- 中文名:郭熙志
- 畢業院校:中科院上海植物生理生態所
- 主要成就:骨骼發育與相關疾病的分子機理研究”項目首席科學家
- 性別:男
2005年獲美國ASBMR學會傑出青年科學家獎,2005年獲美國國立衛生研究院優秀博士後研究獎,2007 國家重大科學研究計畫“骨骼發育與相關疾病的分子機理研究”項目首席科學家。2008年上海“浦江人才”計畫獲得者。
骨骼發育與疾病的致病機理和治療方案的研究和開發,包括骨關節炎和骨質疏鬆的分子遺傳學分析,骨骼發育的轉錄調控分析,非編碼RNA 在骨骼發育和疾病中的作用研究,骨髓幹細胞在治療骨骼疾病中的作用研究等。
1. Zhu X, Zhu H, Zhang L, Huang S, Cao J, Ma G, Feng G, He L, Yang Y, Guo X*. Wls-mediated Wnts differentially regulate distal limb patterning and tissue morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2012 Feb 22. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Yang J, Qin S, Yi C, Ma G, Zhu H, Zhou W, Xiong Y, Zhu X, Wang Y, He L, Guo X*. MiR-140 is co-expressed with Wwp2-C transcript and activated by Sox9 to target Sp1 in maintaining the chondrocyte proliferation. FEBS Lett. 2011;585(19):2992-7.
3. Xiao Y, Zhang L, He K, Gao X, Yang L, He L, Ma G, Guo X*. Characterization of a novel missense mutation on murine Pax3 through ENU mutagenesis. J Genet Genomics. 2011; 38(8):333-9.
4. Guo X, Mak KK, Taketo MM, Yang Y*. The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway interacts differentially with PTHrP signaling to control chondrocyte hypertrophy and final maturation. PLoS One. 2009; 26;4(6):e6067.
5. Lin C#, Jiang X#, Dai Z, Guo X, Weng T, Wang J, Li Y, Feng G, Gao X*, He L*. Sclerostin Mediates Bone Response to Mechanical Unloading via Antagonizing Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling. J Bone Miner Res. 2009; 24(10):1651-61.
6. Zhou J, Meng J, Guo S, Gao B, Ma G, Zhu X, Hu J, Xiao Y, Lin C, Wang H, Ding L, Feng G, Guo X, He L*. IHH and FGF8 coregulate elongation of digit primordia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007; 363(3):513-8.
7. Day TF#, Guo X#, Garrett-Beal L, Yang Y*. Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Mesenchymal Progenitors Controls Osteoblast and Chondrocyte Differentiation during Vertebrate Skeletogenesis. Dev Cell. 2005; 8 (5): 739-750.
8. Guo X#, Day TF#, Jiang X, Garrett-Beal L, Topol L, Yang Y*. Wnt/-catenin signaling is sufficient and necessary for synovial joint formation. Genes Dev. 2004; 18:2404-2417.