- 中文名:鄒望遠
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:麻醉學
- 任職院校:中南大學
2008.9-2011.6中南大學| 麻醉學 博士學位| 博士研究生畢業 湘雅醫院
2001.9-2004.6中南大學| 麻醉學 碩士學位| 碩士研究生畢業 湘雅醫院
1996.9-2001.6 中南大學| 麻醉學 學士學位| 大學本科畢業 湘雅醫學院
2014.9-至今麻醉科| 湘雅醫院
2013.12-2014.12神經科學系| 約翰·霍普金斯大學醫學院 | 國家公派留學訪問學者
2013.9-至今麻醉科| 湘雅醫院
2007.9-2013.8麻醉科| 湘雅醫院
2004.7-2007.8麻醉科| 湘雅醫院
社會兼職內容:開始時間:2019-10-01 結束時間: 2022-09-01
社會兼職內容:開始時間:2015-09-01 結束時間: 2019-09-01
1. Zhang Z, Deng M, Huang J, et al.Microglial Annexin A3 downregulation alleviates bone cancer-induced pain viainhibiting the Hif-1α/VEGF signaling pathway [published online ahead of print,2020 Jun 18]. Pain. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001962. (SCI, IF=6.024, JCR Q1).
2. Wang J, Xu W, Kong Y,Huang J, Ding Z, Deng M, Guo Q, Zou W*.SNAP-25Contributes to Neuropathic Pain by Regulationof VGLuT2 Expression in Rats.Neuroscience. 2019 Nov 6.
3. Weng Y, Wu J, Li L,Shao J, Li Z, Deng M, Zou W*.Circular RNA expression profilein the spinal cord of morphine tolerated rats and screen of putative key circRNAs. Mol Brain. 2019 Sep 18;12(1):79.
4. Huang J, Wang J, GuoQ, ZouW*. Emerging roles of microRNAs in morphine
tolerance. J Pain Res.2019;12:1139-1147.
5. Liang X, Huang J, Xing M, He L, Zhu X,Weng Y, Guo Q, Zou W*. Risk factors and outcomes of urosepsis inpatients with calculous pyonephrosis receiving surgical intervention: asingle-center retrospective study. BMC Anesthesiol.2019;19(1):61.
6. Huang J, Liang X, Wang J, Kong Y, Zhang Z,Ding Z, Song Z, Guo Q, Zou W*.
miR-873a-5p Targets A20 to Facilitate MorphineTolerance in Mice.Front Neurosci.2019;13:347.
7. Huang J, Zhang C, Wang J, Guo Q, Zou W*.Oral Lactobacillus reuteri LR06 or
Bifidobacterium BL5b supplement do not produceanalgesic effects on neuropathic and inflammatory pain in rats. BrainBehav. 2019;9(4):e01260.
8. Shao J, Wang J, HuangJ, Liu C, Pan Y, Guo Q, Zou W*. Identification of lncRNA expression profiles and ceRNAanalysis in the spinal cord of morphine-tolerant rats. Mol Brain.2018;11(1):21.
9. Gui Y, Li A, Zhang J, Li G, Ruan X, Guo Q,Zou W*.α-Asarone Alleviated Chronic Constriction Injury-InducedNeuropathic Pain Through Inhibition of Spinal Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress inan Liver X Receptor-Dependent Manner. Anesth Analg. 2018;127(3):775-783. (SCI, JCR Q1).
10. Zou W*, Xu W, Song Z, Zhong T, Weng Y, Huang C, Li M, Zhang C,Zhan X, Guo Q*. Proteomic Identification of an Upregulated Isoform of AnnexinA3 in the Spinal Cords of Rats in a Neuropathic Pain Model. FrontNeurosci. 2017 5;11:484. (SCI, IF=3.566).
11. Zou W*, Shao J, LiangX, Li L, He Z, Guo Q. A randomized comparison of the
prone ventilation endotracheal tube versus thetraditional endotracheal tube in adult patients undergoing prone positionsurgery. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):1769. (SCI,IF=5.228, JCR Q1).
12. Wang J, Xu W, Shao J, He Z, Ding Z, HuangJ, Guo Q, Zou W*. miR-219-5p targets CaMKIIγ to attenuate morphinetolerance in rats. Oncotarget. 2017;8(17):28203-28214.
13. Wang J, Xu W, Zhong T, Song Z, Zou Y, DingZ, Guo Q, Dong X, Zou W*. miR-365 targets β-arrestin 2 to reversemorphine tolerance in rats. Sci Rep. 2016;6:38285. (SCI, IF=5.228, JCR Q1).
14. Weng HJ, Patel KN, Jeske NA, Bierbower SM, Zou W, Tiwari V, Zheng Q, Tang Z, Mo GC, Wang Y, Geng Y, Zhang J, Guan Y, Akopian AN, Dong X. Tmem100 Is a Regulator of TRPA1-TRPV1 Complex and Contributes to Persistent Pain. Neuron. 2015;85(4):833-846. (SCI, IF=15.982).
15. Zhong T, Guo Q, Zou W, Zhu X, Song Z, Sun B, He X, Yang Y. Neonatal isoflurane exposure induces neurocognitive impairment and abnormal hippocampal histone acetylation in mice. PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0125815.
16. Zhong T, Qing QJ, Yang Y, Zou WY, Ye Z, Yan JQ, Guo QL. Repression of contexual fear memory induced by isoflurane is accompanied by reduction in histone acetylation and rescued by sodium butyrate. Br J Anaesth. 2014;113(4):634-643.
17. He Z, Guo Q, Xiao M, He C, Zou W*.. Intrathecal Lentivirus-mediated Transfer of Interleukin-10 Attenuates Chronic Constriction Injury-induced Neuropathic Pain through Modulation of Spinal High-mobility Group Box 1 in Rats. Pain Physician.2013 ,16(5):E615-625. Intrathecal Lentivirus-mediated Transfer of Interleukin-10 Attenuates Chronic Constriction Injury-induced Neuropathic Pain through Modulation of Spinal High-mobility Group Box 1 in Rats.pdf
18. Zou W, Song Z, Guo Q, Liu C, Zhang Z, Zhang Y. Intrathecal Lentiviral-Mediated RNA Interference Targeting PKCγ Attenuates Chronic Constriction Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats. Hum Gene Ther. 2011; 22(4):465-475.
19. Zou W, Zhan X, Li M, Song Z, Liu C, Peng F, Guo Q. Identification of differentially expressed proteins in the spinal cord of neuropathic pain models with PKCgamma silence by proteomic analysis. Brain Res.2012;1440:34-46.
20. Song Z, Guo Q, Zhang J, Li M, Liu C, Zou W*. Proteomic Analysis of PKCγ-Related Proteins in the Spinal Cord of Morphine-Tolerant Rats. PLoS One.2012;7(7):e42068.
21. Song Z, Zou W*, Liu C, Guo Q. Gene knockdown with lentiviral vector-mediated intrathecal RNA interference of protein kinase C gamma reverses chronic morphine tolerance in rats. J Gene Med. 2010;12(11):873-880.
22. Zou W, Zhang W, Li X, Guo Q. A randomized crossover comparison of the prone ventilation endotracheal tube versus the traditional endotracheal tube in pediatric patients undergoing prone position surgery. Paediatr Anaesth. 2013;23(1):98-100. A randomized crossover comparison of the prone ventilation endotracheal tube versus the traditional endotracheal tube in pediatric patients undergoing prone position surgery.pdf
23. Zou W, Huang C, Yang Y, Pan Y, Yan J, Guo Q. Microinjection of HSV-1 amplicon vector-mediated human proenkephalin into the periaqueductal grey attenuates neuropathic pain in rats. Int J Neurosci. 2012; 122(4):189-194.
24. Zou W, Guo Q, Chen C, Yang Y, Wang E. Intrathecal herpes simplex virus type 1 amplicon vector-mediated human proenkephalin reduces chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain in rats. Mol Med Report. 2011;4(3):529-533.
25. Zou W, Hu H, Guo Q, Liu Y, Ren F, Yan J. A case of unusual difficult airway because of an intracranial foreign body of bamboo chopstick. Paediatr Anaesth.2009;19(9):921-923.
26. Zou W, Guo Q, Wang E, Cai J, Cheng Z. Intrathecal morphine suppresses immune function in rats with inflammatory-induced pain. J Int Med Res, 2007;35(5):626-636.
27. Liu C, Guo QL, Huang CS, Zou WY, Song ZB. Suppressing SNAP-25 and reversing glial glutamate transporters relieves neuropathic pain in rats by ameliorating imbalanced neurotransmission. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013 , 126(21):4100-4104.
28. Huang C, Zou W, Lee K, Wang E, Zhu X, Guo Q. Different symptoms of neuropathic pain can be induced by different degrees of compressive force on the C7 dorsal root of rats. Spine J. 2012;12(12):1154-1160.
29. Kuang X, Huang Y, Gu HF, Zu XY, Zou WY, Song ZB, Guo QL. Effects of intrathecal epigallocatechin gallate, an inhibitor of Toll-like receptor 4, on chronic neuropathic pain in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2012;676(1-3):51-56.
30. Zhu XY, Huang CS, Li Q, Chang RM, Song ZB, Zou WY, Guo QL. p300 exerts an epigenetic role in chronic neuropathic pain through its acetyltransferase activity in rats following chronic constriction injury (CCI). Mol Pain. 2012; 23;8(1):84.
31. Wang Y, Liu C, Guo QL, Yan JQ, Zhu XY, Huang CS, Zou WY. Intrathecal 5-azacytidine inhibits global DNA methylation and methyl- CpG-binding protein 2 expression and alleviates neuropathic pain in rats following chronic constriction injury. Brain Res. 2011; 1418:64-69.
32. Pan YD, Guo QL, Wang E, Ye Z, He ZH, Zou WY, Cheng ZG, Wang YJ. Intrathecal infusion of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate for the prevention and reversal ofneuropathic pain in rats using a sciatic chronic constriction injury model. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35(3):231-237.
[1]一種內源性的非編碼小 RNA miR-873的套用