鄒雯莉,香港中文大學(深圳)經濟與管理學院市場行銷助理教授。 鄒教授在香港大學商學院獲得市場行銷博士學位,她的研究領域包括服務行銷,顧客擁擠,顧客喜悅,服務銷售雙元性等。
- 中文名:鄒雯莉
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:學者
- 畢業院校:香港大學
博士 市場行銷 香港大學 哲學碩士 市場學 香港理工大學 學士 廣告學 華南理工大學
Academic Publications/Presentations:
1. Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, Lili W. Zou, Echo Wen Wan, ‘Alleviating Customers’ Crowding Perceptions: The Role of Contrived Similarity’, Marketing Science 2016, Shanghai, China
2. Lili. W. Zou, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, and Kimmy W. Chan, ‘How to Create Customer Delight and Does It Really Drive Customer Loyalty? An Examination in a B2B Context’, Marketing Science 2015, Baltimore, US.
3. Lili W. Zou, Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, and Echo Wen Wan, ‘An Empirical Investigation of How Interpersonal Similarity Influences Customers’ Crowding Perceptions in Services Contexts’, EMAC 2015, Leuven, Belgium
4. Lili W. Zou and Ricky Y. K. Chan, ‘Exploring Consumers’ Intentions to Bring Their Own Shopping Bags: An Integrated Perspective’, LCBR European Marketing Conference 2010, Munich, Germany
Work in Progress:
1. Perceived crowding and contrived similarity, with Bennett Yim and Echo Wan
2. Social crowding vs. spatial crowding and anthropomorphism, with Echo Wan and Bennett Yim
3. Customer delight: A social comparison perspective, with Bennett Yim and Kimmy Chan
4. Service-sales ambidexterity: A multi-level analysis, with Bennett Yim and Kimmy Chan