《運營管理基礎(第4版)》是清華大學出版社在2004 年出版的書籍,作者是戴維斯(Mark M. Davis),阿奎拉諾(Nicholas J. Aquilan。
- 書名:運營管理基礎(第4版)
- 又名:[Fundamentals of Operations Management(Fourth Edition)
- 作者:戴維斯(Mark M. Davis),阿奎拉諾(Nicholas J. Aquilan
- ISBN:9787302098799
- 頁數:427
- 定價:45.00元
- 出版社:清華大學出版社
- 出版時間:2004-11-01
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
第2章 運營戰略:如何贏得競爭
第3章 新產品開發與運營流程選擇
第4章 技術在企業運營中的作用
第5章 流程測定與分析
第7章 設施決策:設施選址與能力規劃
第8章 設施決策:設施布置
第9章 運營管理中的人力資源問題
第10章附錄 作業績效測定
第11章 排隊管理
第13章 供應鏈管理
第14章 準時生產(JIT)系統
第15章 綜合計則
第16章 獨立需求庫存控制系統
第17章 相關需求庫存控制系統
A company or SBUs competitiveness refers to its relative position in the market~lacein terms of how it competes with the other finns in its industry.Operations strategy refersto how the operations mallagement function contributes to a firms ability to achieve its competitive advantage inthat marketplace.
Operations strategy can be divided into two major categories:structural elements con-sisting offacility location,capacity,vertical integration,and choice ofprocess(all ofwhich are considered to be long term or “strategic”in nature)and infrastructural elements con-sisting of the workforce(in terms of size and skills),quality issues,planning and control,and organizational structure(all of which arc often viewed astactical”because they can be changed in a relatively short time).
Operations strategies are developed from the competitive priorities of an organiza-tion,which include(a)low cost,(b)high quality,(c)fast delivery,(d)flexibility,and(e)serviee.
Core capabilities are the means bv which competitive priorities are achiered.Conse-quently,core capabilities must align directly with competitive priorities.A Short History of Operations Strategy In the period following World WarII.corporate strategy in the United States was usually developedbythemarketingandfinancefunctionswithinacompany.Withthehighdemand for consumer products that had built up during the war years,U.S.companies could scll virtually everything they made at comparatively high prices.In addition,there was very lit-tie international competition.The main industrial competitors ofthe United States today,Germany and Japan,lay in ruins from massive bombings.They could not even satisfy their own markets,let alone expo~globally.
Within the business environment that existed at that time.the manufacturing or opera-tions function was assigned the responsibility to produce large quantities of standard prod-ucts at minimum costs,regardless ofthe overall goals of the firm.To accomplish this,the operations function focused on obtaining low-cost,unskilled labor and installing highly automated assembly-line-type facilities.
With no global competition and continued high demand,the role of operations man-agement(that is,to minimize costs)remained virtually unchanged throughout the 1950s and early 1960s.By the late 1960s,howeve~Wick Skinner ofthe Harvard Business School,who is often referred to as the grandfather of operations strategy,recognized this weakness among U.S.manufacturers.He suggested that companies develop an operations strategy tllat would complement the existing marketing and finance strategies.In one Of his early articles on the subject,Skinner referred to manufacturing as the missing link in corporate strategy.2
Subsequent work in this area by researchers at the Harvard Business School,including Abemathy,Clark,Hayes,and Wheelwright,continued to emphasize the importance of using the strengths ofa firms manufacturing facilities and people as a competitive weapon in the marketplace.as well as taking a longe~term view of how to deploy them.