

郭興,男,1983年出生,籍貫山西省太原市,教授,博士生導師,博士研究生畢業於北京協和醫學院遺傳學專業。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項,在SCI收錄期刊雜誌上發表文章7篇,代表性論文發表在JCI、Nature Communications等專業高水平雜誌上。2017年進入南京醫科大學神經學系工作,被聘為教授、博士生導師。


  • 中文名稱:郭興
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1983年
  • 教學職稱:教授
  • 執業地點:南京醫科大學
  • 研究方向:神經生物學
1.Guo X,Sun XY, Hu D, Zhang RL, Wang YJ, Fujioka H, Luo Y, and Qi X, VCP recruitment to mitochondria by mutant Huntingtin causes mitophagy impairment and neurodegeneration in models of Huntington's disease,Nat Commun, 2016 Aug 26;7:12646.PMID:27561680
2.Guo X,Disatnik MH, Monbureau M, Shamloo M, Mochly-Rosen D and Qi X, Inhibition of mitochondrial fragmentation diminishes Huntington’s disease-associated neurodegeneration.J Clin Invest, 2013 Dec 2;123(12): 5371-88. PMID: 24231356.
3.Guo Xand Qi X, VCP cooperates with UBXD1 to degrade mitochondrial outer membrane protein MCL1 under the conditions associated with Huntington's disease.BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease, 2017Feb;1863(2):552-559.PMID:27913212
4.Guo X, Sesaki H and Qi X, Drp1 stabilizes p53 on the mitochondria to trigger necrosis under oxidative stress conditions in vitro and in vivo.Biochem J,2014 Jul 1;461(1):137-46. PMID: 24758576. (Highlighted by Biochem J via podcast, 2014 Jul)
5.Su YC,Guo Xand Qi X,Threonine56 phosphorylation of Bcl-2 is required for LRRK2 G2019S-induced mitochondrial depolarization and autophagy.BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease,2015 Jan, 1852(1): 12-21(Co-first author)PMID: 25446991
6.Guo X, Shen S, Song SS, He S, Cui Y, Xing GC, Wang J, Fan LB, He FC, Zhang LQ. The E3 ligase Smurf1 regulates Wolfram syndrome protein stability at the endoplasmic reticulum.J. Biol. Chem.2011, 286(20):18037-18047.PMID:21454619
7.Luo X,Wu J,Li Y,Nan Z,Guo X,Wang Y,Zhang A,Wang Z,Xia G,Tian Y. Synergistic Effects of GhSOD1 and GhCAT1 Overexpression in Cotton Chloroplasts on Enhancing Tolerance to Methyl Viologen and Salt Stresses.Plos one.2013 Jan 15; 8(1): 1-11. PMID:23335985


