar mechanisms for antagonizing the host restriction factor SERINC5.Journal of Biological Chemistry294:7013-24.
3. Li S, Ahmad I, Shi J, Wang B, Yu C, Wang B, Zhang L, and Zheng YH. (2018). Murine Leukemia Virus Glycosylated Gag Reduces MurineSERINC5Protein Expression at Steady-State Levels via the Endosome/Lysosome Pathway to CounteractSERINC5Antiretroviral Activity.Journal of Virology93: e01651-19.
4. Shi J, Xiong R, Zhou T, Su P, Zhang X, Qiu X, Li H, Li S, Yu C, Wang B, Ding C, Smithgall TE, andZheng YH. (2018). HIV-1 Nef Antagonizes SERINC5 Restriction by Downregulation of SERINC5 via the Endosome/Lysosome System.Journal of Virology92: e00196-18.
5. Frabutt DA, Wang B, Riaz S, Schwartz RC, andZheng YH. (2017). Innate sensing of influenza A virus hemagglutinin glycoproteins by the host endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathway triggers a potent antiviral response via ER-associated protein degradation.Journal of Virology92: e01690-17.
6. Zhang X, Zhou T, Yang J, Lin Y, Shi J, Zhang X, Frabutt DA, Zeng X, Li S, Venta PJ,Zheng YH. (2017). Identification of SERINC5-001 as the Predominant Spliced Isoform for HIV-1 Restriction.Journal of Virology91: e00137-17.
Commentary: Change A, Firrito C, Pizzato M. (2017). SERINC5: not all splice variants work against HIV.J Public Health Emerg1:75.
7. Wang B, Wang Y, Frabutt DA, Zhang X, Yao X, Hu D, Zhang Z, Liu C, Zheng S, Xiang SH,Zheng YH. (2017). Mechanistic Understanding of N-Glycosylation in Ebola Virus Glycoprotein Maturation and Function.Journal of Biological Chemistry292:5860-70.
8. Zheng, J, Cheng Z, Jia H,Zheng YH. (2016). Characterization of aspartyl aminopeptidase from Toxoplasma gondii.Scientific Reports6:34448.
9. Ma J, Zhang X, Feng Y, Zhang H, Wang X,Zheng YH, Qiao W, Liu X. (2016). Structural and Functional Study of Apoptosis-linked Gene-2·Heme-binding Protein 2 Interactions in HIV-1 Production.Journal of Biological Chemistry291: 26670-85.
10. Frabutt, D.A.,Zheng YH. (2016). Arms race between enveloped viruses and the host ERAD machinery.Viruses8:255.
11. Zhang, X, Zhou T, Frabutt DA,Zheng YH. (2016). HIV-1 Vpr increases Env expression by preventing Env from endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD).Virology496: 194-202.
12. Zhou T, Frabutt DA, Moremen KW,Zheng YH. (2015). ERManI (endoplasmic reticulum class I α-mannosidase) is required for HIV- 1 envelope glycoprotein degradation via endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway.Journal of Biological Chemistry290:22184-192.
Commentary: Wei W, Yu X. (2016). HIV-1 Envelope under attack.Trends in Microbiology24:164-166.
13. Zheng J, Jia H,Zheng YH. (2014). Knockout of leucine aminopeptidase in Toxoplasma gondi using CRISPR/Cas9.International Journal of Parasitology45:141-8.
14. Shi X, Sims MD, Manna MM, Xie M, Gulick PG,Zheng YH, Basson MD, Zhang P. (2014) Neutropenia during HIV infection: Adverse consequences and remedies.InternationalReview Immunology33:511-36.
15. Zhou T, Dang Y,Zheng YH. (2014). The mitochondrial translocator protein, TSPO, inhibits HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein biosynthesis via the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway.Journal of Virology88:3474-84.


