- 中文名:邱文亮
- 外文名:Qiu Wen Liang
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:大連理工大學
2012 - 現 在 大連理工大學建設工程學部土木工程學院橋樑工程研究所 教授
2006 - 2012 大連理工大學土木水利學院橋樑工程研究所 副教授
2001 - 2006 大連理工大學土木水利學院橋樑工程研究所 講師
1999 - 2001 大連理工大學土木水利學院橋樑工程研究所 助教
2000 - 2004 大連理工大學土木水利學院 橋樑與隧道專業 博士生
1996 - 1999 大連理工大學土木水利學院 結構工程專業 碩士生
1991 - 1996 中國科學技術大學地球與空間科學系 地球物理專業 本科生
2006 - 2012 大連理工大學土木水利學院橋樑工程研究所 副教授
2001 - 2006 大連理工大學土木水利學院橋樑工程研究所 講師
1999 - 2001 大連理工大學土木水利學院橋樑工程研究所 助教
2000 - 2004 大連理工大學土木水利學院 橋樑與隧道專業 博士生
1996 - 1999 大連理工大學土木水利學院 結構工程專業 碩士生
1991 - 1996 中國科學技術大學地球與空間科學系 地球物理專業 本科生
1. 大跨度橋樑結構非線性力學行為的理論與試驗研究
2. 大跨度橋樑施工控制研究
3. 橋樑結構穩定性研究
4. 橋樑結構抗震分析與減震控制研究
5. 舊橋檢測與加固研究
6. 鋼-混凝土組合梁橋力學行為研究
2. 大跨度橋樑施工控制研究
3. 橋樑結構穩定性研究
4. 橋樑結構抗震分析與減震控制研究
5. 舊橋檢測與加固研究
6. 鋼-混凝土組合梁橋力學行為研究
1. 大跨度橋樑結構非線性力學行為的理論與試驗研究
2. 大跨度橋樑施工控制研究
3. 橋樑結構穩定性研究
4. 橋樑結構抗震分析與減震控制研究
5. 舊橋檢測與加固研究
6. 鋼-混凝土組合梁橋力學行為研究
2. 大跨度橋樑施工控制研究
3. 橋樑結構穩定性研究
4. 橋樑結構抗震分析與減震控制研究
5. 舊橋檢測與加固研究
6. 鋼-混凝土組合梁橋力學行為研究
[1] 邱文亮,姜萌. 部分約束預應力混凝土梁分析. 世界橋樑. 2002,4:53-58.
[2] 張哲,邱文亮,黃才良. 銅瓦門大橋設計與穩定性研究. 大連理工大學學報,2002,42(4):456-459.) (EI收錄)
[3] 範金軍*,邱文亮,張哲. 丹東月亮島大橋施工過程中的穩定性分析. 公路,2003,5:1-3.
[4] 黃才良,邱文亮. 金馬大橋斜拉橋施工控制. 東北公路,2003,26(4),80-83.
[5] 張哲, 邱文亮. 一座跨度240m混凝土自錨式吊橋方案設計. 東北公路,2003,26(4),91-93.
[6] 範金軍*,邱文亮,張哲. 懸索橋偏心受壓索塔三維應力分析. 東北公路,2003,26(3),62-64.
[7] 邱文亮,張哲,姜 萌. 鋼-混凝土組合梁非線性有限元分析,計算力學,2003,20(5):627-630. (EI收錄)
[8] 邱文亮,張哲,黃才良. 自錨式混凝土吊橋的力學性能研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2003,35(11):1388-1391. (EI刊源)
[9] 邱文亮,張哲,黃才良. 鋼-混凝土組合梁雙層梁有限元分析方法. 大連理工大學學報,2003,43(1):101-103. (EI收錄)
[10] 邱文亮,黃才良,鄧安泰*. 鋼管混凝土拱橋拱肋側傾角對穩定性影響的研究. 公路交通科技, 2004,21(4): 53-55.
[11] 張哲,滕啟傑*, 邱文亮. 一種新型自錨式懸索橋錨固構造設計與受力分析. 大連理工大學學報. 2004,44(6): 844-847. (EI收錄)
[12] 邱文亮,張哲,範金軍*. 大跨度鋼管混凝土系桿拱橋施工方案的研究. 大連理工大學學報,2005,45(2):230-233. (EI收錄)
[13] 邱文亮,張哲. 單塔雙跨自錨式懸索橋極限跨度研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2005,29(6):858-861. (EI PageOne收錄)
[1] 邱文亮,姜萌. 部分約束預應力混凝土梁分析. 世界橋樑. 2002,4:53-58.
[2] 張哲,邱文亮,黃才良. 銅瓦門大橋設計與穩定性研究. 大連理工大學學報,2002,42(4):456-459.) (EI收錄)
[3] 範金軍*,邱文亮,張哲. 丹東月亮島大橋施工過程中的穩定性分析. 公路,2003,5:1-3.
[4] 黃才良,邱文亮. 金馬大橋斜拉橋施工控制. 東北公路,2003,26(4),80-83.
[5] 張哲, 邱文亮. 一座跨度240m混凝土自錨式吊橋方案設計. 東北公路,2003,26(4),91-93.
[6] 範金軍*,邱文亮,張哲. 懸索橋偏心受壓索塔三維應力分析. 東北公路,2003,26(3),62-64.
[7] 邱文亮,張哲,姜 萌. 鋼-混凝土組合梁非線性有限元分析,計算力學,2003,20(5):627-630. (EI收錄)
[8] 邱文亮,張哲,黃才良. 自錨式混凝土吊橋的力學性能研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2003,35(11):1388-1391. (EI刊源)
[9] 邱文亮,張哲,黃才良. 鋼-混凝土組合梁雙層梁有限元分析方法. 大連理工大學學報,2003,43(1):101-103. (EI收錄)
[10] 邱文亮,黃才良,鄧安泰*. 鋼管混凝土拱橋拱肋側傾角對穩定性影響的研究. 公路交通科技, 2004,21(4): 53-55.
[11] 張哲,滕啟傑*, 邱文亮. 一種新型自錨式懸索橋錨固構造設計與受力分析. 大連理工大學學報. 2004,44(6): 844-847. (EI收錄)
[12] 邱文亮,張哲,範金軍*. 大跨度鋼管混凝土系桿拱橋施工方案的研究. 大連理工大學學報,2005,45(2):230-233. (EI收錄)
[13] 邱文亮,張哲. 單塔雙跨自錨式懸索橋極限跨度研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2005,29(6):858-861. (EI PageOne收錄)
[14] 宋鑫*, 邱文亮. 萬新大橋主橋結構設計和施工控制. 公路. 2005, 4: 66-68.
[15] 邱文亮,張哲. 自錨式懸索橋施工誤差調整研究. 公路交通科技, 2005,22(6):72-74.
[16] 張哲,余報楚*, 邱文亮. 一座三塔低塔斜拉橋的方案設計研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2005,29(3):432-435. (EI PageOne收錄)
[17] Qiu Wenliang,Jiang meng. Nonlinear finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite beams. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) . 2005,12(5):581-586. (EI收錄)
[18] 張洪金*,張哲,邱文亮. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋的模型試驗研究. 大連理工大學學報,2005,45(4):575-579. (EI收錄)
[19] 藤啟傑*, 張哲, 余報楚*, 邱文亮. 萬新大橋樑端滑動索鞍設計與受力分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版). 2006,30(1): 154-157. (EI收錄)
[20] 張輝,張哲,滕啟傑,邱文亮,. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋——萬新大橋[J]. 北方交通,2006,(7).
[21] 於連生, 常付平*, 邱文亮. 杭州曇花庵路橋斜靠拱穩定分析,公路交通科技. 2006, 23(3): 93-96. (EI PageOne收錄)
[22] 邱文亮,張哲. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋的極限承載力研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2006,28(4):91-94. (EI收錄)
[23] 宋鑫*, 邱文亮. 吉林蘭旗松花江大橋抗震分析與研究. 公路交通科技. 2006, 23(3): 93-96.
[24] 邱文亮,張哲. 自錨式懸索橋施工中吊索張拉方法研究. 大連理工大學學報,2007, 47(4): 552-556. (EI收錄)
[25] 余報楚,邱文亮,張哲,李生勇. 廣東金馬大橋空間耦合自由振動分析的理論研究. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2007,(5). (EI收錄)
[26] 張哲,王會利,邱文亮,李斐然. 自錨式斜拉-懸索協作體系橋基於強度的極限跨徑分析. 大連理工大學學報,2008,(3). (EI收錄)
[27] 吳會軍,邱文亮,. 斜交曲線橋的平面位移. 大連交通大學學報,2008,(3).
[28] 余報楚,邱文亮,李生勇等. 混凝土斜拉橋與T 構協作體系的極限承載力研究. 建築結構學報,2008(S1): 129-133. (EI收錄)
[29] 余報楚,高潮,李生勇,邱文亮,. 混凝土橋面板的非線性動力分析. 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版),2008,(8). (EI收錄)
[30] 楊軍,邱文亮. 獨塔自錨式懸索橋動力特性分析, 山東交通學院學報, 2009, 17(1): 40-43.
[15] 邱文亮,張哲. 自錨式懸索橋施工誤差調整研究. 公路交通科技, 2005,22(6):72-74.
[16] 張哲,余報楚*, 邱文亮. 一座三塔低塔斜拉橋的方案設計研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2005,29(3):432-435. (EI PageOne收錄)
[17] Qiu Wenliang,Jiang meng. Nonlinear finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite beams. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) . 2005,12(5):581-586. (EI收錄)
[18] 張洪金*,張哲,邱文亮. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋的模型試驗研究. 大連理工大學學報,2005,45(4):575-579. (EI收錄)
[19] 藤啟傑*, 張哲, 余報楚*, 邱文亮. 萬新大橋樑端滑動索鞍設計與受力分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版). 2006,30(1): 154-157. (EI收錄)
[20] 張輝,張哲,滕啟傑,邱文亮,. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋——萬新大橋[J]. 北方交通,2006,(7).
[21] 於連生, 常付平*, 邱文亮. 杭州曇花庵路橋斜靠拱穩定分析,公路交通科技. 2006, 23(3): 93-96. (EI PageOne收錄)
[22] 邱文亮,張哲. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋的極限承載力研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2006,28(4):91-94. (EI收錄)
[23] 宋鑫*, 邱文亮. 吉林蘭旗松花江大橋抗震分析與研究. 公路交通科技. 2006, 23(3): 93-96.
[24] 邱文亮,張哲. 自錨式懸索橋施工中吊索張拉方法研究. 大連理工大學學報,2007, 47(4): 552-556. (EI收錄)
[25] 余報楚,邱文亮,張哲,李生勇. 廣東金馬大橋空間耦合自由振動分析的理論研究. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2007,(5). (EI收錄)
[26] 張哲,王會利,邱文亮,李斐然. 自錨式斜拉-懸索協作體系橋基於強度的極限跨徑分析. 大連理工大學學報,2008,(3). (EI收錄)
[27] 吳會軍,邱文亮,. 斜交曲線橋的平面位移. 大連交通大學學報,2008,(3).
[28] 余報楚,邱文亮,李生勇等. 混凝土斜拉橋與T 構協作體系的極限承載力研究. 建築結構學報,2008(S1): 129-133. (EI收錄)
[29] 余報楚,高潮,李生勇,邱文亮,. 混凝土橋面板的非線性動力分析. 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版),2008,(8). (EI收錄)
[30] 楊軍,邱文亮. 獨塔自錨式懸索橋動力特性分析, 山東交通學院學報, 2009, 17(1): 40-43.
[31] 盧文才, 邱文亮, 檀永剛. 連續梁反應譜比較分析, 山東交通學院學報, 2009, 17(1): 44-48.
[32] 苗峰, 張哲, 邱文亮, 郭子華, 橋樑群樁基礎的沉降計算, 公路交通科技, 2009, 51:134-136.
[33] 邱文亮, 姜萌, 張哲. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋極限承載力影響因素, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2009, 41(8): 128-131. (EI收錄)
[34] 常文杰,邱文亮, 夏文來. 斜跨鋼拱橋索梁錨固區主梁腹板加勁肋優選, 武漢理工大學學報,2010, 32(1): 139-142.
[35] 邱文亮, 姜萌, 張哲. 城市獨柱墩橋樑結構體系非線性抗震研究, 地震工程與工程振動,2010,30(1):161-166.
[36] 張哲,李斐然,邱文亮. 鋼懸臂樑拓寬鋼筋混凝土箱梁橋的接觸面應力分析. 公路交通科技,2010,27(2):65-70.
[36] 邱文亮、胡美. 城市獨柱墩梁橋結構體系研究,防災減災工程學報,2010,30(增刊):164-167.
[37] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,李生勇,程曉紅,. 結構參數變化對金馬大橋動力特性的影響研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(5):962-965.
[38]張興波,邱文亮,郭子華. 人行橋人致振動特性分析與控制[J]. 山東交通學院學報,2010,(4).
[39] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,程曉紅,滕啟傑,. 廣東金馬大橋三維地震時程反應研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(6): 1167-1171.
[39] 邱文亮,張哲. 橋樑結構地震與溫度作用效應組合研究. 大連理工大學學報,2011, 51(4): 540-544. (EI收錄)
[40] 邱文亮,姜萌、黃才良. 獨柱墩T形剛構橋地震反應分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(2): 223-226.
[41] 邱文亮,余報楚、方國強. 斜拉橋的彈性約束減震研究. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(5): 891-894.
[1] Zhe Zhang, Qijie Teng*, Wenliang Qiu, Recent concrete self-anchored suspension bridge in China,Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering, 2006, 195: 169-177. (EI收錄)
[2] G. F. Chen, F.Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, W. L. Qiu. Discussion on Full-order and multimode flutter analysis using ANSYS. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2011, 47: 208-210. (SCI收錄)
[3] G.uo Fang Chen, Zhe zhang, Wen-liang Qiu. Identification of Natural Frequencies and Dampings of the Bridge Deck Section Model Using the Combination Method of EMD and Wavelet Analysis. Advance Materials Research,. 2010, 108-111:631-636. (EI收錄)
[32] 苗峰, 張哲, 邱文亮, 郭子華, 橋樑群樁基礎的沉降計算, 公路交通科技, 2009, 51:134-136.
[33] 邱文亮, 姜萌, 張哲. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋極限承載力影響因素, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2009, 41(8): 128-131. (EI收錄)
[34] 常文杰,邱文亮, 夏文來. 斜跨鋼拱橋索梁錨固區主梁腹板加勁肋優選, 武漢理工大學學報,2010, 32(1): 139-142.
[35] 邱文亮, 姜萌, 張哲. 城市獨柱墩橋樑結構體系非線性抗震研究, 地震工程與工程振動,2010,30(1):161-166.
[36] 張哲,李斐然,邱文亮. 鋼懸臂樑拓寬鋼筋混凝土箱梁橋的接觸面應力分析. 公路交通科技,2010,27(2):65-70.
[36] 邱文亮、胡美. 城市獨柱墩梁橋結構體系研究,防災減災工程學報,2010,30(增刊):164-167.
[37] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,李生勇,程曉紅,. 結構參數變化對金馬大橋動力特性的影響研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(5):962-965.
[38]張興波,邱文亮,郭子華. 人行橋人致振動特性分析與控制[J]. 山東交通學院學報,2010,(4).
[39] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,程曉紅,滕啟傑,. 廣東金馬大橋三維地震時程反應研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(6): 1167-1171.
[39] 邱文亮,張哲. 橋樑結構地震與溫度作用效應組合研究. 大連理工大學學報,2011, 51(4): 540-544. (EI收錄)
[40] 邱文亮,姜萌、黃才良. 獨柱墩T形剛構橋地震反應分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(2): 223-226.
[41] 邱文亮,余報楚、方國強. 斜拉橋的彈性約束減震研究. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(5): 891-894.
[1] Zhe Zhang, Qijie Teng*, Wenliang Qiu, Recent concrete self-anchored suspension bridge in China,Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering, 2006, 195: 169-177. (EI收錄)
[2] G. F. Chen, F.Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, W. L. Qiu. Discussion on Full-order and multimode flutter analysis using ANSYS. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2011, 47: 208-210. (SCI收錄)
[3] G.uo Fang Chen, Zhe zhang, Wen-liang Qiu. Identification of Natural Frequencies and Dampings of the Bridge Deck Section Model Using the Combination Method of EMD and Wavelet Analysis. Advance Materials Research,. 2010, 108-111:631-636. (EI收錄)
[36] 張哲,李斐然,邱文亮. 鋼懸臂樑拓寬鋼筋混凝土箱梁橋的接觸面應力分析. 公路交通科技,2010,27(2):65-70.
[36] 邱文亮、胡美. 城市獨柱墩梁橋結構體系研究,防災減災工程學報,2010,30(增刊):164-167.
[37] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,李生勇,程曉紅,. 結構參數變化對金馬大橋動力特性的影響研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(5):962-965.
[38]張興波,邱文亮,郭子華. 人行橋人致振動特性分析與控制[J]. 山東交通學院學報,2010,(4).
[39] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,程曉紅,滕啟傑,. 廣東金馬大橋三維地震時程反應研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(6): 1167-1171.
[39] 邱文亮,張哲. 橋樑結構地震與溫度作用效應組合研究. 大連理工大學學報,2011, 51(4): 540-544. (EI收錄)
[40] 邱文亮,姜萌、黃才良. 獨柱墩T形剛構橋地震反應分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(2): 223-226.
[41] 邱文亮,余報楚、方國強. 斜拉橋的彈性約束減震研究. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(5): 891-894.
[1] Zhe Zhang, Qijie Teng*, Wenliang Qiu, Recent concrete self-anchored suspension bridge in China,Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering, 2006, 195: 169-177. (EI收錄)
[2] G. F. Chen, F.Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, W. L. Qiu. Discussion on Full-order and multimode flutter analysis using ANSYS. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2011, 47: 208-210. (SCI收錄)
[3] G.uo Fang Chen, Zhe zhang, Wen-liang Qiu. Identification of Natural Frequencies and Dampings of the Bridge Deck Section Model Using the Combination Method of EMD and Wavelet Analysis. Advance Materials Research,. 2010, 108-111:631-636. (EI收錄)
[4] Qiu Wen-Liang, Kaou Chin-Sheng, Kou Chang-Huan. Stability analysis of special-shape arch bridge,TamKang Journal of Science and Engineering, 2010,13(4): 365-373. (EI收錄)
[5] Qiu Wenliang, Zhou Le, Zhang Yu. Nonlinear seismic behaviors of girder bridge with single-column pier. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167:4165-4169. (EI收錄)
[6] Qiu Wenliang, Jiang Meng, Zhou Le. Seismic performance of reinforced concrete pier with inside concrete filled steel tube. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167: 4194-4198. (EI收錄)
[7] Chen Xi*, Xu Fuyou, Qiu Wenliang. AMD application for suppressing the lateral and torsion buffeting response of suspension pipeline bridge. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167: 4114-4119. (EI收錄)
[8] Qiu Wenliang, Jiang Meng; Zhang Xingbo. Seismic response reduction of cable-stayed bridge with viscous dampers. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 137,154-158.
[9] Wenliang QIU, Cailiang Huang, Zhaoyi Chen. Study on diseases of multi-box girder bridge. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 1182-1185. (EI收錄)
[10] Wenliang QIU, Meng Jiang, Xingbo Zhang. Seismic response analysis of cable-stayed bridges. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 2290-2294. (EI收錄)
[11] Huijun Wu, Wenliang QIU. Dynamic performance and analysis o tied arch bridge. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 1119-1122.
[12] Huijun Wu, Wenliang QIU. Numerical simulation and calculation analysis of suspension bridge anchorage system. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 1042-1043. (EI收錄)
[13] Qiu WenLiang,Kou ChangHuan, Kao ChinSheng, Ma ShihWei,Yang Jiun. Study on the seismic behavior of self-anchored suspension bridges. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2012, 20(4): 384-391. (SCI,EI收錄)
[14] Kao ChinSheng, Kou ChangHuan,Qiu WenLiang,Tsai JengLin. Ultimate load-bearing capacity of self-anchored suspension bridges. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2012, 20(1): 18-25. (SCI,EI收錄)
[36] 邱文亮、胡美. 城市獨柱墩梁橋結構體系研究,防災減災工程學報,2010,30(增刊):164-167.
[37] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,李生勇,程曉紅,. 結構參數變化對金馬大橋動力特性的影響研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(5):962-965.
[38]張興波,邱文亮,郭子華. 人行橋人致振動特性分析與控制[J]. 山東交通學院學報,2010,(4).
[39] 余報楚,邱文亮,餘慶軍,程曉紅,滕啟傑,. 廣東金馬大橋三維地震時程反應研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2010,34(6): 1167-1171.
[39] 邱文亮,張哲. 橋樑結構地震與溫度作用效應組合研究. 大連理工大學學報,2011, 51(4): 540-544. (EI收錄)
[40] 邱文亮,姜萌、黃才良. 獨柱墩T形剛構橋地震反應分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(2): 223-226.
[41] 邱文亮,余報楚、方國強. 斜拉橋的彈性約束減震研究. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2012,36(5): 891-894.
[1] Zhe Zhang, Qijie Teng*, Wenliang Qiu, Recent concrete self-anchored suspension bridge in China,Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering, 2006, 195: 169-177. (EI收錄)
[2] G. F. Chen, F.Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, W. L. Qiu. Discussion on Full-order and multimode flutter analysis using ANSYS. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2011, 47: 208-210. (SCI收錄)
[3] G.uo Fang Chen, Zhe zhang, Wen-liang Qiu. Identification of Natural Frequencies and Dampings of the Bridge Deck Section Model Using the Combination Method of EMD and Wavelet Analysis. Advance Materials Research,. 2010, 108-111:631-636. (EI收錄)
[4] Qiu Wen-Liang, Kaou Chin-Sheng, Kou Chang-Huan. Stability analysis of special-shape arch bridge,TamKang Journal of Science and Engineering, 2010,13(4): 365-373. (EI收錄)
[5] Qiu Wenliang, Zhou Le, Zhang Yu. Nonlinear seismic behaviors of girder bridge with single-column pier. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167:4165-4169. (EI收錄)
[6] Qiu Wenliang, Jiang Meng, Zhou Le. Seismic performance of reinforced concrete pier with inside concrete filled steel tube. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167: 4194-4198. (EI收錄)
[7] Chen Xi*, Xu Fuyou, Qiu Wenliang. AMD application for suppressing the lateral and torsion buffeting response of suspension pipeline bridge. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167: 4114-4119. (EI收錄)
[8] Qiu Wenliang, Jiang Meng; Zhang Xingbo. Seismic response reduction of cable-stayed bridge with viscous dampers. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 137,154-158.
[9] Wenliang QIU, Cailiang Huang, Zhaoyi Chen. Study on diseases of multi-box girder bridge. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 1182-1185. (EI收錄)
[10] Wenliang QIU, Meng Jiang, Xingbo Zhang. Seismic response analysis of cable-stayed bridges. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 2290-2294. (EI收錄)
[11] Huijun Wu, Wenliang QIU. Dynamic performance and analysis o tied arch bridge. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 1119-1122.
[12] Huijun Wu, Wenliang QIU. Numerical simulation and calculation analysis of suspension bridge anchorage system. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 446-449: 1042-1043. (EI收錄)
[13] Qiu WenLiang,Kou ChangHuan, Kao ChinSheng, Ma ShihWei,Yang Jiun. Study on the seismic behavior of self-anchored suspension bridges. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2012, 20(4): 384-391. (SCI,EI收錄)
[14] Kao ChinSheng, Kou ChangHuan,Qiu WenLiang,Tsai JengLin. Ultimate load-bearing capacity of self-anchored suspension bridges. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2012, 20(1): 18-25. (SCI,EI收錄)
[1] Zhang zhe, Teng qijie*, Qiu wenliang. Design and construction of Wanxin bridge. Proceeding of the world engineers’convention 2004, Vol. C: 152-159. (ISTP收錄)
[2] Wenliang Qiu, Meng Jiang. Finite element analysis of steel- concrete composition beam, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures,Beijing,October, 2007,p581-589.
[3] Chen Guofang, Zhang zhe, Qiu Wenliang, Design and stress analysis of a new type simply suppported to continuous T beam. Proceedings of the Nineth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment, Beijing, China October, 2007,p1481-1483.
[4] Guofang Chen, Wenliang Qiu, Zhe Zhang. New construction technique of simply suppported to continuous T beam. The Second International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering [IFASE 2008],Dalian, China,October, 2008,p188-193.
[5] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Zhe ZHANG. Time-Dependent Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p8-11. (EI收錄)
[6] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Baochu YU, Limit Span of Two-span Self-anchored suspension Bridge. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p59-62. (EI收錄)
[7] Meng Jiang, Wenliang QIU, Baochu YU, Research on Seismic Response Reduction of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p209-216.
[8] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Research on Limit Span of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p1173-1180.
[9] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Lihua Han, Ultimate Load-Carrying Capacity of Self-anchored Concrete Suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p139-145.
[10] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Seismic Behavior of Concrete Girder Bridges with Single-column Pire. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p265-272.
[11] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Dong Li, Research on Construction Control of a Double Arch-tower Cable-stayed Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p659-664.
[12] Wenliang QIU, Zhe Zhang, Yonggang Tan, Design and Research of a Spatial cable nets Supported Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p665-670.
[13] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Le ZHO. U Pounding Effects of Movable Bearing on Seismic Behavior of Continuous Girder Bridges. Proceedings of the international conference on modeling and computation in engineering, Hong Kong, November, 2010, p113-117. (EI收錄)
[14] Wenliang QIU, Mei Hu, Yuefang Zhou. Pounding Influence of Structure-Soil Interaction on Seismic Responses of Bridg. The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011), Hangzhou, July, 2011, p1576-1579. (EI收錄)
[1] Zhang zhe, Teng qijie*, Qiu wenliang. Design and construction of Wanxin bridge. Proceeding of the world engineers’convention 2004, Vol. C: 152-159. (ISTP收錄)
[2] Wenliang Qiu, Meng Jiang. Finite element analysis of steel- concrete composition beam, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures,Beijing,October, 2007,p581-589.
[3] Chen Guofang, Zhang zhe, Qiu Wenliang, Design and stress analysis of a new type simply suppported to continuous T beam. Proceedings of the Nineth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment, Beijing, China October, 2007,p1481-1483.
[4] Guofang Chen, Wenliang Qiu, Zhe Zhang. New construction technique of simply suppported to continuous T beam. The Second International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering [IFASE 2008],Dalian, China,October, 2008,p188-193.
[5] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Zhe ZHANG. Time-Dependent Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p8-11. (EI收錄)
[6] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Baochu YU, Limit Span of Two-span Self-anchored suspension Bridge. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p59-62. (EI收錄)
[7] Meng Jiang, Wenliang QIU, Baochu YU, Research on Seismic Response Reduction of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p209-216.
[8] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Research on Limit Span of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p1173-1180.
[9] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Lihua Han, Ultimate Load-Carrying Capacity of Self-anchored Concrete Suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p139-145.
[10] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Seismic Behavior of Concrete Girder Bridges with Single-column Pire. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p265-272.
[11] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Dong Li, Research on Construction Control of a Double Arch-tower Cable-stayed Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p659-664.
[12] Wenliang QIU, Zhe Zhang, Yonggang Tan, Design and Research of a Spatial cable nets Supported Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p665-670.
[13] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Le ZHO. U Pounding Effects of Movable Bearing on Seismic Behavior of Continuous Girder Bridges. Proceedings of the international conference on modeling and computation in engineering, Hong Kong, November, 2010, p113-117. (EI收錄)
[14] Wenliang QIU, Mei Hu, Yuefang Zhou. Pounding Influence of Structure-Soil Interaction on Seismic Responses of Bridg. The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011), Hangzhou, July, 2011, p1576-1579. (EI收錄)
[1] Zhang zhe, Teng qijie*, Qiu wenliang. Design and construction of Wanxin bridge. Proceeding of the world engineers’convention 2004, Vol. C: 152-159. (ISTP收錄)
[2] Wenliang Qiu, Meng Jiang. Finite element analysis of steel- concrete composition beam, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures,Beijing,October, 2007,p581-589.
[3] Chen Guofang, Zhang zhe, Qiu Wenliang, Design and stress analysis of a new type simply suppported to continuous T beam. Proceedings of the Nineth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment, Beijing, China October, 2007,p1481-1483.
[4] Guofang Chen, Wenliang Qiu, Zhe Zhang. New construction technique of simply suppported to continuous T beam. The Second International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering [IFASE 2008],Dalian, China,October, 2008,p188-193.
[5] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Zhe ZHANG. Time-Dependent Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p8-11. (EI收錄)
[6] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Baochu YU, Limit Span of Two-span Self-anchored suspension Bridge. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p59-62. (EI收錄)
[7] Meng Jiang, Wenliang QIU, Baochu YU, Research on Seismic Response Reduction of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p209-216.
[8] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Research on Limit Span of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p1173-1180.
[9] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Lihua Han, Ultimate Load-Carrying Capacity of Self-anchored Concrete Suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p139-145.
[10] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Seismic Behavior of Concrete Girder Bridges with Single-column Pire. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p265-272.
[11] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Dong Li, Research on Construction Control of a Double Arch-tower Cable-stayed Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p659-664
[1] Zhang zhe, Teng qijie*, Qiu wenliang. Design and construction of Wanxin bridge. Proceeding of the world engineers’convention 2004, Vol. C: 152-159. (ISTP收錄)
[2] Wenliang Qiu, Meng Jiang. Finite element analysis of steel- concrete composition beam, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures,Beijing,October, 2007,p581-589.
[3] Chen Guofang, Zhang zhe, Qiu Wenliang, Design and stress analysis of a new type simply suppported to continuous T beam. Proceedings of the Nineth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment, Beijing, China October, 2007,p1481-1483.
[4] Guofang Chen, Wenliang Qiu, Zhe Zhang. New construction technique of simply suppported to continuous T beam. The Second International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering [IFASE 2008],Dalian, China,October, 2008,p188-193.
[5] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Zhe ZHANG. Time-Dependent Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p8-11. (EI收錄)
[6] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Baochu YU, Limit Span of Two-span Self-anchored suspension Bridge. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Computation [ICEC 2009], Hong Kong, May, 2009, p59-62. (EI收錄)
[7] Meng Jiang, Wenliang QIU, Baochu YU, Research on Seismic Response Reduction of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p209-216.
[8] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Research on Limit Span of Self-anchored suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the International symposium on Computational and Structural Engineering, [CSE2009], Shanghai, China, June, 2009, p1173-1180.
[9] Meng JIANG, Wenliang QIU, Lihua Han, Ultimate Load-Carrying Capacity of Self-anchored Concrete Suspension Bridge. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p139-145.
[10] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Zhe Zhang, Seismic Behavior of Concrete Girder Bridges with Single-column Pire. Proceedings of the 34th conference on Our World in concrete & Structures, [OWCS09], Singapore, August, 2009, p265-272.
[11] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Dong Li, Research on Construction Control of a Double Arch-tower Cable-stayed Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p659-664
[12] Wenliang QIU, Zhe Zhang, Yonggang Tan, Design and Research of a Spatial cable nets Supported Bridge. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Steel & Composite Structures [ICSCS2010], Australia Sydney, July, 2010, p665-670.
[13] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Le ZHO. U Pounding Effects of Movable Bearing on Seismic Behavior of Continuous Girder Bridges. Proceedings of the international conference on modeling and computation in engineering, Hong Kong, November, 2010, p113-117. (EI收錄)
[14] Wenliang QIU, Mei Hu, Yuefang Zhou. Pounding Influence of Structure-Soil Interaction on Seismic Responses of Bridg. The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011), Hangzhou, July, 2011, p1576-1579. (EI收錄)
[13] Wenliang QIU, Meng JIANG, Le ZHO. U Pounding Effects of Movable Bearing on Seismic Behavior of Continuous Girder Bridges. Proceedings of the international conference on modeling and computation in engineering, Hong Kong, November, 2010, p113-117. (EI收錄)
[14] Wenliang QIU, Mei Hu, Yuefang Zhou. Pounding Influence of Structure-Soil Interaction on Seismic Responses of Bridg. The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011), Hangzhou, July, 2011, p1576-1579. (EI收錄)
1. 採用正交異性鋼懸臂板加寬箱式梁橋的技術研究,華夏建設科學技術獎,三等獎,2012年。
2. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋設計理論和設計技術研究,教育部科技進步獎,二等獎,2008年。
3. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋設計理論和套用研究,遼寧省科技進步獎,二等獎,2005年。
4. 金馬大橋“大型混凝土斜拉橋與T型剛構協作體系橋樑”設計技術研究,建設部華夏科學技術獎,二等獎,2004年。
5. 多目標模糊決策理論和設計新技術在橋樑中的套用,遼寧省科技進步獎,三等獎,2004年。
6. 廣東西江金馬大橋,教育部優秀設計獎,一等獎,2003年。.
2. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋設計理論和設計技術研究,教育部科技進步獎,二等獎,2008年。
3. 混凝土自錨式懸索橋設計理論和套用研究,遼寧省科技進步獎,二等獎,2005年。
4. 金馬大橋“大型混凝土斜拉橋與T型剛構協作體系橋樑”設計技術研究,建設部華夏科學技術獎,二等獎,2004年。
5. 多目標模糊決策理論和設計新技術在橋樑中的套用,遼寧省科技進步獎,三等獎,2004年。
6. 廣東西江金馬大橋,教育部優秀設計獎,一等獎,2003年。.