



  • 中文名:郅倫海
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:結構風工程、結構健康監測
  • 任職院校:合肥工業大學


2006.09-2011.03 湖南大學土木工程學院 結構工程 博士
2003.09-2006.06 武漢理工大學土木工程與建築學院 結構工程 碩士
1999.9年-2003.07 煙臺大學土木工程學院 土木工程 學士
2018.08至今 合肥工業大學 土木工程與水利工程學院教授 博導
2012.10-2018.07 武漢理工大學 土木工程與建築學院 副教授
2011.03-2012.09 武漢理工大學 土木工程與建築學院 講師
2008.08-2009.09 香港城市大學 建築系 研究助理
國家自然科學基金通訊評議專家、安徽省科技項目評審專家、江西省科技項目評審專家、教育部學位論文評審專家以及Journal of structural Engineering(ASCE)、Journal of Sound and Vibration、Applied Method、Wind and Structures、Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America、 Advances in Meteorology 等多個國際著名SCI 期刊的評審專家。




3.風機影響下開洞超高層建築風效應及洞口風能聚集機理研究(武漢理工大學高新技術類重大項目預研-交叉培育研究項目, 2017年-2018年,項目負責人)
5.超高層建築風效應的大渦模擬研究(霍英東青年基金, 2014年-2016年,項目負責人)
[1]Lunhai Zhi (郅倫海), Pan Yu, Qiu-Sheng Li, Bo Chen, Mingxin Fang. Identification of wind loads on super-tall buildings by Kalman filter. Computers and Structures, 2018,208:105-117. (JCR一區, SCI收錄)
[2]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Q.S. Li, Mingxin Fang. Identification of Wind Loads and Estimation of Structural Responses of Super-tall Buildings by an Inverse Method. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,31(12):966-982, 2016.(JCR一區,Top 期刊,SCI收錄)
[3]Zhi L H(郅倫海), Fang M X, Li Q S. Estimation of wind loads on a tall building by an inverse method. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2017,24(4): e1908.( JCR一區, SCI收錄)
[4]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Q. S. Li, Mingxin Fang and Jun Yi. Identification of Wind Loads onSupertall Buildings Using Kalman Filtering-Based Inverse Method. Journal of structural Engineering,ASCE,2017,143(4):1-6. (美國土木工程協會會刊,JCR二區, SCI收錄)
[5]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Pan Yu, Jian-wei Tu, Bo Chen, Yong-gui Li. A Kalman Filter Based Algorithm for Wind Load Estimation on High-rise Buildings. Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2017,26(4), 449-459. (JCR二區, SCI收錄)
[6]Lun-hai Zhi (郅倫海), Bo Chen, Ming-xin Fang. Wind load estimation of super-tall buildings based on response data. Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2015,56(4),625-648. (JCR二區,SCI收錄)
[7]Bo Chen, Jing-bo Wu, Lunhai Zhi (郅倫海)*,Ke Feng. Performance evaluation of a reticulated shell with atmospheric corrosion damage. Advances in Structural Engineering
[8]Bo Chen, Shun Weng, Lunhai Zhi (郅倫海)*, Dongming Li. Response control of a large transmission tower-line system under seismic excitations using friction dampers. Advances in Structural Engineering,2017,20(8):1155-1173. (JCR四區,SCI收錄,通訊作者)
[9]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Q.S. Li, J.R. Wu, Z.N. Li. Field Monitoring of Wind Effects on a Super-tall Building during Typhoons. Wind and Structures,2011,14(3),253-283.(JCR四區,SCI收錄)
[10]Q.S. Li, L. H. Zhi (郅倫海), J.Yi, Alex To, Jiming Xie. Monitoring of typhoon effects on a super-tall building in Hong Kong. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2014,21(6),926-949. (JCR一區, SCI收錄)
[11]Q.S. Li, Lun-hai Zhi(郅倫海), Alex Y. Tuan, Chin-Sheng Kao, Sheng-chung Su, Chien-Fu Wu. Dynamic behavior of Taipei 101 Tower: field measurement and numerical analysis. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE.2011,137(1),143-155 .( 美國土木工程協會會刊,JCR二區,SCI收錄)
[12]Q.S. Li, Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Fei Hu. Boundary layer wind structure from observations on a 325 m tower. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2010.12, 98(12),818-832 .( JCR一區, SCI收錄)
[13]Q.S. Li, Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Fei Hu. Field monitoring of boundary layer wind characteristics in urban area. Wind and Structures, 2009,12(6), 553-574. (JCR四區,SCI收錄)
[14]C.L.Lu, Q.S.Li, S.H.Huang, A.Y.Tuan, L.H.Zhi(郅倫海) and Sheng-chung Su. Evaluation of wind loads and wind induced responses of a super-tall building by large eddy simulation, Wind and Structure, 23(4):313-350,2016. (JCR四區,SCI收錄)
[15]Yue Zheng, Xiang Xiao, Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), GuoboWang. Evaluation on Impact Interaction between Abutment and Steel Girder Subjected to Nonuniform Seismic Excitation. Shock and Vibration,2015,2015,1-14. (JCR三區, SCI收錄)
[16]孫猛猛,郅倫海*, 基於VMD 的建築結構模態參數識別, 振動與衝擊,2018.(已錄用,EI全文檢索期刊,通訊作者)
[17]孫猛猛,郅倫海*, 環境風激勵下中信廣場的模態參數識別, 振動、測試與診斷,2018.(已錄用,EI全文檢索期刊,通訊作者)
[18]李秋勝, 郅倫海*, 段永定, 高金盛, 蘇聖中.台北101大樓風致回響實測及分析. 建築結構學報, 2010, 31(3), 24-31. (中國建築學會會刊,EI收錄,通訊作者)
[19]李秋勝, 郅倫海, 胡非.沙塵暴天氣下城市中心邊界層風剖面觀測及分析.土木工程學報, 2009, 42(12), 83-90. (中國土木工程學會會刊,EI收錄,博士導師第1,本人第2)
[20]郅倫海,毛碩,高聳結構風荷載特性的風洞試驗研究. 武漢理工大學學報, 2018, 40(1):1-8.
[21]郅倫海, 余攀. 基於卡爾曼濾波的高層建築風荷載反演研究. 武漢理工大學學報, 2016, 38(2):57-63.
[22]郅倫海,王英傑,陳波. 複雜截面超高層建築風效應的風洞試驗研究. 2018, 40(2):1-8.
[23]方明新 ,楊志勇,郅倫海. 超高層建築橫風向荷載反演分析.振動與衝擊,2015,34(22),35-41. (EI收錄)
[24]郅倫海,姜舒亞. 多國規範城市地貌風特性關鍵參數的對比研究.武漢理工大學學報,2014,36(4),100-105.
[25]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海),Shuya Jiang, Chunling Lu, Study on wind load characteristics of a super tall building based on numerical simulation, 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials ,Haikou, Hainan, 810-813,2014. (EI收錄)
[26]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Boundary layer wind characteristics over urban area. 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation,Kunming, Yunnan,2297-2300,2014. (EI收錄)
[27]Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Spectral characteristics and correlation of dynamic wind loads of a typical super-tall building. 3th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, Jinan, Shandong, 347-350,2013. (EI收錄)
[28]郅倫海,李秋勝. 不同風場下典型高層建築風壓分布的試驗研究.武漢理工大學學報,2013,35(1),88-93.
[30]Lun-hai Zhi(郅倫海) ,Q.S. Li. Study on Wind Loads of a Typical Super-tall Building. The 12th International Symposium on Structural Engineering,Wuhan, China, 2012,698-702.(EI收錄).
[31]L.H. Zhi(郅倫海), Q.S. Li, Z.N. Li, J.R. Wu. Full-scale measurements of typhoon effects on a super RC tall building based on a remote monitoring system. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 400-402,815-820. (EI收錄)
[32]郅倫海, 楊志勇, 李秋勝, 李正農.多層工業廠房設備耦聯振動的動力最佳化分析. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, 35(7), 25-30. (EI收錄)
[33]郅倫海, 李秋勝, 胡非. 城市地區近地強風特性實測研究. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 36(2), 8-12. (EI收錄)
[34]李秋勝,李永貴,郅倫海.典型高層住宅建築風壓分布特性的試驗研究.湖南大學學報(自然科學版),2011,38(4),14-19. (EI收錄).
[35]李正農, 宋克, 李秋勝, 郅倫海, 吳玖榮. 廣州中信廣場颱風特性與結構回響的相關性分析.實驗流體力學.2009, 23(4), 22-27.
[36]郅倫海,孫猛猛,李秋勝. 強颱風作用下超高層建築的模態參數識別,第十九屆全國結構風工程學術會議,2019.04.
[40]張明亮, 郅倫海, 李秋勝. 超高層建築風壓分布的風洞試驗研究. 第十五屆全國結構風工程學術會議. 杭州: 中國土木工程學會,2011,553-556.
[41]李秋勝,義君,郅倫海.颱風過程中超高層建築的動態回響實測及分析—基於香港衛星定位參考站網的GPS監測系統的建立及套用. 第十五屆全國結構風工程學術會議. 杭州: 中國土木工程學會,2011,553-556.
[42]Q.S.Li, J.Yi, L.H.Zhi(郅倫海), Alex.To, Monitoring of typhoon effects on a super-tall building in Hong Kong. 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Amsterdam , Netherlands, 2011.
[43]Q.S. Li, L.H. Zhi(郅倫海), J. Yi, Jiming Xie, Alex.To. Monitoring of wind effects and validations with wind tunnel study for a super-tall building, International symposium on life-cycle performance of bridges and structures, Changsha, China, 2010,29-36.
[44]Q.S. Li, L.H. Zhi(郅倫海), J. Yi, Alex.To. Field measurements of typhoon effects on the tallest building in Hong Kong. The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.
[45]Q.S. Li, Jiming Xie, Alex To, L.H.Zhi(郅倫海). Wind tunnel studies and their validations with field measurements for a super-tall building.The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.
[46]Q.S. Li, L.H. Zhi(郅倫海), J. Yi, Alex.To. Full-scale monitoring of typhoon effects on a super-tallest building.第十四屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集, 北京: 中國土木工程學會, 2009,313-318.
[47]李秋勝, 郅倫海, 段永定, 高金盛, 蘇聖中.台北101大樓風致回響實測及計算分析研究. 第十四屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集, 北京: 中國土木工程學會, 2009,307-312.
[48]Q.S. Li, Lunhai Zhi(郅倫海), Fei Hu. Field measurements of wind characteristics in urban area .The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures, Jeju, Korea, 2008, 790-798.
[49]郅倫海, 李秋勝, 李正農, 吳玖榮, 陳伏彬. 基於遠程監控系統的廣州中信廣場風特性及風致回響實測研究.第十三屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集(上集), 大連: 中國土木工程學會, 2007,216-226.
[50]李正農, 李秋勝, 郅倫海,陳伏彬,戴益民,吳玖榮,傅繼陽. 多個地區風場和建築結構風致回響的遠程監控實測系統. 第十三屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集, 大連: 中國土木工程學會, 2007, 222-227.
[51]陳伏斌,李秋勝,李正農,吳玖榮,傅繼陽,郅倫海.廣州國際會展中心鋼屋蓋現場實測研究. 第十三屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集,大連: 中國土木工程學會, 2007, 404-409.




