


  • 書名:運輸服務
  • 類型:英語與其他外語
  • 出版日期:2004年10月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 作者:王立群
  • 出版社:中國民航出版社
  • 頁數:208頁
  • ISBN:7801105893




Chapter 1 Arriving Process(到達程式)
Unit 1 Arriving Passenger Services(到達旅客服務)/3
Dialogue 1 Welcome to China(歡迎來到中國)/3
Dialogue 2 Where are You from(您從哪兒來)/4
Dialogue 3 VIP Service(貴賓服務)/5
Dialogue 4 Help a Passenger to Find a Lavatory(幫助旅客找盥洗室)/7
Unit 2 Helping Passengers to Claim Baggage(幫助旅客提取行李)/16
Dialogue 1 Help a Passenger to Claim his Baggage(幫助旅客提取行李)/16
Dialogue 2 Introducing the Service Facilities(介紹服務設施)/1 8
Dialogue 3 Examining Baggage Check(檢查行李牌)/19
Unit 3 Irregular Baggage Service(行李非正常時的服務)/28
Dialogue 1~3 Baggage Inquiry(行李查詢)/28
Unit 4 Delayed Baggage/Damaged Baggage(行李延誤/行李破損)/38
Dialogue 1 Delayed Baggage(行李延誤)/38
Dialogue 2 Damaged Baggage(行李破損)/39
Dialogue 3 Baggage Repair(行李修復)/40
Unit 5 Baggage Lost and Compensation(行李遺失及賠償)/48
Dialogue l Baggage Lost(行李遺失)/48
Dialogue 2 Baggage Compensation(行李賠償)/49
Unit 6 Baggage Lost Inquiry(行李遺失查詢)/60
Dialogue l Handling Lost Baggage(行李遺失後的處理)/60
Dialogue 2 Baggage Inquiry on Phone(電話行李查詢)/62
Dialogue 3 A Passenger Claims his Delayed Baggage by himself(旅客自己提取延誤行李)/63
Dialogue 4 Items Damaged in Baggage(行李內物品損壞)/64
Chapter 2 Departing Process(出發程式)
Unit 1 Asking for Information and Buying Tickets(問訊及購票)/75
Dialogue 1 Telephone Call for Information(電話問訊)/75
Dialogue 2 Booking Tickets(訂票)/76
Dialogue 3 Issuing Tickets(出票)/77
Dialogue 4 Changing the Reservation(更改訂座)/78
Dialogue 5 Confirming the Tickets(機票確認)/78
Unit 2 Customs(海關)/86
Dialogue l Terminal Guidance(候機樓引導)/87
Dialogue 2 Nothing to Declare(沒有申報物品)/88
Dialogue 3 Red Channel(紅色通道)/89
Unit 3 Check.in Procedure(乘機手續)/98
Dialogue 1 Check-in at the Airport(機場乘機手續)/100
Dialogue 2 Checked Baggage(交運行李)/101
Dialogue 3 Upgrade(升艙)/103
Dialogue 4 Handling of VIPs(重要旅客引導)/104
Dialogue 5 Hand-over of the On-board Documentations(業務檔案交接)/105
Unit 4 Security Check(安全檢查)/113
Dialogue 1~6 Going through the Security Check(過安全檢查)/114
Unit 5 Departure Lounge and Boarding(離港廳及登機)/125
Dialogue l Before Boarding(登機前)/126
Dialogue 2 Delayed Flights(航班延誤)/126
Dialogue 3 Announcement(廣播)/127
Dialogue 4 Boarding(登機)/128
Dialogue 5 After Boarding(登機後)/128
Unit 6 Changes,No-show and Refund(變更、誤機及退票)/135
Dialogue 1 Change of Carrier(承運人變更)/136
Dialogue 2 Change of Travel Plan(航程變更)/138
Dialogue 3 Change of Seat Class(座位等級變更)/140
Dialogue 4 No-show(旅客誤機)/141
Dialogue 5 Involuntary Refund(非自願退票)/143
Dialogue 6 Voluntary Refund(自願退票)/144
Chapter 3 Information Given by Booking office and Travel Agency(售票處及代理人提供的信息)
Unit 1 Introduction to Airlines and Booking(航空公司及訂票簡介)/153
Dialogue l Information of Airlines(航空公司信息)/153
Dialogue 2 Ways of Booking(訂票方式)/155
Unit 2 Types of Aircraft(機型)/163
Unit 3 Flight Timetable(班期時刻表)/169
Unit 4 Grades of Ticket(客票等級)/178
Unit 5 Making Reservations and Sending Tickets(預訂與送票)/185
Dialogue 1 Making a Reservation(預訂座位)/185
Dialogue 2 Sending the Ticket(送票)/187
Unit 6 Information of Check-in and Flight Connection(乘機及航班銜接須知)/194
Dialogue 1 About Check-in(乘機須知)/194
Dialogue 2 About Flight Connection(航班銜接須知)/196
Dialogue 3 Complete the Formalities(完成手續)/198


