
《遺傳學(英文)》是西北農林科技大學提供的慕課課程,授課教師是劉夏燕 、 楊若林 、 安麗君 、 邵景俠 、 晏瑜斌。


  • 中文名:遺傳學(英文)
  • 類別:慕課
  • 提供院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 授課老師: 劉夏燕 、 楊若林 、 安麗君 、 邵景俠 、 晏瑜斌


01Introduction to Genetics
1.1 The Importance of Genetics
1.1.1 Why study genetics?
1.1.2 Model Organisms
1.2 The History of Genetics
1.3 Fundamental Concepts in Genetics
02Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction
2.1 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
2.2 Cell Reproduction
2.3 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
03Basic Principles of Heredity
3.1 Basic Principles of Heredity
3.1.1 Mendel's Success
3.1.2 Principle of Segregation
3.1.3 Probability as a Tool in Genetics
3.1.4 Principle of Independent Assortment
3.2 The Goodness-of-Fit Chi-Square Test
04Sex Determination and Sex-linked Characteristics
4.1 Sex Determination Mechanisms
4.1.1 Sex Determination
4.1.2 Examples of Genotypic and Environmental Sex Determination
4.1.3 Complexity of Sex-Determination
4.2 Inheritance of Sex-linked Characteristics
4.2.1 X-linked white eye in Drosophila
4.2.2 Non-disjunction and the Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
4.2.3 Examples of Sex-linked Characteristics
4.2.4 Random X-inactivation
05Extensions and Modifications of Basic Principles
5.1 Additional Factors at a Single Locus
5.1.1 Types of Dominance
5.1.2 Penetrance and Expressivity, Lethal Alleles, and Multiple Alleles
5.2 Gene Interaction
5.2.1 Gene Interaction with Epistasis
5.2.2 Examples of Epistasis
5.2.3 Gene Interaction that Produces Novel Phenotypes
5.2.4 Complementation Test
5.3 Sex Influences the Inheritance and Expression of Genes
5.3.1 Sex-influenced and Sex-Limited Characteristics
5.3.2 Cytoplasmic Inheritance
5.3.3 Maternal Effect
5.3.4 Genomic Imprinting
5.4 Anticipation
5.5 Environmental Effects
06Linkage, Recombination, and Eukaryotic Gene Mapping
6.1 Linkage, Crossing Over and Recombination
6.1.1 Crossover and Recombination
6.1.2 Predicting the Outcomes of Crosses with Linked Genes
6.1.3 Evidence of the Physical Basis of Recombination
6.1.4 Testing for Independent Assortment
6.2 Gene Mapping with Recombination Frequencies
6.2.1 Recombination frequency and distances between genes
6.2.2 Constructing a genetic map with two-point testcross
6.2.3 Constructing a genetic map with three-point testcross
6.2.4 Locating genes with molecular markers
6.3 Physical Mapping Methods
07Chromosome Variation
7.1 Types Chromosome Mutations
7.2 Chromosome Rearrangements
7.2.1 Duplications and Deletions
7.2.2 Inversions
7.2.3 Translocations
7.3 Aneuploidy
7.4 Polyploidy
08Bacterial and Viral Genetic Systems
8.1 Genetic Analysis of Bacteria
8.2 Gene Transfer in Bacteria
8.2.1 Conjugation
8.2.2 Transformation
8.3 Virus Genetic Analysis
8.3.1 Transduction
8.3.2 Gene Mapping in Phages
8.3.3 RNA Virus
09Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
9.1 CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing
9.2 Next Generation Sequencing
10.1 Epigenetics: Fundamentals
10.2 Molecular Processes That Lead to Epigenetic Changes
10.2.1 DNA Methylation
10.2.2 Histone Modifications
10.2.3 Non-coding RNAs
10.3 Diverse Roles of Epigenetic Regulation
10.3.1 Epigenetic regulation underlines temperature-dependent sex determination
10.3.2 Epigenetic regulation of flowering
11Developmental Genetics and Immunogenetics
11.1 Genetic Control of Development
11.1.1 Cell Determination and Pattern Formation
11.1.2 Egg Polarity Genes
11.1.3 Segmentation Genes and Homeotic Genes
11.1.4 Genetic Control of Flower Development
11.2 The Study of Development Reveals Patterns and Processes of Evolution
11.2.1 Deep Homology
11.2.2 Evolutionary Changes in Gene Expression
11.3 Genetic Rearrangement and the Development of Immunity
12Cancer Genetics
12.1 Cancer as a Genetic Disease
12.2 Oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor Genes
12.3 Chromosome Mutations and Cancer
12.4 Viruses are associated with some cancer
13Quantitative Genetics
13.1 Quantitative Characteristics
13.1.1 Types of Quantitative Characteristics
13.1.2 Polygenic Inheritance
13.2 Statistical Methods for Analyzing Quantitative Characteristics
13.3 Heritability
13.4 Selection Response
14Population Genetics
14.1 The Gene Pool of a Population
14.2 The Hardy-Weinberg Law
14.2.1 Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium
14.2.2 Testing for Hardy-Weinberg Proportions
14.2.3 Non-random Mating
14.2.4 Mutation and Migration
14.2.5 Genetic Drift and Natural Selection
15Evolutionary Genetics
15.1 Biological Evolution
15.2 Reproductive Isolation and Speciation
15.3 Phylogeny
15.4 Evolution at the Molecular Level


Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, 6th Edition by Benjamin A. Pierce W. H. Freeman
遺傳學(第3版)劉祖洞,喬守怡,吳燕華,趙壽元 著, 高等教育出版社
遺傳學(第3版)戴灼華,王亞馥 著, 高等教育出版社


