



  • 中文名:速查速用商務英語口語
  • 作者:陳蜜
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 出版社:民主與建設出版社
  • ISBN:9787513929943
  • 類別:商務/職場英語
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂






Chapter 1 商務職場準備戰 Preparation
面試交流 Communicating with Interviewers 002
巧談優點和缺點 Advantages and Disadvantages 007
喜提錄用函 Receiving an Offer 011
認識新同事 Meeting New Colleagues 016
Chapter 2 行政辦公 Administrative Work
接聽電話 Answering Phone Calls 022
接待來訪 Receiving Guests 027
收發傳真 Sending and Receiving Faxes 032
傳送郵件 Sending an email 036
檔案歸檔 File Filing 041
購買辦公設備 Purchasing Office Equipment 046
Chapter 3 商務會議 Business Conferences
會前準備 Preparing a Meeting 052
會議主持 Hosting a Meeting 057
各抒己見 Expressing Opinions 062
表達贊同 Showing Agreements 067
表達反對 Showing Disagreements 072
會議總結 Making Summary 077
取消會議 Cancelling a Meeting 082
Chapter 4 市場行銷 Marketing
市場調研 Market Research 088
市場開發 Market Development 094
銷售策略 Marketing Strategy 099
參加展會 Attending Trade Fairs 104
產品介紹 Product Presentation 110
開發潛在客戶 Developing Potential Customers 114
Chapter 5 客戶接待 Receiving Customers
行程安排 Making Arrangements 120
機場迎接 Meeting Guests at the Airport 125
安頓客戶 Getting Guests Settled 130
商務宴請 Business Banquets 135
參觀工廠 Showing Guests Around the Factory 140
贈物 Giving Gifts 145
送別客戶 Seeing off Customers 150
Chapter 6 商務談判 Business Negotiation
初識客戶 Meeting with Customers 156
產品細節 Product Details 160
產品包裝 Product Packing 164
洽談交貨期 Discussing Lead Time 169
價格談判:折扣率 Price Discussion:Discount 174
價格談判:付款方式 Price Discussion:Payment Terms 179
貨物保險 Insurance for Goods 184
簽訂契約 Signing the Contract 189
Chapter 7 貿易往來 Trade Contacts
收款與放單 Receiving Balance & Releasing B / L 194
貨物清關 Customs Clearance 199
貨物檢查 Cargo Inspection 204
索賠與理賠 Claims and Compensation 209
糾紛與仲裁 Disputes and Arbitration 215
Chapter 8 商務合作Business Cooperation
商標註冊與轉讓 Trademark Registering & Transferring 222
專利申請與轉讓 Patent Application & Transferring 227
招投標 Tendering and Biding 232
產品代理 Applying to Be an Agent 237
合資經營 Joint Venture 242
Chapter 9 商務旅行 Business Trip
安排差旅 Trip Arrangements 248
差旅準備 Trip Preparations 252
差旅報銷 Reimbursement of Travel Expenses 257


