博士後研究,2002/07-2003/02,瑞典卡羅林斯卡醫學院,卡羅林斯卡醫院臨床神經科學部核磁成像中心,合作導師:Björe Bjelk, S. Allen Counter (Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School/Harvard Biological Laboratories, Cambridge)
Jacobs Journal of Molecular and Translation Medicine編委
Austin Radiology編委
Edorium Journal of Otolaryngology編委
1. Zou J*, Pyykkö I. Calcium Metabolism Profile in Rat Inner Ear Indicated by MRI after Tympanic Medial Wall Administration of Manganese Chloride. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 2015 Jul 29. pii: 0003489415597916. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Zou J*, Hannula M, Lehto K, Feng H, Lähelmä J, Aula AS, Hyttinen J, Pyykkö I. X-ray microtomographic confirmation of the reliability of CBCT in identifying the scalar location of cochlear implant electrode after round window insertion. Hearing Research. 2015 Apr 25;326:59-65. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2015.04.005.
3. Zou J*, Lähelmä J, Koivisto J, Dhanasingh A, Jolly C, Aarnisalo A, Wolff J, Pyykkö I. Imaging the cochlear implantation with round window insertion in human temporal bones and cochlear morphological variation using high-dimensional cone beam CT. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2015 May;135(5):466-72. doi: 10.3109/00016489.2014.993090.
4. Zou J*, Hannula M, Misra S, Feng H, Labrador R, Aula AS, Hyttinen J, Pyykkö I. Micro CT visualization of silver nanoparticles in the middle and inner ear of rat and transportation pathway after transtympanic injection. J Nanobiotechnology. 2015 Jan 27;13(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s12951-015-0065-9. Free PMC Article.
5. Zou J*, Pyykkö I. Enhanced oval window and blocked round window passages for middle-inner ear transportation of gadolinium in guinea pigs with a perforated round window membrane. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;272(2):303-9.
6. Ahmad A, Ranjan S, Zhang W, Zou J, Pyykkö I, Kinnunen PK. Novel endosomolytic peptides for enhancing gene delivery in nanoparticles. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015;1848(2):544-53.
7. Zou J*, Koivisto J, Lähelmä J, Aarnisalo A, Wolff J, Pyykkö I. Imaging optimization of temporal bones with cochlear implant using a high- resolution cone beam CT and the corresponding effective dose. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 2015 Jun;124(6):466-73. doi: 10.1177/0003489414565004.
8. Zou J*, Feng H, Mannerström M, Heinonen T, Pyykkö I. Toxicity of silver nanoparticle in rat ear and BALB/c 3T3 cell line. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2014 Dec 3;12(1):52. doi: 10.1186/s12951-014-0052-6. Free PMC Article
9. Feng H, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Hyaluronan up-regulation is linked to renal dysfunction and hearing loss induced by silver nanoparticles. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 272(10):2629-42. doi: 10.1007/s00405-014-3213-1.
10. Zou J*, Sood R, Zhang Y, Kinnunen PKJ, Pyykkö I. Pathway and morphological transformation of liposome nanocarriers after release from a novel sustained inner-ear delivery system. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2014; 9(14):2143-55.
11. Shi H, Li Y, Yin S*, Zou J*. The predominant vestibular uptake of gadolinium through the oval window pathway is compromised by endolymphatic hydrops in Meniere’s disease. Otology & Neurotology, 2014;35(2):315-22.
12. Zhen M, Zheng J, Wang Y, Shu C*, Gao F, Zou J*, Pyykkö I, Wang C*. Multifunctional Nanoprobe for MRI/Optical Dual-Modality Imaging and Radical Scavenging. Chemistry. 2013;19:14675-81
13. Zou J*, Zhang Y, Zhang W, Poe D, Zhai S, Yang S, Pyykkö I. Mitochondria toxin-induced acute cochlear cell death indicates cellular activity-correlated energy consumption.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2013; 270:2403-15.
14. Ilmari Pyykkö, Tsutomu Nakashima, Tadao Yoshida, Jing Zou, Shinji Naganawa. Ménière’s disease: a reappraisal supported by a variable latency of symptoms and the MRI visualization of endolymphatic hydrops. BMJ Open. 2013; 3(2): e001555.
15. Zou J*, Sood R, Ranjan S, Poe D, Ramadan UA, Pyykkö I, Kinnunen PKJ. Size dependent passage of liposome nanocarriers with preserved post-transport integrity across the middle-inner ear barriers in rats. Otology & Neurotology, 2012;33(4):666-73.
16. Zhang Y, Zhang W, Johnston AH, Newman TA, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Targeted delivery of Tet1 peptide functionalized polymersomes to the rat cochlear nerve. Int J Nanomedicine, 2012;7:1015-22.
17. Surovtseva EV, Johnston AH, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Kim A, Murakoshi M, Wada H, Newman TA, Zou J, Pyykkö I. Prestin binding peptides as ligands for targeted polymersome mediated drug delivery to outer hair cells in the inner ear. Int J Pharm. 2012;424(1-2):121-7.
18. Pyykkö I, Selmani Z, Zou J. Low-frequency sound pressure and transtympanic endoscopy of the middle ear in assessment of ""spontaneous"" perilymphatic fistula. ISRN Otolaryngol. 2012;2012:137623. doi: 10.5402/2012/137623
19. Zou J*, Poe D, Ramadan UA, Pyykkö I. Oval window transports Gd-DOTA from the rat middle ear to the vestibulum and scala vestibuli shown by in vivo MRI. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012, 121: 119-128
20. Zhang Y, Zhang W, Johnston AH, Newman TA, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Comparison of the distribution pattern of PEG-b-PCL polymersomes delivered into the rat inner ear via different methods. Acta Otolaryngol. 2011;131(12):1249-56.
21. Pyykkö I, Zou J, Zhang W, Zhang Y. Nanoparticle-based delivery for the treatment of inner ear disorders. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2011;19:388-96.
22. Zou J*, Yoshida T, Ramadan UA, Pyykkö I. Dynamic Enhancement of the Rat Inner Ear after Ultra-Small-Volume Administration of Gd-DOTA to the Medial Wall of the Middle Ear Cavity. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2011;73(5):275-281.
23. Zhang W, Zhang Y, Löbler M, Schmitz KP, Ahmad A, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Nuclear entry of hyperbranched polylysine nanoparticles into cochlear cells. Int J Nanomedicine. 2011; 6:535-46.
24. Zhang W, Zhang Y, Sood R, Ranjan S, Surovtseva E, Ahmad A, Kinnunen P KJ, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Visualization of intracellular trafficking of Math1 protein in different cell types with a newly constructed nonviral gene delivery plasmid. J Gene Med 2011; 13:134-44.
25. Zou J*, Sood R, Ranjan S, Poe D, Ramadan UA, Kinnunen PKJ, Pyykkö I. Manufacturing and in vivo inner ear visualization of MRI traceable liposome nanoparticles encapsulating gadolinium. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2010, 8:1-11.
26. Zou J*, Li M, Zhang Y, Zheng G, Chen D, Chen S, Zheng H. Transport Augmentation through the Blood-Inner Ear Barriers of Guinea Pigs Treated with 3-Nitropropionic Acid and Patients with Acute Hearing Loss, Visualized with 3.0 T MRI. Otology & Neurotology 2011, 32:204-212.
27. Zhang Y, Zhang W, Löebler M, Schmitz LP, Saulnier P, Perrier T, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Inner ear biocompatibility of lipid nanocapsules after round window membrane application. International Journal of Pharmacology. 2011, 404:211-219.
28. Zou J*, Zhang W, Poe D, Qin J, Fornara A, Zhang Y, Ramadan UA, Muhammed M, Pyykkö I. MRI manifestation of novel SPIONs in rat inner ear. Nanomedicine (UK). 2010; 5: 739-754.
29. Pyykkö I, Zou J, Poe D, Nakashima T, Naganawa S. Magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear in Meniere's disease. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2010 Oct;43(5):1059-80. doi: 10.1016/j.otc.2010.06.001. Review.
30. Zhang Y, Zhang W, Johnston AH, Newman TA, Pyykkö I, Zou J*. Improving the visualization of autofluorescently tagged nanoparticles and fluorophore-labeled molecular probes by treatment with CuSO4 to quench autofluorescence in the rat inner ear. Hearing Research. 2010; 269:1-11.
31. Zou J*, Ramadan UA, Pyykko I. Gadolinium uptake in the rat inner ear perilymph evaluated with 4.7 T MRI: a comparison between transtympanic injection and gelatin sponge-based diffusion through the round window membrane. Otology Neurotology. 2010; 31: 637-641.
32. Zou J*, Zhang W, Poe D, Zhang Y, Ramadan UA, Pyykkö I. Differential passage of gadolinium through the mouse inner ear barriers evaluated with 4.7T MRI. Hear Res. 2010; 259: 36-43.
33. Zou J*, Zhang Y, Zhang W, Ranjan S, Sood R, Mikhailov A, Kinnunen P, Pyykko I. Internalization of liposome nanoparticles functionalized with TrkB ligand in rat cochlear cell populations. European Journal of Nanomedicine 2009; 3:8-14.
34. Keisala T, Minasyan A, Lou YR, Zou J, Kalueff AV, Pyykkö I, Tuohimaa P. Premature aging in vitamin D receptor mutant mice. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009;115: 91-7.
35. Minasyan A, Keisala T, Zou J, Zhang Y, Toppila E, Syvälä H, Lou YR, Kalueff AV, Pyykkö I, Tuohimaa P. Vestibular dysfunction in vitamin D receptor mutant mice. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009;114 161-6.
36. Zou J*, Poe D, Bjelke B, Pyykko I. Visualization of inner ear disorders with MRI in vivo: from animal models to human application. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 2009;(560):22-31. Review.
37. Zou J*, Zhang Y, Yin S, Wu H, Pyykkö I. Mitochondrial dysfunction disrupts trafficking of Kir4.1 in spiral ganglion satellite cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2009, 87(1):141-9.
38. Zou J*, Asukas J, Inha T, Laine A,Topilla E,Kellomäki M, Pyykkö I.Biocompitibility of diferent biopolymers after being implanted into the rat cochlea. Otology Neurotology 2008,29(5):714-9.
39. Zou J*, Saulnier P, Perrier T, Zhang Y, Manninen T, Toppila E, Pyykkö I. Distribution of lipid nanocapsules in different cochlear cell populations after round window membrane permeation. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B-Applied Biomaterials. 2008, 87(1):10-8.
40. Zou J*, Minasyan A, Keisala T, Zhang Y, Wang J, Lou Y, Kalueff A, Pyykkö I, Tuohimaa P. Progressive Hearing Loss in Mice with a Mutated Vitamin D Receptor Gene. Audiology & Neurotology 2008, 13(4):219-30.
41. Pyykkö I, Zou J. Do viruses cause inner ear disturbances? ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2008, 70(1):32-40; discussion 40-1.
42. Lü J, Zou J, Wu H, Cai L. Compensative Shuttling of Merlin to Phosphorylation on Serine 518 in Vestibular Schwannoma. The Laryngoscope 2008, 118(1):169-74.
43. Sutinen P, Zou J, Hunter LL, Toppila E, Pyykko I. Vibration-Induced Hearing Loss: Mechanical and Physiological Aspects. Otol Neurotol. 2007; 28(2): 171-177.
44. Sutinen P, Toppila E, Starck J, Brammer A, Zou J, Pyykko I. Hand-arm vibration syndrome with use of anti-vibration chain saws: 19-year follow-up study of forestry workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2006; 79(8): 665-71.
45. Regala C, Duan M, Zou J, Salminen M, Olivius P. Xenografted fetal dorsal root ganglion, embryonic stem cell, and adult neural stem cell survival following implantation into the adult vestibulocochlear nerve. Experimental Neurology 2005;193:326-333.
46. Zou J*, Pyykkö I, Bjelke B, Dastidar P, Toppila E. Communication between the perilymphatic scalae and spiral ligament visualized by in vivo MRI. Audiology & Neuro-Otology 2005;10:145-152.
47. Zou J*, Pyykkö I, Sutinen P, Toppila E. Vibration Induced Hearing Loss in Guinea Pig Cochlea: Expression of TNF- α and VEGF. Hearing Research 2005;202:13-20.
48. Counter SA, Zou J, Bjelke B, Klason T. 3D MRI of the in vivo vestibulo-cochlea labyrinth during Gd-DTPA-BMA uptake. NeuroReport 2003;14:1707-1712.
49. Zou J*, Pyykko I, Counter SA, Klason T, Bjelke B. In vivo observation of dynamic perilymph formation using 4.7 T MRI with gadolinium as a tracer. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockholm) 2003;123:910-915.
50. Zou J*, Ilmari Pyykkö, Poul Bretlau, Tomas Klason, Börje Bjelke. In vivo visualization of endolymphatic hydrops in guinea pigs: MRI evaluation at 4.7 T. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology.2003;112:1059-1065.
51. Zou J*, Bretlau P, Pyykkö I, Toppila E, Olovius NP, Stephanson N, Beck O, Miller JM. Comparison of the protective efficacy of neurotrophins and antioxidants for vibration-induced trauma. ORL - Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2003 ;65:155-161.
52. Zou J*, Bretlau P, Pyykkö I, Starck J, Toppila E. Sensorineural hearing loss after vibration: an animal model for evaluating prevention and treatment of inner ear hearing loss. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Stockholm) 2001; 121:143-148.
53. Zou J*, Jiang S, Gu R. An observation on otoacoustic emission and ultrastructure of cochlea in experimental autoimmune inner ear disease. Chinese Medical Journal 1996;109(8):639-644.
54. Peng Z,Shang Y,Zou J,Wu Y,Ren G, Wang H,Wang Z,Wang M,Fu S. Approaches and reconstruction in skull base operation. Chinese Medical Journal, 1996; 109 (9): 700-704.
其他期刊(42篇,*通訊作者32 篇):
1. Zou J*, Peng R, Zheng G, Zhang Q, Toppila E, Zheng H, Pyykko I, ‘Improvement in the inner ear symptoms of patients with Meniere's disease after treatment using low-frequency vibration: a preliminary report’, Edorium Journal of Otolaryngology 2015; 2: 5-13, http://www.edoriumjournalofotolaryngology.com/archive/early_view_articles/005_O04_2015010002_OA_EV.pdf.
4. Zou J*, Zheng G, Peng R, Gao Y, Chen S, Zheng H. Collision injury-induced superior semicircular canal fracture and therapeutic effect of round and oval window reinforcements. Edorium Journal of Otolaryngology 2014;1:11–17. Article ID: 100002JZO042014 doi:10.5348/o04-2014-3-CR-3.
5. Zou J*, Pyykkö I. Outcomes of endolymphatic shunt surgery in Ménière's disease indicate potential contribution of shear stress instead of relieving the endolymphatic hydrops. Otolaryngology 2014, 4:3. doi:10.4172/2161-119X.1000171
7. Zou J*, Pyykko I. Endolymphatic hydrops in Meniere’s disease secondary to otitis media and visualized by gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. World J Otorhinolaryngol. 2013; 3: 22-25.
10. Poe D, Zou J*, Zhang W, Qin J, Abo Ramadan U, Fornara A, Muhammed M, Pyykkö I., MRI of the Cochlea with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Compared to Gadolinium Chelate Contrast Agents in a Rat Model. Europ. J. nanomed., 2009. 2: p. 29-36.
11. Pyykkö I, Zou J, Kentala E, Stephens D. Tinnitus treatment – are drugs effective? Audiological Medicine, 2008;6:25-39
12. Zou J*, Pyykko I, Bjelke B, Toppila E. In vivo MRI visualization of endolymphatic ,hydrops induced by keyhole limpet hemocyanin round window immunization. Audiological Medicine 2007; 5: 182-87.
13. 張亞, 鄒靜*, Ilmari Pyykko, 吳皓. 線粒體毒素誘導伴有眩暈的突發性耳聾模型的建立.上海交通大學學報(醫學版)2007; 27(1):14-18.
17. Zou J*, Zhang Y, Pyykkö I, Wu H. An Animal Model of Sudden Onset Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Vestibular Function Disturbances Induced By Mitochondrial Toxin. Journal of Otology 2006; 1(2): 86-93.
18. Zou J*, Pyykko I, Bjelke B, Counter SA. 豚鼠外源性血管內皮細胞生長因子增強內耳屏障轉運作用的磁共振成像研究. 中華耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科雜誌. 2005;40(4):266-70.
19. Zou J*, Pyykko I, Bjelke B. 用MRI體內觀測鑰孔嘁血藍素中耳免疫誘導的內淋巴積水的初步探討. 中華耳科學 2005; 3: 200-203.
1. Focal Drug Delivery in Inner Ear Therapy:Focal Controlled Drug Delivery. Springer, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-4614-9433-1 (Print) 978-1-4614-9434-8 (Online), 2014.
2. Genes, Hearing and Deafness: From Molecular Biology to Clinical. Edited by Alessandro Martini,Dafydd Stephens,and Andrew P. Read,published by Informa Healthcare, London, 2007-07.