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鄭 凌:武漢大學生命科學學院教授。學科專業: 細胞生物學研究方向:1、糖尿病及其併發症 2、神經退行性疾病。


  • 中文名:鄭凌
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 就職院校武漢大學
  • 職稱:教授
1992-1996,武漢大學生物系, 學士
2000-2005,凱西西儲大學Case Western Reserve University,藥理系,博士
2005-2007,凱西西儲大學Case Western Reserve University,醫學系,博士後
2007-2008, 講師,凱西西儲大學Case Western Reserve University,醫學系
作為審稿人被邀請為多種專業學術刊物如 Diabetes, Diabetologia, IOVS,J of Hepatology, J of Pathology等進行審稿。
1. 細胞生物學實驗,春季授課。
2. 生物化學(代謝部分),秋季授課
1. 抑鬱症的蛋白質組學和多肽組學研究 (973計畫, 課題主持人)
2. SIRT1-p53通路在視網膜缺血再灌注損傷中的關鍵調控作用(國家自然科學基金, 主持)
3. 母系營養過剩對後代NAFLD傳代性影響的研究 (教育部博士點基金,主持)
4. 營養成分失衡與脂肪肝和高脂血症發生的研究 (973計畫,課題技術骨幹)
5. 組蛋白甲基化在持續營養過剩引發脂肪肝傳代性惡化中的關鍵作用研究(國家自然科學基金, 主持人)
1. 學校自主科研項目
2. 組蛋白翻譯後修飾對糖尿病視網膜病變的影響(國家自然科學基金
3. ADP-核糖在糖尿病併發症中的重要作用(教育部重點項目)4. 教育部新世紀人才。
(1)Ding Y, Li J, Liu S, Zhang L, Xiao H, Li J, Chen H, Peterson RB, Huang K and Zheng L* (2013). DNA hypomethylation of inflammation associated genes in adipose tissue of female mice after multigenerational high fat diet feeding. Inter. J of Obesity 2013. Accepted.
(2)Wang LL, Sun Y, Huang K, Zheng L*. (2013) Curcumin, a potential therapeutic candidate for retinal diseases. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2013 Epub
(3)Wang LL, Chen H, Huang K, Zheng L*. (2012) Elevated histone acetylations in Muller cells contribute to inflammation: A novel inhibitory effect of minocycline. Glia 2012 Dec;60(12):1896-905.
(4)Li J, HuangJ, LiJ, Chen H, HuangK*,ZhengL*. (2012)Accumulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and lipogenesis in liver through generational effects of high fat diets. J of Hepatology 56, 900-907
(5)Li C, Wang L, Huang K, Zheng L*. (2012) Endoplasmic reticulum stress in retinal vascular degeneration: protective role of resveratrol. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 May 31;53(6):3241-9.
(6)Chen B, Liu X, Gong H, Huang L, Chen H, Zhang X, Li C, Yang M, Ma B, Jiao L, Zheng L*, Huang K*. (2011) Coffee components inhibit amyloid formation of human islet amyloid polypeptide in vitro: possible link between coffee consumption and diabetes mellitus. J of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59, 13147-13155
(7)Wang L, Li C, Guo H, Kern TS, Huang K*,Zheng L*. (2011) Curcumin inhibits neuronal and vascular degeneration in retina after ischemia and reperfusion injury. PLoS One 6: e23194.
(8)Su B, Wang X, Zheng L, Perry G, Smith MA and Zhu X. (2010) Abnormal mitochondrial dynamics and neurodegenerative diseases. Biochim Biophys Acta 1802:135-42.
(9)Zheng L*, Liu S., Sun M., Chang J., Chance M.R., Kern TS*. (2009) Proteomic analysis of retinal injury due to ischemia and reperfusion: Alterations in the glycolytic pathway. Proteomics 9:1869-82.
(10)Zheng L & KernTS. (2009) Role of nitric oxide, superoxide, peroxynitrite and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in diabetic retinopathy. Frontiers in Bioscience 14: 3974-87.
(11)Zheng L*, Du Y., Miller C., Gubitosi-Klug R., Ball S., Berkowitz BA., and Kern TS*. (2007) Critical role of iNOS in degeneration of retinal capillaries in diabetes. Diabetologia 50:1987-96.
(12)Zheng L*, Gong B., Hatala DA., KernTS*. (2007) Retinal Ischemia and Reperfusion Causes Capillary Degeneration: Similarities to Diabetes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48: 361-7.
(13)Zheng L, Howell SJ, Hatala DA, Huang K, KernTS. (2007) Salicylate-based anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the early lesion of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes 56: 337-45.
(14)Zheng L, Szabo C, Kern TS. (2004) Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase is involved in the development of diabetic retinopathy via regulation of NF-kappa B. Diabetes 53: 2960-7.


