根據維基百科的信息,在19世紀初,第九任新斯科細亞省總督和第九代戴爾豪斯伯爵,喬治·拉姆齊(英語:George Ramsay,9th Earl of Dalhousie),提議在哈利法克斯市內成立一所不論階級或信仰,開放給所有求學者的高等教育機構。成立學校的資金大部分來自於前任新斯科細亞總督,約翰·謝布魯克(英語:John Coape Sherbrooke),在1812年占領緬因州卡斯汀戰爭期間取得的稅金。謝布魯克投入了約7000英鎊作為建立學校的初始資金並儲備了3000英鎊用於學校的硬體建設。戴爾豪斯學院成立於1818年,但其運作因喬治·拉姆齊於1820年受委為加拿大總督,並定居於新斯科細亞省外而一度受到停頓。學院參照愛丁堡大學的辦學原則(因愛丁堡大學位於喬治·拉姆齊在蘇格蘭的家附近),課程向所有學生開放,無論學生的宗教和國籍。“Dalhousie was founded as the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie desired a non-denominational college in Halifax. Financing largely came from customs duties collected by a previous Lieutenant Governor................The school was structured upon the principles of the University of Edinburgh, where lectures were open to all, regardless of religion or nationality. The University of Edinburgh was located near Ramsay's home in Scotland."達爾豪斯初始校園
1821年戴爾豪斯學院正式由新斯科細亞議會頒布法令成立。戴爾豪斯學院於1838年正式開課,並成為愛丁堡大學的兩年制專科學校。但學院的運作仍然斷斷續續且學位始終未能被授予。1841年新斯科細亞議會的一項法案授予戴爾豪斯大學權力。1863年戴爾豪斯學院第三次開放並依據另一立法條例進行重組,將“大學”加入到學校名稱中,更名為戴爾豪斯總督大學(The Governors of Dalhousie College and University)。戴爾豪斯重開時擁有6位教授和1位助教。來自新斯科細亞省格拉夫頓的瑪格麗特·紐坎姆(Margaret Florence Newcome)於1885年在學校獲得學位,成為學校的首位女性畢業生。儘管學校經過重組且學生數量有所增加,資金始終是學校發展的一大問題。1879年,在大學因慘澹的財務狀況即將倒閉的謠言中,一位與新斯科細亞富有淵源的紐約出版商,喬治·芒羅(George Munro)開始向大學捐資;芒羅是戴爾豪斯理事會成員約翰·福利斯特(John Forrest)的姐夫。芒羅被認為拯救了戴爾豪斯,使其免於倒閉,為了紀念他的功勳,戴爾豪斯在每年二月的第一個周五慶祝一個名為喬治·芒羅日的大學節日。
1997年4月1日,一項省級立法授權附近的新斯科細亞技術大學(Technical University of Nova Scotia)與戴爾豪斯合併,戴爾豪斯由此實現了擴張。此次合併帶來了戴爾豪斯院系和部門的重組,建立了工程學院、計算機科學學院和建築與規劃學院。從1997到2000年,新斯科細亞技術大學一直以戴爾豪斯成員學院的身份運營,名為新斯科細亞戴爾豪斯理工學院(Dalhousie Polytechnic of Nova Scotia),直至此學院體系瓦解。合併這兩所學校的這一立法還正式將學校更名為戴爾豪斯大學,也就是現在的名字。2012年9月1日,新斯科細亞省立農業學院併入戴爾豪斯大學,組成戴爾豪斯農業系,該系位於新斯科細亞的聖經山。"In 1821 Dalhousie College was officially incorporated by the Nova Scotia House of Assembly under the 1821 Act of Incorporation. The college did not hold its first class until 1838; when it became a junior college in the University of Edinburg. PeterMcGuigan.........In 1863 the college opened for a third time and was reorganized by another legislative act, which added "university" to the school's name: "The Governors of Dalhousie College and University". Dalhousie reopened with six professors and one tutor. When it awarded its first degrees in 1866 the student body consisted of 28 students working toward degrees and 28 occasional students. The first female graduate was Margaret Florence Newcome from Grafton, Nova Scotia, who earned her degree in 1885. Despite the reorganization and an increase in students, money continued to be a problem for the institution. ..........Originally located at the space now occupied by Halifax City Hall, the college moved in 1886 to Carleton Campus and spread gradually to Studley Campus. Dalhousie grew steadily during the 20th century......................Dalhousie expanded on 1 April 1997 when provincial legislation mandated an amalgamation with the nearby Technical University of Nova Scotia. This merger saw reorganization of faculties and ...................changed the name of the institution to its present form, Dalhousie University. On 1 September 2012 the Nova Scotia Agricultural College merged into Dalhousie to form a new Faculty of Agriculture, located in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia"
位於加拿大美麗的海港城市——哈里法克斯(Halifax),她已有250 年歷史。該市位於加拿大的大西洋海岸線,擁有世界上第二大的自然深水港,城市人口390,000 人。同時,哈里法克斯市(The City of Halifax)是加拿大東部新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia)的省會所在地,距離多倫多、波士頓、紐約、華盛頓均不到兩小時機程。因其位在北美洲聖羅倫斯河河運的關鍵位置,使得身為終年不凍港的Halifax為加拿大東部河流運輸的重鎮,也是Nova Scotia的經濟命脈。也因為各類船隻不斷來回型始於北美洲五大湖區與大西洋岸,使得約80%的居民,其祖先來自英國或歐洲其它國家。城市風景秀麗,氣候宜人,是世界著名的旅遊城市,也是加拿大大西洋地區的最大經濟、運輸和文化的中心。因此,又是加拿大東海岸數省的金融、經濟及研究中心。哈里法斯人以友善、熱情而著稱。她既有大城市的繁華與便捷,卻又不失小市鎮的寧靜與友善。學校原址就在現在哈利法克斯市政廳的所在地,於1886年移到佛雷司特大樓,並逐漸擴展成今日的Studley校區。達爾豪斯大學現址位於哈利法克斯市南端,校園占地六十英畝,碧草綠蔭,花木繁茂。向東走,即是市中心區。往南幾個街區,就到了大西洋邊。而學校的達爾科技校區,就設在downtown鬧市中心,離主校區僅六個街區之遙。哈利法克斯街景
根據加拿大權威商業雜誌”Canadian Business“2013年的評比,評出了加拿大10大頂級MBA類商學院,其中羅威商學院名列第八,在聲譽方面,名列第九。評比是基於各個商學院的綜合指數,權重後得出最後排名。其中大學聲譽占25%,收入增長占25%,課堂質量占15%,平均GMAT占10%,學費占10%,所需工作經驗占10%,項目長度占5%。”The Canadian Business Top 10 relies on a mix of self-reported quantitative data from MBA programs and independent qualitative data. Weighting is as follows: 25% Reputation, 25% Salary boost, pre- and post-degree, 15% Classroom experience (student teacher ratio and cohort diversity), 10% Average GMAT scores, 10% Tuition (lower is better),10% Required work experience (more is better), 5% Program length (shorter is better).“
根據戴爾豪西官網以及維基百科的信息,羅威商學院開設金融、會計、國貿、市場、人力資源等專業,學位有商科學士、管理學士、傳統MBA與企業合作MBA. "From finance, accounting and international business to marketing, Human Resources and operations, our Bachelor of Commerce co-op, Bachelor of Management, Canada’s only Corporate Residency MBA and our MBA Financial Services programs will help you:"
“stresses hands-on learning – an emphasis enabled by our established relationships with a diverse range ofemployers and by a Management Career Servicesteam that’s dedicated to helping youfind work placements and launch your career.”
根據維基百科和中國教育部的信息,戴爾豪西大學一直位列於加拿大頂級大學之一。“Dalhousie has consistently been ranked one of Canada's top universities”
2013 QS排名為世界第244,“The 2013 QS World University Rankings ranked the university 244th.”
2013年麥考林排名為加拿大碩博類第7名, “Maclean's ranked Dalhousie tied for 7th in their 2013 Medical Doctoral university rankings.”
根據維基百科的資料,戴爾豪斯共擁有兩個學生會代表大學的學生群體:戴爾豪斯學生聯合會,代表整個學生群體;以及戴爾豪斯研究生協會,代表戴爾豪斯研究生群體的權利。戴爾豪斯學生聯合會開始於1863年,前身為戴爾豪斯學生政府,之後又更名為大學學生委員會,最後更名為戴爾豪斯學生聯合會,也就是現在的名字。學生聯合會認可了超過100個學生組織和社團。戴爾豪斯官方認可的組織和社團涉獵了廣泛的興趣和方面,包括學術、文化、宗教、社會問題和娛樂。大學官方認可的課外活動組織由戴爾豪斯學生聯合會管轄並必須遵守學聯的章程。自2011年起,大學已成立3個女學生聯誼會和3個男學生聯誼會。他們作為非官方認可的組織,沒有得到戴爾豪斯學生聯合會的認可。大學的學生群體運營了不少媒體機構,其中最主要的學生報紙,《戴爾豪斯公報》(The Dalhousie Gazette)據稱是北美歷史最悠久的學生運營的報紙。該報紙每周四出版,分發到哈利法克斯地區附近的100多個地點。該報紙的辦公室地點位於學生聯合會大樓。戴爾豪斯的學生群體還運營了一個廣播電台(前身是1964年的一個廣播俱樂部),該電台自1975年開始廣播並以CKDU的名稱運營;電台自1985年開始進行FM頻率廣播。CKDU於2006年在一次發射功率的升級中獲得了當前88.1的頻率。”The student body of Dalhousie is currently represented by two student unions; the Dalhousie Student Union, which represents the general student population, and the Dalhousie Association for Graduate Students, which represents the interests of graduate students specifically. Dalhousie Student Union began as the Dalhousie Student Government in 1863, and was renamed the University Student Council before taking its present name. The student union recognizes more than 100 student organizations and societies. The organizations and clubs accredited at Dalhousie cover a wide range of interests including academics, culture, religion, social issues, and recreation. Accredited extracurricular organizations at the university fall under the jurisdiction of the Dalhousie Student Union, and must conform to its by-laws. As of 2011, there were three sororities (Omega Pi, Iota Beta Chi, and Pi Gamma Delta) and three fraternities (Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, and Phi Kappa Pi). They operate as non-accredited organizations and are not recognized by the Dalhousie Student Union"達爾豪西大學活動中心
除了戴爾豪斯學生聯合會委員會的努力,戴爾豪斯的學生創立及參與了超過320個俱樂部及社團。戴爾豪斯提供了一個名為“老虎社區”的網站,網站上列出了所有可供學生加入的現有社團和俱樂部。學生可通過這個網站申請加入社團。同時,在每個秋季及冬季學期的開始,戴爾豪斯都會舉辦一個社團展會,以此提供給所有社團展示其創辦宗旨並招收新成員的機會。戴爾豪斯的學生社團參與了一系列豐富多彩的活動,範圍涉及聚會、學習小組、糕點售賣、校內體育活動小組、組織大規模募資活動等等。“In addition to the efforts made by the Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) Council, Dalhousie students have created and participated in over 320 clubs/societies. Dalhousie offers a website named "Tiger Society" which lists all current clubs and societies that are available for students to join. Through this website, students can request to join a society. Dalhousie also holds a Society Fair at the beginning of each fall and winter semester, in which all societies are given the opportunity to display their purpose/efforts and recruit new members. Student societies partake in a range of activities from simple gatherings, study groups, bake sales, intramural sports teams, to organizing larger scale fundraising events”達爾豪斯學生俱樂部
戴爾豪斯的運動隊取名為“老虎”。“老虎”大學生運動代表隊參加了大西洋大學運動聯盟(the Atlantic University Sport,簡稱AUS),此聯盟也是加拿大大學間運動聯盟(the Canadian Interuniversity Sport,簡稱CIS)的成員。戴爾豪斯擁有籃球、曲棍球、足球、游泳、田徑、越野賽跑和排球等一系列運動隊。老虎在20世紀的第一個10年創造了輝煌的戰績,獲得了63項AUS冠軍和2項CIS冠軍。超過2500名學生參與了競賽隊、校內體育聯盟和錦標賽。在戴爾豪斯,學生有機會參加各個水平等級的各種運動比賽。戴爾豪斯共擁有6支競技隊和17個業餘娛樂體育俱樂部。戴爾豪斯的農業校區擁有其自己的大學運動代表隊,叫做the Dalhousie Rams。Rams大學生運動代表隊參與了“大西洋大學體育協會”(the Atlantic Collegiate Athletic Association),此協會是“加拿大大學體育協會”(the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association)成員。Rams擁有羽毛球、籃球、橄欖球、足球、排球和木工等運動隊。戴爾豪斯向學生和運動隊開放了很多的運動設備。Dalplex是最主要的健身和娛樂場所。它提供了一塊室內運動場、一個奧運規模的泳池、一條室內跑道、健身房、球場和其他設備。維克懷爾(Wickwire)運動場最多能夠容納1200人,是大學的主要室外運動場,也是大學足球隊、橄欖球隊、陸上曲棍球隊、長曲棍球隊和英式橄欖球隊的比賽舉辦場地。其他運動設備還包括斯塔德利體育館和塞克斯頓體育場和體育館。紀念競技場(The Memorial Arena),大學曲棍球代表隊的主場地,於2012年被拆除。當前學校正在與體育設備也趨於陳舊的聖瑪麗大學合作修建一個新的競技場。農業校區擁有一處體育設施場館,蘭吉爾體育中心。自2010年起,通過校友和志願者的共同努力,戴爾豪斯足球俱樂部恢復運行。作為大西洋足球聯盟的成員之一,該球隊依靠捐贈和成員的報名費實現運營,同時將維克懷兒體育場作為自己的主場地。"Dalhousie's sports teams are called the Tigers. The Tigers varsity teams participate in the Atlantic University Sport (AUS) of the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS). There are teams for basketball, hockey, soccer, swimming, track and field, cross country running, and volleyball. The Tigers garnered a number of championships in the first decade of the 20th century, winning 63 AUS championships and 2 CIS championships........Dalhousie has a number of athletic facilities open to varsity teams and students. Dalplex is the largest main fitness and recreational facility. It houses a large fieldhouse, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, an indoor running track, weight rooms, courts and other facilities. Wickwire Field, with a seating capacity of up to 1,200, is the university's main outdoor field and is host to the varsity football, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse and rugby teams. Other sporting facilities include the Studley Gymnasium......As of 2010, through the efforts of alumni and devoted volunteers, the Dalhousie Football Club was reinstated. Playing in the AFL (Atlantic Football League), the team operates on donations and registration from its players. The team plays its home games at Wickwire Field."戴爾豪西運動會標
戴爾豪斯徽章源於蘇格蘭拉姆塞部落的紋章(大學創立者喬治拉姆塞是該部落首領)。紋章由5個部分構成:盾牌、小冠冕、冠、擁護者和箴言拉姆塞盾形紋章和戴爾豪斯大學徽章的一個主要區別有一個格里芬獅鷲獸和灰狗。而戴爾豪斯徽章上有兩條龍擁戴著一個用鷹裝飾的盾牌。最初,拉姆塞盾形紋章被用來代表戴爾豪斯,但此徽章隨著大學經歷的聯合而不斷發展演變。過去此徽章是銀色的,但在1950年,大學理事會將其改為金色來與代表大學的金色和黑色相配。這兩種顏色是在1887年校英式橄欖球隊發起了關於對大學球衣顏色的討論之後被採用的。徽章上的盾牌和鷹是從1987年開始作為標識使用,而包含了標語“激勵思想”的當前這個版本的徽章是在2003年開始使用的。“The Dalhousie seal is based on the heraldic achievement of the Clan Ramsay of Scotland, of which founder George Ramsay was clan head. The heraldic achievement consists of five parts: shield, coronet, crest, supporters, and motto. One major difference between the Ramsay coat of arms and the university seal is that the Ramsay seal features a griffin and greyhound, and the Dalhousie seal has two dragons supporting the eagle-adorned shield. Initially, the Ramsay coat of arms was used to identify Dalhousie, but the seal has evolved with the amalgamations the university has undergone.”
大學的校訓是Ora et Labora,源於拉丁文,意為“工作不忘禱告”,於1870年從戴爾豪斯伯爵的座右銘中引用來替代大學原來的校訓,因管理層認為原來的校訓沒能傳達出信心。舊校訓是Forsan,翻譯為“可能”,這一校訓於1869年首次出現在《戴爾豪斯公報》的第一期中。此校訓源於維吉爾的史詩《埃涅伊德》中的第一巻第203行:Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit,翻譯為“時間將證明這些困難都會變成甜蜜的回憶”。戴爾豪斯有不少校歌用於在不同的場合演奏和吟唱,比如畢業典禮、機會和體育比賽等。其中包括"Carmina Dalhousiana",1882年創作於哈利法克斯。查爾斯·魏克爾(Charles B. Weikel)於1904年編纂了戴爾豪斯大學歌集。“The university motto Ora et Labora translates from Latin as "pray and work"; it adopted in 1870 from the Earl of Dalhousie's motto to replace the university's original one, which the administration believed did not convey confidence. The original motto was Forsan, which tranlsates as Perhaps, and first appeared in the first Dalhousie Gazette of 1869. It was from Virgil's epic poem Aeneid, Book1, line 203, Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit, which translates as "Perhaps the time may come when these difficulties will be sweet to remember".A number of songs are commonly played and sung at various events such as commencement, convocation, and athletic contests, including "Carmina Dalhousiana", written in Halifax in 1882. The Dalhousie University songbook was compiled by Charles B. Weikel in 1904.”達爾豪斯教學樓