

路慶昌,男,博士,長安大學教授、博導、“長安學者” 特聘教授,入選史丹福大學全球前2%頂尖科學家,主要從事智慧型交通系統分析與控制、交通網路性能韌性/脆弱性建模與分析、交通行為分析、交通與環境等方向的研究工作。現為長安大學電子與控制工程學院副院長。






1. 空間土地利用脆弱度與軌道交通網路脆弱性的關係研究--北京大學-林肯研究院城市發展與土地政策研究中心課題,項目主持人 (2015.08-2016.07)
2. 強降水災害下基於出行行為的城市交通網路脆弱性分析——國家自然科學基金青年項目,項目主持人(2015.01~2017.12)
3. 洪水災害下城市交通網路脆弱性及適應性研究——中國博士後科學基金面上項目(一等資助),項目主持人(2013.10~2014.11)
4. 氣候變化自然災害對交通系統的影響評估及適應策略——日本文部科學省特別協調基金,項目主持人,(2012.04~2013.03)


發表學術論文100餘篇,包括ESI高被引論文、中科院一區TOP期刊論文等,主要研究成果發表在 Transportation Research Parts A、C、D, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, Transportation Research Record 等交通運輸工程領域期刊,以及 Environmental Pollution, Atmospheric Environment , Climatic Change, Natural Hazards 等環境和災害領域期刊。
1.Measuring network interdependency between dependent networks: A supply-demand-based approach. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 225, 108611.
2.Modeling network vulnerability of urban rail transit under cascading failures: A Coupled Map Lattices approach. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 221, 108320.
3.Infrastructure-based transportation network vulnerability modeling and analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 584, 126350.
4. Hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for scheduling flexible assembly systems with blocking and deadlocsk constraints. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 105, 104411.
5.Environmental life cycle impact assessment of transportation infrastructure: A multi-case study in international perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1959684.
6.Measuring the Capacity Utilization of China's Transportation Industry under Environmental Constraints. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 85: 102450.
7.Evaluation and prediction of transportation resilience under extreme weather events: A diffusion graph convolutional approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 115: 102619 (1-20).
8.Elderly fitness-oriented urban street design: A case study in Nanchang, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 146(1): 05019021(1-13).
9.Vulnerability analysis of urban rail transit within multi-modal public transport networks. Sustainability, 11(7): 2109 (1-14).
10.Unbalanced multiple left turn usage modeling: From individual choice to aggregate volume. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, 5107327: 1-13.
11.Modeling network resilience of rail transit under operational incidents. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 117(11): 227-237.
12.Spatial distribution of fine particulate matter in underground passageways. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1574.
13.Location choice behavior adapting to flood and cyclone hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 27(3): 189-198.
14 Investigating vertical distribution patterns of lower tropospheric PM2.5 using unmanned aerial vehicle measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 173(5): 62-71.
15.A station-based rail transit network vulnerability measure considering land use dependency. Journal of Transport Geography, 66(1): 10-18.
16.A compositional analysis of unbalanced usages of multiple left-turn lanes. PROMET-Traffic & Transportation, 29(3): 287-298.
17.Prediction of vertical PM2.5 concentrations alongside an elevated expressway by using the neural network hybrid model and generalized additive model. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11(2): 347-360.
18.Three-dimensional investigation of ozone pollution in the lower troposphere using an unmanned aerial vehicle platform. Environmental Pollution, 224(5): 107-116.
19.The interrelationship between travel behavior and life choices in adapting to flood disasters. Natural Hazards, 85(2): 1005-1022.
20.Investigation of the spatiotemporal variation and influencing factors on fine particulate matter and carbon monoxide concentrations near a road intersection. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11(1): 63-75.
21.Job and residential location changes responding to floods and cyclones: an analysis based on a cross-nested logit model. Climatic Change, 138(3): 453-469.
22.The impacts of roadside vegetation barriers on the dispersion of gaseous traffic pollution in urban street canyons. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 17(2): 80-91.
23.Residence and job location change Choice behavior under flooding and cyclone impacts in Bangladesh. Sustainability, 7(9): 11612-11631.
24.Analysis of transportation network vulnerability under flooding disaster. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2532: 37-44.
25.Identification and prioritization of critical transportation infrastructure: A case study of coastal flooding. Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, 141(3): 04014082.
26. Economic analyses of sea-level rise adaptation strategies in transportation considering spatial autocorrelation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 33(12): 87-94.
27.Inter-city travel behaviour adaptation to extreme weather events. Journal of Transport Geography, 41(12): 148-153.
28.Economic analysis of sea-level rise impacts and adaptation strategies in transportation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2273: 54-61.
29.Vulnerability analysis of transportation network under the scenarios of sea level rise. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2263: 174-181.


1.Lu, Q.-C., Xu, P.-C., Cui, X., ‘Railway Vulnerability and Resilience’, (Editors: Rui Calcada, Sakdirat Kaewunruen) in Rail Infrastructure Resilience, 2022, Elsevier.
2.彭仲仁, 路慶昌,朱禕等編著.《交通引領城市可持續發展: 中國交通發展與變革40年》. 上海: 上海交通大學出版社, 2020年7月. 入選中宣部“絲路書香工程”。
3.Lu, Q.-C., Zhang, J., Wu, L., Rahman, A.B.M.S., ‘Adaptation Behavior underNatural Disasters’, (Editor: Junyi Zhang), in Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy (ISBN: 978-4-431-56470-6), 2017, Springer.
4.Peng, Z.-R., Shen, S., Lu, Q.-C., Perch, S., ‘Transportation and Climate Change’, (Editor: Myer Kutz), in Handbook of Transportation Engineering, Second Edition, March, 2011. New York: McGraw-Hill.
5.上海市人民政府發展研究中心編. <<>城市軌道交通網路脆弱性與土地利用關係分析>《全球城市精準治理》. 上海: 上海人民出版社, 2018年10月.




1.Frontiers in Transportation Electrification評審編輯(Review Editor)
2.Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 期刊編委
3.中國工程院院刊《Frontiers of Engineering Management》特約通訊專家
5.美國綠色道路基金會(Greenroads Foundation)技術顧問
6.美國交通工程師學會(Institute of Transportation Engineers, ITE)
7.國際中國規劃學會(International Association for China Planning, IACP)
8.美國科學院交通運輸研究會(Transportation Research Board, TRB)
9.佛羅里達氣候研究所(Florida Climate Institute, FCI)
10.美國國家教育協會(National Education Association, NEA)


