- 中文名:鄒世春
- 外文名:Zou Shichun
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖北省鐘祥市
- 出生日期:1965年2月
- 職業:教授、博士生導師
- 畢業院校:中山大學
- 研究領域:分析化學與大氣環境
1996- Present 中山大學化學學院和海洋學院任副教授、教授。
2000-2001 香港理工大學,訪問學者。
1993-1996 中山大學,分析化學專業,獲博士學位。
1989-1993 湖北工業大學化學工程系,助教、講師。
1982-1989 長春地質學院(吉林大學),分析化學專業,分別獲學士、碩士學位。
(2)國家海洋公益性行業科研專項: 海洋生態環境監測儀器產業化及示範套用研究,2010.7-2015.6。
(11)廣東省教育廳項目:珠江三角洲城市碳氣溶膠的釋放、輸送和轉化研究, 2002.07-2004.06。
[1] Ling, Z.H., Yang, Y., Zou, S.C.*, He, Z.M., Zhang, T., Zhang,G., A preliminary investigation on the occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the Beijiang River, south China. Journal of environmental Sciences, 25(9), 2013。
[2] Shichun Zou, Weihai Xu, Ruijie Zhang, Jianhui Tang, Yingjun Chen, Gan Zhang, Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in coastal water of the Bohai Bay, China: impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Environmental Pollution, 159:1-8,2011。
[3] Zhenhao Ling, Shichun Zou*, Chuncheng Lee, Kinfai Ho, Characterizing the Gas-phase Organochlorine Pesticides in the atmosphere over the Pearl River Delta Region, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11: 238–246, 2011。
[4] H. Guo, S.C. Zou, W.Y. Tsai, L.Y. Chan, D.R. Blake, Emission characteristics of nonmethane hydrocarbons from private cars and taxis at different driving speeds in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 45:2711-2721, 2011。
[5] LAI Sen-chao, ZOU Shi-chun*, CAO Jun-ji, LEE Shun-cheng, HO Kin-fai, Characterizing ionic species in PM2.5 and PM10 in four Pearl River Delta cities, South China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19(2007) 939–947。
[6] S.C. Zou, G. Zhang, X.D. Li, Determination of trace macrolides in river water using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, Proceeding of Annual meeting of American Chem. Association, Washington, Aug.30-Sept.2, 2005。
[7] Shichun Zou, S. C. Lee, C.Y. Chan, K.F. Ho, X.M. Wang, L.Y. Chan, Z.X. Zhang, Characterization of ambient volatile organic compounds at a landfill site in Guangzhou, South China, Chemsphere, 51:1015-1022, 2003。
[8] S.C. Lee, S.C. Zou*, K. F. Ho, L. Y. Chan, Direct Ultrasonic Agitation for Rapid Extraction of Particulate Organic Matter from Atmospheric Aerosol, Fresenius’ Anal. Chemistry, 369:166- 169, 2001。
[9] Weihai Xu, Gan Zhang, Xiangdong Li, Shichun Zou, Ping Li, Zhaohui Hu, Jun Li, Occurrence and elimination of antibiotics at four sewage treatment plants in the Pearl River Delta, South China, Water Research, 41, 4526-4534, 2007。
[10] Wei-hai Xu, Gan Zhang, Shi-chun Zou, Xiang-dong Li, Yu-chun Liu, Determination of selected antibiotics in the Victoria Harbour and the Pearl River, South China using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry Environmental Pollution 145, 672-679, 2007。
[11] W. H. Xu, G. Zhang, S.C. Zou, et al., Determination of selected antibiotics in the Victoria Harbor and the Pearl River, South China using HPLC- ESI-MS-MS, Environmental Pollution, 1-8, 2006。
[12] L.Y. Chan, K. W. Chu, S. C. Zou et al., Characteristics of NMHCs in industrial, industrial-urban and industrial suburban atmospheres of the PRD region of south China, Journal of Geophysical Research (JJR), 111:1-9, 2006。
[13] C.H. Ao, S.C. Lee, S.C. Zou, C.L. Mak, Inhibition effect of SO2 on NOx and VOCs during the photodegradation of synchronous indoor air pollutants at ppb level by TiO2, App. Catal. B-Environmental, 49: 187 -193, 2004。
[14] Li Xiangli, Lin Li, Zou Shichun, Lan Chongyu , Luan Tiangang, Determination of Bisphenol A in Landfill Leachate by Solid Phase Microextraction with Headspace Derivatization and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry, Chinese Journal of Aanal. Chem., 34(3) 325-328, 2006。
[15] J.J Cao, S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, X.Y. Zhang, S.C. Zou, Kochy Fung, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol in Pearl River Delta Region, China during 2001 winter period, Atmospheric Environment, 37(2003) 1451-1460。
[16] H. Guo, S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, X.M. Wang, S.C. Zou, Particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air of Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment, 37(2003) 5307-5317。
[17] J.J. Cao, S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, S.C. Zou, X.Y. Zhang, J.G. Pan, Spatial and seasonal distributions of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosol in Pearl River Delta, China, China Particuology, 1(2003) 33-37。
[18] S.C. Lee a, M.Y. Chiu, K.F. Ho, S.C. Zou, Xinming Wang, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban atmosphere of Hong Kong, Chemosphere, 48 (2002) 375-382。
[19] C.Y. Chan, L.Y. Chan, X.M. Wang, Y.M. Liu, S.C. Lee, S.C. Zou, G.Y. Sheng, J.M. Fu, Volatile organic compounds in roadside microenvironments of metropolitan Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment, 36 (2002) 2039-2047。
[20] L.Y. Chan, W.L. Lau, S.C. Zou, Z.X. Cao, S.C. Lai, Exposure level of carbon monoxide and respirable suspended particulate in public transportation modes while commuting in urban area of Guangzhou, China, Atmospheric Environment, 36 (2002) 5831-5840。
[21] K.F. Ho, S.C. Lee, Jimmy C.Y, S.C. Zou, Kochy Fung, Carbonaceous characteristics of atmospheric particulate matter in Hong Kong, The Science of the Total Environment, 300(2002) 59–67。
[22] 鄒世春,朱春敬,賀竹梅,欒天罡,徐維海,張乾,北江河水中抗生素抗性基因污染初步研究,生態毒理學報,2009。
[23] 鄒世春,帥率,欒天罡,張和清,沈潛,超聲-微波協同萃取裝置用於土壤中多環芳烴分析,分析化學,34:889-893, 2006。
[24] 劉玉春,徐維海,余莉莉,李向東,張乾,鄒世春*,固相萃取液相色譜-質譜-質譜聯用測定河水中大環內酯類抗生素,分析測試學報,25:1-5, 2006。
[25] 肖鍵,劉林梅,鄒世春,水環境中紅黴素和羅紅黴素抗生素的光降解研究,廣州化學,33(2)1-6,2008。
[26] 李向麗,林里,鄒世春,藍崇鈺,欒天罡,衍生化固相微萃取與GC-MS聯用測定生活垃圾滲瀝液中雙酚A, 分析化學,33:2005。
[27] 葉計朋,鄒世春,張乾,徐維海, 典型抗生素類藥物在珠江三角洲水體中的污染特徵, 生態環境 2007, 16(2): 384-388。
[28] 徐維海,張乾,鄒世春,李向東,李平,胡朝暉,李軍,典型抗生素類藥物在城市污水處理廠中的含量水平及其行為特徵,環境科學,28 (8), 2007。
[29] 賴森潮,葉計朋,鄒世春*,廣州冬季PM10和PM2.5中有機碳與元素碳濃度水平及分布特徵,過程工程學報,4:711-716, 2004。
[30] 葉兆賢,張乾,鄒世春*,李軍,祁士華,劉國卿,珠三角大氣多環芳烴(PAHs)的乾濕沉降,中山大學學報,49:87-93, 2004。
[31] 賴森潮,葉計朋,張穎儀,鄒世春*,曹軍驥,李順誠,廣州夏季大氣中氣溶膠濃度水平及污染特徵,中山大學學報,43:5-11, 2004。
[32] 徐維海,張乾,鄒世春,李向東,劉玉春,SPE-LC-MS-MS法分析水體中痕量抗生素研究,環境化學,25(2)232-233, 2006。
[33] 董軍,欒天罡,鄒世春,藍崇鈺,張桂宗,黃銘洪,珠江三角洲淡水養殖沉積物及魚體中DDTs和PAHs 的殘留與風險分析,生態環境,15: 693-696, 2006。
[34] 賴森潮,蘇廣寧,鄒世春*,曹軍驥,廣州市部分居室空氣中PM2.5污染特徵,環境與健康雜誌,23(1), 39-41, 2006。
[35] 鄒世春,曹志祥,張展霞,何建輝,李順誠,廣州路邊空氣中羰基污染物濃度及其變化,中山大學學報,42:70-73, 2004。