Chapter 1 日常交際 Daily Communication
見面問候 Greetings 002
自我介紹 Self-introduction 007
談論天氣 Talking about Weather 012
談論時間 Talking about Time 017
邀請與回復 Invitation and Reply 022
電話溝通 Communication on the Phone 027
參加聚會 Going to a Party 032
道別 Farewell 037
Chapter 2 居家生活 Home Life
起床和睡覺 Getting Up and Sleeping 042
裝扮 Dressing up 047
家務 Housework 052
一日三餐 Daily Meals 057
租房 Renting a House 063
買房和裝修 Purchasing a House and Decorating 069
Chapter 3 情感表達 Emotion Expression
開心和難過 Joy and Sadness 076
緊張和焦慮 Nervousness and Anxiousness 082
失望和絕望 Disappointment and Despair 087
孤獨寂寞 Loneliness 092
恐懼害怕 Fear 097
驚喜萬分 Surprise 102
Chapter 4 公共服務 Public Service
銀行 In a Bank 108
郵局 In a Post Office 114
在理髮店 In a Barbershop 120
在美容店 In a Beauty Shop 125
在洗衣店 In a Laundry 130
在社區 In the Community 136
Chapter 5 工作職場 Workplace
求職應聘 Job Hunting 142
面試 Interview 147
上班天 The First Day of Work 153
職場培訓 Job Training 158
出勤與遲到 Turning Out and Being Late for Work 163
請假 On Leave 169
調班和加班 Shifts and Overtime 174
升職與加薪 Promotion and Salary Raise 180
解聘與辭職 Dismissal and Resignation 186
Chapter 6 戀愛和婚姻 Love and Marriage
萌生好感 Having a Good Impression 192
表白愛意 Confession of Love 197
約會 Dating 202
求婚 To Propose Marriage 207
拒絕求婚 Refusing a Marriage Proposal 212
訂婚與結婚 Engagement and Marriage 217
懷孕生子 Pregnancy and Childbirth 223
吵架與分手 Quarreling and Breaking Up 228
Chapter 7 運動與休閒 Sports and Recreation
健身 Keeping Fit 234
電影與電視劇 Movies and TV Series 239
看演唱會 Going to a Concert 245
聽音樂 Listening to the Music 251
閱讀 Reading 256
假期 Holidays 261
Chapter 8 節日慶祝 Festival Celebration
春節 Spring Festival 268
情人節 Valentine’s Day 274
母親節和父親節 Mother’s Day and Father’s Day 280
中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival 286
聖誕節 Christmas 292
生日 Birthday 298
結婚紀念日 Wedding Anniversary 303