鄭少飛,男,工學博士,副教授,碩士生導師。2019年12月於德國TU Freiberg獲得工學博士(Dr.-Ing.)學位;2020年4月加入華北電力大學能源電力創新研究院/能源動力與機械工程學院從事教學科研工作;2023年1月晉升副教授。面向高功率高熱流密度散熱需求和航空發動機性能提升,圍繞相變傳熱與多相流動、航空發動機熱端部件冷卻和綜合熱管理等方面開展研究。作為項目負責人先後主持LJ基礎科學中心重點項目、國家自然科學基金青年基金、國家重點研發計畫子課題、北京市自然科學基金面上項目等縱向項目多項;作為項目聯繫人執行國家級高端外專項目2項;作為骨幹成員參與國家重點研發計畫、國家自然科學基金重點項目和重大項目課題等重大重點項目多項。以第一作者/通訊作者在Advances in Colloid and Interface Science、InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Physics of Fluids等雜誌發表SCI期刊論文20餘篇。
- LJ基礎科學中心重點項目,微納尺度渦輪葉片高效冷卻技術,項目經費:起止日期:2022.10-2024.10.(項目負責人)
- 國家自然科學基金青年基金,超滑/親水複合結構表面滴狀冷凝強化換熱研究, 起止日期:2021.1-2023.12.(項目負責人)
- 國家重點研發計畫項目課題,氫基燃料改質、純化及現場氫源總成,起止日期:2022.12-2026.11.(子課題負責人)
- 北京市自然科學基金面上項目,項目名稱:受限結構空間液滴冷凝和動力學特性及其強化冷凝換熱研究,起止日期:2022.1-2024.12.(項目負責人)
- 國家重點研發計畫項目,質子交換膜燃料電池與氫基內燃機混合發電系統技術,起止日期:2022.12-2026.11.(項目秘書、總協調人)
- 國家自然科學基金項目重大項目課題,多能互補的協同轉化與能勢耦合機制,起止日期:2021.1-2025.12.(項目骨幹)
- 國家自然科學基金項目重點項目,微納液滴動力學特性及操控液滴強化熱質傳遞的基礎研究,起止日期:2020.1-2024.12.(項目骨幹)
- 德國國家自然科學基金項目(DFG),Dropwise Condensation Heat Transfer of Moist Air onPlastic Surfaces,起止日期:2017.4-2019.12.(主要完成人)
- Zheng S F, Liu G Q,Lian W K, Yang Y R, Gao S R, Sunden B, Wang X D. Fluid flow andheat transfer in a rectangular ribbed channel with a hierarchical design forturbine blade internal cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 217: 119183.
- Zheng S F, Wu Z Y, GaoY Y, Yang Y R, Wang X D, Gross Ulrich. Asymmetriccondensation characteristics during dropwise condensation in the presence ofnon-condensable gas: A lattice Boltzmann study. Langmuir, 2022, 38(32):9760-9776.
- Zheng S F, Wu Z Y, LiuG Q, Yang Y R, Sundén B, Wang X D. The condensation characteristicsof individual droplets during dropwise condensation. InternationalCommunications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 131: 105836.
- Wu Z Y, Yang L T, ZhengS F, Gao S R, Yang Y R,Gao T, Sunden B, Wang X D*. Convective transport characteristics ofcondensing droplets in moist air flow. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 027111.
- Wang Y F, Wang Y B, ZhangC L, He X, Yang Y R, Zheng S F,Lee D J, Wang X D. Retraction and bouncing dynamics of nanodropletsupon impact on superhydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 032012.
- WangS L, An D, Yang Y R, Zheng S F, Wang X D, Lee D J. Heat transfer and flow characteristics in symmetricand parallel wavy microchannel heat sinks with porous ribs. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 185: 108080.
- Zheng S F, Gross U, Wang X D. Dropwisecondensation: From fundamentals of wetting, nucleation, and droplet mobility toperformance improvement by advanced functional surfaces. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 295: 102503.
- Zheng S F*, Eimann F, Philipp C, Fieback T, Gross U*,Experimental and modeling investigations of dropwise condensation out ofconvective humid air flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020, 151: 119349.
- Zheng S F, Eimann F, Philipp C, Fieback T, Gross U*,Dropwise condensation in the presence of non-condensable gas: interactionseffect of the droplet array using the distributed point sink method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 141: 34-47.
- Zheng S F, Eimann F, Philipp C, Fieback T, Gross U*, Singledroplet condensation in presence of non-condensable gas by a multi-componentmulti-phase thermal lattice Boltzmann model. International Journal of Heat andMass Transfer, 2019, 139: 254-268.
- Zheng S F, Eimann F, Fieback T, Xie G N, Gross U*, Numericalinvestigation of convective dropwise condensation flow by a hybrid thermallattice Boltzmann method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 145: 590-602.
- Zheng S F, Eimann F, Philipp C, Fieback T, Gross U*, Modelingof heat and mass transfer for dropwise condensation of moist air and theexperimental validation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,120: 879-894.