
2007.03-2009.12 上海大學 博士研究生

2008.06-2009.06 香港中文大學 研究助理

2010.01-2011.12 復旦大學 博士後研究員

2010.06-2011.06 香港中文大學 博士後研究員

2012.01開始 同濟大學


  • 中文名:鄭小金
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:上海大學
  • 主要成就:第一屆華東運籌學與控制論博士生學術論壇 優秀論文一等獎.
  • 學位:博士 


2009年第一屆華東運籌學與控制論博士生學術論壇, 優秀論文一等獎.


運籌與決策方法: 管理科學與工程中的複雜最佳化問題建模與決策方法
投資組合與風險管理: 基於VaR風險約束的投資組合問題, 風險管理中的模擬仿真與最佳化方法
最最佳化方法: 線性與非線性最佳化,錐最佳化方法,混合整數規劃




[1]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, Y. F. Xu, On reduction of duality gap in quadratic knapsack problems, Journal of Global Optimization, DOI: 10.1007/s10898-012-9872-9 (online), 2012.
[2]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, A note on semidefinite relaxation for 0-1 quadratic knapsack problems, Optimization Methods & Software, DOI:10.1080/10556788.2011.627586 (online), 2012
[3]. X.T.Cui, X.J.Zheng, S.S.Zhu, X.L.Sun, Convex relaxations and MIQCQP reformulations for a class of cardinality-constrained portfolio selection problems, Journal of Global Optimization, DOI 10.1007/s10898-012-9842-2 (online), 2012.
[4]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, Y. F. Xu, On zero duality gap in nonconvex quadratic programming problems. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 52(2), 229-242, 2012.
[5]. S. H. Ji, X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, An improved convex 0-1 quadratic program reformulation for quadratic knapsack problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 8(1), 75-87, 2012.
[6]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, Convex relaxations for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming: Matrix cone decomposition and polyhedral approximation. Mathematical Programming, Vol.129, 301–329, 2011.
[7]. Y. Xia, X. L. Sun, D. Li and X. J. Zheng, On the reduction of duality gap in box constrained nonconvex quadratic program, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 21(3), 706-729, 2011.
[8]. D. Li, X. L. Sun, J. J. Gao, S. S. Gu, X. J. Zheng, Reachability determination in acyclic Petri nets by cell enumeration approach, Automatica, Vol. 47, 2094-2098, 2011.
[9]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, Nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming: Best D.C. decompositions and their SDP representations. Journal of Global Optimization,Vol.50, 695-712, 2011.
[10]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, Y. Xia, Duality gap estimation of linear equality constrained binary quadratic programming. Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 35(4), 864-880, 2010.
[11]. X. J. Zheng, X. L. Sun, D. Li, Separable relaxation for nonconvex quadratic integer programming: An integer diagonalization approach, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 146(2), 463-489, 2010.
[12]. Z.S. Tong and X.J. Zheng, Generalized (F, )-d-V-univex functions and nonsmooth alternative theorems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87(1): 158-172, 2010.
[13]. X.L. Sun, X.J. Zheng and J. Sun, A Lagrangian dual and surrogate method for multi-dimensional quadratic knapsack problems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 5(1): 47-60, 2009.
[14]. X.J. Zheng, Z. K. Xu and L. Cheng, Constraint qualification in a general class of nondifferentiable mathematical programming problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 53(1): 21-27, 2007.
[15]. X.J. Zheng and L. Cheng, Minimax fractional programming under nonsmooth generalized (F, )-d-univexity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 328(1): 676-689, 2007.
[16]. Z.S. Tong and X.J. Zheng, Constraint qualification in a general class of Lipschitzian mathematical programming problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 38(4): 625-635, 2007.


