


  • 中文名:鄧曉玲
  • 民族:哈尼族
  • 出生地:雲南建水
  • 出生日期:1966年3月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:華南農業大學
  • 信仰:共產主義








1、Deng X., Lopes S., Wang X., Irey M., Civerolo E., Chen J. Characterization of ‘‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus’’Populations by Double-Locus Analyses. Current Microbiology. DOI 10.1007/s00284-014-0621-9. 2014 (第一作者)
2、Ma W., Liang M., Guan L., Xu M., Wen X., Deng X*., Chen J. Population Structures of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”in Southern China. Phytopathology. 104(2): 158-162. 2014. (通訊作者)
3、Xu M., Liang M., Chen J., Xia Y., Zheng Z., Zhu Q., Deng X*., Preliminary research on soil conditioner mediated citrus Huanglongbing mitigation in the field in Guangdong, China. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 137(2): 283-293. 2013.(通訊作者)
4、Cen Y*., Zhang L., Xia Y., Guo J., Deng X., Zhou W., Sequeira R., Gao J., Wang Z., Yue J., Gao Y., Detetion of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”in Cacopsylla (Psylla) Citrisuga (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Florida Entomologist. 95(2): 304-311. 2012.
5、Cen Y., Yang C., Holford P*., G. Andrew C., Beattie, Robert N., Spooner-Hart, Liang G., Deng, X. Feeding behaviour of the Asiatic citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, on healthy and huanglongbing-infected citrus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 143(1): 13-22. 2012.
6、周汶靜,蒲雪蓮,張麗娜,岑伊靜,鄧曉玲*. 柚木虱體內韌皮部桿菌亞洲種多基因位點的分子鑑定. 中國南方果樹. 41(2):10-15. 2012. (通訊作者)
7、Deng X., Gao Y., Chen J., Pu X., Kong W., Li H*., Current Situation of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”in Guangdong, P. R. China, where citrus Huanglongbing was first described. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 11(3): 424-429. 2012. (第一作者)
8、張培,關磊,劉蕤,蒲雪蓮,鄧曉玲*. 砂糖橘紅鼻子果與Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus侵染相關性的研究. 熱帶作物學,32(4):738-742. 2011.(通訊作者)
9、Chen J*., Deng X., Civerolo E. L., Lee R. F., Jones J. B., Zhou C., Hartung J. S., Manjunath K. L., and Brlansky R. H. Candidatus Liberibacter species: Without Kochs Postulates Completed, Can the Bacterium be Considered as the Causal Agent of Citrus Huanglongbing. 中國植物病理學報, 41(2): 1-5. 2011.
10、Liu R., Gao Y.,Pu X., Chen J., Deng X*., Analysis of a prophage gene frequency revealed population variation of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”from two citrus-growing provinces in China. Plant Disease. 95:431-435. 2011.(通訊作者)
11、Chen, J., Deng, X., Sun, X., Jones, D., Irey, M., and Civerolo, E. 2010. Guangdong and Florida populations of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’distinguished by a genomic locus with short tandem repeats. Phytopathology 100:567-572.
12、Chen, J., Pu, X., Deng, X. A Phytoplasma related to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteri’detected in citrus showing Huanglongbing (Yellow Shoot Disease) symptoms in Guangdong, P. R. China. Phytopathology, 2009, 99 (3): 236-242 (通訊作者)
13、Xiaoling Deng, Jianchi Chen, Huaping Li. Sequestering from host and characterization of sequence of a ribosomal RNA operon (rrn) from Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 2008, 22 :338-340 (第一作者)
14、Deng X, Chen J, Feng Z, Shan Z, Li H. Identification and characterizatio of the Huanglongbing bacterium in pummelo from multiple locations in Guangdong, P. R. China. Plant Disease. 2008, 92:.513-518. (第一作者)
15、Deng X, Chen J, Shan Z, Li H. Identification of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus from Foshou (Citrus medica) in China. Plant Pathology. 2008, 57: 365. (第一作者)
16、Deng, X., Chen, J., Luo, Z., Feng, Z., Li, H., Civerolo, E. L. First report of graft-transmission and PCR detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus from Atalantia buxifolia in Guangdong, China. Plant Disease. 2008, 92:.314. (第一作者)
17、Deng X, Chen J, Zhou G, Li H. Nested-PCR Detection and sequence confirmation of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus from Murraya paniculata in Guangdong, China. Plant Disease. 2007, 91: 1051 (第一作者)


1、鄧秀新,鄧子牛,鄧曉玲等. 《柑橘學》,中國農業出版社,84萬字,2013.
2、蔡明段,陳國慶,鄧曉玲等. 《圖說柑橘病害害防治關鍵技術》,中國農業出版社,8萬字,2012.
3、陳國慶,彭抒昂,鄧曉玲等. 《柑橘病害發生與防治》中國農業出版社,4萬字,2011.




