郝青振 ,男,博士,中國科學院地質與地球物理研究,新生代地質與環境研究室,副研究員。
- 中文名:郝青振
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:河北柏鄉
- 性別:男
職稱: 研究員 學歷: 博士
現任中國土壤學會第十一屆理事會“土壤地質分專業委員會”委員。曾為Geology、Quaternary Science Reviews、Science in China、Acta Geologica Sinica、Frontiers of Earth Science in China、中國科學、第四紀研究、地質學報、地理科學等雜誌審稿。已發表論文30餘篇,其中SCI論文19篇(第一作者論文7篇)。
中科院知識創新重要方向項目二級課題: 環境記錄的年代地層學研究(kzcx2-yw-117-1),55萬,2007.01-2009.12,同時作為本項目“風塵堆積記錄的不同時間尺度的高低緯相互作用研究-全球變冷過程的不同場景對我國季風環境的影響”第二負責人(總經費220萬)。
Hao Qingzhen, Wang Luo, Oldfield Frank, Peng Shuzhen, Qin Li, Song Yang, Xu Bing, Qiao Yansong, Bloemendal Jan, Guo Zhengtang, 2012.Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400,000-year minima in insolation variability. Nature, 490, 393-396, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature11493. [Data], [Supplementary Information]
Hao Qingzhen, Oldfield Frank, Bloemendal Jan, Guo Zhengtang, 2012. Hysteresis and thermomagnetic properties of particle-sized fractions from loess and palaeosol samples spanning 22 Myr of accumulation on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Journal International
Hao, Q., Guo, Z., Qiao, Y., Xu, B., and Oldfield, F., 2010. Geochemical evidence for the provenance of Middle Pleistocene loess deposits in southern China Quaternary Science Reviews,
Hao Q., Oldfield, F., Bloemendal, J., Torrent, J., and Guo, Z., 2009. The record of changing Hematite and Goethite deposition over the last 22Ma on the Chinese Loess Plateau from magnetic measurements and Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research
Hao, Q., Oldfield, F., Bloemendal, J. and Guo, Z., 2008. Particle size separation and evidence for pedogenesis in samples from the Chinese Loess Plateau spanning the last 22 Ma. Geology
Hao, Q., Oldfield, F., Bloemendal, J. and Guo, Z., 2008. The magnetic properties of loess and paleosol samples from the Chinese Loess Plateau spanning the last 22 million years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Hao, Q. and Guo, Z., 2007. Magnetostratigraphy of an early-middle Miocene loess-soil sequence in the western Loess Plateau of China. Geophysical Research Letters
Hao, Q. and Guo, Z., 2005. Spatial variations of magnetic susceptibility of Chinese loess for the last 600 ka: Implications for monsoon evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research
Hao, Q. and Guo Z., 2004. Magnetostratigraphy of a late Miocene-Pliocene loess-soil sequence in the western Loess Plateau in China. Geophysical Research Letters
Hao, Q. and Guo, Z., 2001. Quantitative measurements on the paleo-weathering intensity of the loess-soil sequences and the implication on paleomonsoon. Science in China, Ser. D [郝青振, 郭正堂,2001. 1.2Ma以來黃土-古土壤序列風化成壤強度的定量化研究與東亞夏季風演化.中國科學
郝青振,郭正堂,彭淑貞,2000. 隴西第三紀紅土磁學性質初步研究. 第四紀研究
Oldfield, F. Hao, Q. Bloemendal, J. Gibbs-Eggar, Z.Patil, S., and Guo, Z., 2009. Links between particle size and magnetic grain size: general observations and some implications for Chinese loess studies. Sedimentology
Guo, Z.T., Ruddiman, W. F., Hao, Q.Z., Wu, H.B., Qiao, Y.S., Zhu, R.X., Peng, S.Z, Wei, J. J., Yuan, B.Y., Liu, T.S, 2002. Onset of Asian desertification by 22 Myr ago inferred from loess deposits in China. Nature,
Peng Shuzhen,Hao Qingzhen, Oldfield Frank, Guo Zhengtang, 2013. Release of iron from chlorite weathering and links to magnetic enhancement in Chinese loess deposits.Catena, (in press)
Wang, L., Li, J., Lu, H., Gu, Z., Rioual, P., Hao, Q., Mackay, A., Jiang, W., Cai, B., Xu, B., Han, J., Chu, G., 2012, The East Asian winter monsoon over the last 15,000 years: its links to high-latitudes and tropical climate systems and complex correlation to the summer monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews,
Bing Xu, Zhaoyan Gu, Chengyuan Wang, Qingzhen Hao, Jingtai Han, Qiang Liu, Luo Wang, Yanwu Lu, 2012. Carbon isotopic evidence for the associations of decreasing atmospheric CO2 level with the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction. J. Geophys. Res.
Xiao, G., Guo, Z., Dupont-Nivet, G., Lu, H., Wu, N., Ge, J., Hao, Q., Peng, S., Li, F., Abels, H., Zhang, K., 2012, Evidence for northeastern Tibetan Plateau uplift between 25 and 20 Ma in the sedimentary archive of the Xining Basin, Northwestern China. Earth and Planetary Letters,
Qiao, Y., Hao, Q., Peng, S., Wang, Y., Li, J., Liu, Z., 2011, Geochemical characteristics of the eolian deposits in southern China, and their implications for provenance and weathering intensity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Xu, B., Gu, Z., Han, J., Hao, Q., Lu, Y., Wang, L., Wu, N., Pei, Y., 2011, Radiocarbon age anomalies of land snail shells in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Geochronolog
Guo, Z.T., Sun, B., Zhang, Z.S., Peng, S.Z., Xiao, G.Q., Ge, J.Y., Hao, Q.Z., Qiao, Y.S., Liang, M.Y., Liu, J.Q., Yin, Q.Z. and Wei, J.J., 2008. A major reorganization of Asian climate by the early Miocene. Climate of the Pas
Li, F.J., Wu, N.Q., Pei, Y.P., Hao, Q.Z., Rousseau, D., 2006. Wind-blown origin of Dongwan late Miocene-Pliocene dust sequence documented by land snail record in western Chinese Loess Plateau. Geology
Qiao, Y.S., Guo, Z.T, Hao, Q.Z., Yin, Q.Z., Yuan, B.Y. and Liu, T.S., 2006. Grain-size features of a Miocene loess-soil sequence at Qinan: Inplications on its origin. Science in China, Series D[喬彥松,郭正堂,郝青振,尹秋珍,袁寶印,劉東生,2006. 中新世黃土-古土壤序列的粒度特徵及其對成因的指示意義.中國科學,D輯
Liu Jinfeng, Guo Zhengtang, Qiao Yansong, Hao Qingzhen, Yuan Baoyin, 2006. Eolian origin of the Miocene loess-soil sequence at Qin’an, China: evidence of quartz morphology and quartz grain-size. Chinese Science Bulletin [劉進鋒,郭正堂,喬彥松,郝青振,袁寶印,2005. 秦安中新世黃土-土壤序列石英顆粒形態特徵、粒度分布及其對成因的指示意義. 科學通報
Guo, Z.T., Peng, S.Z., Hao, Q.Z., Biscaye, P. E., An, Z.S. and Liu, T.S., 2004. Late Miocene-Pliocene development of Asian aridification as recorded in an eolian sequence in northern China. Global and Planetary Changes
Qiao Yansong, Guo Zhengtang, Hao Qingzhen, Wu Wenxiang, Jiang Wenying, Yuan Baoyin, Zhang Zhongshi, Wei Jianjing and Zhao Hua, 2003, Loess-soil sequences in southern AnhuiProvince: magnetostratigraphy and paleoclimatic significance. Chinese Science Bulletin,. [喬彥松,郭正堂,郝青振,吳文祥,姜文英,袁寶印,張仲石,魏建晶,趙華, 2003, 皖南風塵堆積-土壤序列的磁性地層學研究及其古環境意義. 科學通報
Jiang, W.Y., Peng, S.Z., Hao, Q,Z. and Liu, T.S., 2002. Carbon isotopic records in paleosols over the Pliocene in Northern China: implication on vegetation development and Tibetan uplift. Chinese Science Bulletin. [姜文英,彭淑貞,郝青振, 劉東生, 2001. 上新世紅粘土的碳同位素記錄與青藏高原隆升的關係. 科學通報
Guo, Z.T., Peng, S.Z., Hao, Q.Z., Biscaye, P.E., Liu, T.S., 2001. Origin of the Miocene-Pliocene red-earth formation at Xifeng in Northern China and implications for paleoenvironments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Zo, X.Y., Wang, Z.L., Hao, Q.Z., Zhang, C.L., Liu, Y.Z. and Dong, G.R., 2001. The Distribution of velocity and energy of saltating sand grains in a wind tunnel. Geomorphology
Zou Xueyong, Hao Qingzhen, Zhang Chunlai et al., 1999. The trajectory parameters analysis of saltating sand grains driven by wind. Chinese Science Bulletin鄒學勇,郝青振,張春來,楊保,劉玉璋,董光榮,周紹祥,風沙流中躍移沙粒軌跡參數分析. 科學通報
許晨曦, 郝青振, 楊石嶺, 趙淑君, 周鑫, 葛俊逸, 肖國橋, 2011. 黃土高原東南部黃土記錄的全新世東亞季風變化. 地質力學學報
姚玉鵬, 劉羽, 張進江, 熊巨華, 郝青振, 鄭德順,2010. 2010年度地質學科項目受理與資助分析. 地球科學進展
許晨曦,郝青振,楊石嶺,趙淑君,周鑫,葛俊逸,肖國橋.2010. 黃土高原東南部黃土記錄的全新世東亞季風變化.地質力學學報 (接收)
姚玉鵬,劉羽,張進江,熊巨華,郝青振,張曉東, 2009. 2009年度地質學科項目受理與資助分析. 地球科學進展,
袁寶印,郭正堂,喬彥松,郝青振,2008. 地文期及其在新生代黃土和古地理研究中的意義. 地質通報,
尹秋珍, 肖國橋, 郭正堂, 葛俊逸, 郝青振, 袁寶印, 2007. 風塵堆積常見的同沉積和沉積後改造特徵及其環境意義. 第四紀研究
袁寶印, 郭正堂, 郝青振, 彭淑貞, 喬彥松, 吳海斌, 肖國橋, 葛俊逸, 孫斌, 周鑫, 尹秋珍, 梁美艷, 秦利, 劉戀, 姚政權, 劉東生, 2007. 天水秦安一帶中新世黃土堆積區沉積-地貌演化. 第四紀研究
周鑫, 郭正堂, 彭淑貞, 郝青振, 肖國橋, 葛俊逸, 秦利. 西峰剖面午城黃土古風化強度變化與早更新世季風環境演化. 第四紀研究
葛俊逸、郭正堂、郝青振,2006. 特徵時期黃土高原風化成壤強度的空間特徵及氣候梯度. 第四紀研究
孫斌, 郭正堂, 尹秋珍, 郝青振, 2006. 西寧第四紀黃土- 古土壤序列中的可溶鹽、來源及環境意義. 第四紀研究,
姚政權,郭正堂,陳宇坤,肖國橋,邵永新,王旭龍, 郝青振,盧演儔,安芷生,2006.渤海灣海陸互動相沉積的磁性地層學研究.海洋地質與第四紀地質
劉進鋒,郭正堂,郝青振,彭淑貞,喬彥松,孫斌,葛俊逸,2005. 甘肅秦安糜子灣剖面中新世黃土堆積的磁性地層學研究. 第四紀研究
喬彥松,郭正堂,郝青振,吳文祥,張仲石,趙華,朱日祥,2002. 安徽宣城風成堆積序列的磁性地層學研究與古環境意義. 地質力學學報
樂小橫, 徐旭榮,郝青振. 2000. 江西銀山礦區次火山岩岩石地球化學特徵及形成大地構造環境. 大地構造與成礦學
張春來,郝青振,鄒學勇等,1999. 新月形沙丘迎風坡形態及沉積物對表面氣流的回響. 中國沙漠
郭正堂,彭淑貞,郝青振等,晚第三紀中國西北乾旱化的發展及其與北極冰蓋形成演化和青藏高原隆升的關係. 第四紀研究
郝青振,鄒學勇,董光榮等,1998. 室內沙風洞空洞條件下流場規律. 中國沙漠