- 中文名:趙險峰
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:上海交通大學
- 職稱:研究員,博導
- Y. Cao, H. Zhang, X. F. Zhao, H. B. Yu, Covert communication by compressed videos exploiting the uncertainty of motion estimation, IEEE Communication Letters, 19(2): 203-206, 2015
- H. Zhang, Y. Cao, X.F. Zhao. Video steganography with perturbed macroblock partition. 2014 ACM Conf. Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, June 11 - 13, 2014, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 115-122
- Y. Cao, H. Zhang, X.F. Zhao, H. B. Yu. Statistically undetectable video steganography based on optimized motion estimation perturbation, 2015 ACM Conf. Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, June 17-19, 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA
- P.P. Wang, Y. Cao, X.F. Zhao. An adaptive detecting strategy against motion vector-based steganography, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Torino, Italy, June 29 to July 3, 2015
- J. Zhu, Q. X. Guan, X. F. Zhao. Multi-class JPEG Steganalysis by Ensemble Linear SVM Classifier, 2014 International Workshop on Digital forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), Taiwan, China, Oct.1-3, 2014, LNCS 9023: 470-484, Springer, 2015
- H. Zhang, Y. Cao and X.F. Zhao. Motion vector-based video steganography with preserved local optimality. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Published online, 2015, Springer
- K. Ma, W. M. Zhang, X. F. Zhao, N. H. Yu, F. H. Li. Reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reserving room before encryption, IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security, 8(3): 553 – 562, March, 2013
- X. C. Hu, W. M. Zhang, X. X Hu, N. H. Yu, X. F. Zhao, F. H. Li. Fast Estimation of Optimal Marked-Signal Distribution for Reversible Data Hiding, IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security, 8(3): 553 – 562, March, 2013
- X. F. Zhao, D. G Feng. Bypassing the decomposition attacks on two-round multivariate schemes by a practical cubic round, IET Information Security, 4(3): 167-184, 2010
- Y. Cao, X. F. Zhao, D. G. Feng. Video steganalysis exploiting motion vector reversion-based features, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 19(1): 35-38, 2012
- X. F. Zhao, N. Li. Reversible watermarking with subliminal channel. Information Hiding’08 (IH’08), LNCS 5284: 118 - 131, Springer-Verlag, 2008
- X. F. Zhao, B. B Xia, Y. Deng. Strengthening QIM-based watermarking by non-uniform discrete cosine transform. Information Hiding’08 (IH’08), LNCS 5284: 309 - 324, Springer-Verlag, 2008
- Y. Cao, X. F. Zhao, D. G. Feng, R. N. Sheng. Video steganography with perturbed motion estimation, Information Hiding’11 (IH’11), LNCS 6958: 193-207, Springer-Verlag, 2011
- H. Zhang, Q. X. Guan, X. F. Zhao. Steganography based on adaptive pixel-value differencing scheme revisited. In: Revised Papers of 2013 Intern. Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS 8389, pp. 32-47, Springer, 2014
- Y. Cao, X. F. Zhao, et al. Video steganography with multipath motion estimation. SPIE Conf. Electronic Imaging -- Media Watermarking, security, and Forensics, Feb. 5-7, 2013, Burlingame, CA, USA, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8665
- X. F. Zhao, H. B. Yu, J. Zhu, Y. Deng. Differential forensics of DC-DM based watermarking, 2014 IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, invited paper, Xi’an, China, July 9-13, 2014
- B. B. Xia, X. F. Zhao, D. G. Feng, M. S. Wang. Strengthening spread spectrum watermarking security via key controlled wavelet filter. Trans. Data Hiding & Multimedia Security X, LNCS 8948: 1-20, Springer, April 2015
- Y. B. Zhao, Y. Cao, H. Zhang, P.P. Wang, X. F. Zhao. Video Steganalysis Based on Intra Prediction Mode Calibration. IWDW 2015, Oct. 2015, Tokyo, Japan, to appear in LNCS
- 黃煒, 趙險峰, 盛任農. 基於主成分分析進行特徵融合的JPEG隱寫分析, 軟體學報, 23(7): 1869-1879, 2012
- 黃煒, 趙險峰, 盛任農. 基於KFD指標聚類的高隱蔽性JPEG隱寫分析, 計算機學報. 35(9): 1951-1958, 2012
- 夏冰冰,趙險峰,王明生. 一種基於擴展加減覆蓋集的隱寫方法,電子學報,42(6): 1168-1172,2014
- 馮登國, 趙險峰. 信息安全技術概論(普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材),北京: 電子工業出版社,2009年3月(第二版,2014年2月)
- 趙險峰, 黃煒. 一種擴展防偽數字水印和電子印章信息量的方法. 專利號: ZL 200810056193.7
- 李寧, 趙險峰, 黃煒. 一種數字視頻內容的快速保護及解保護方法,專利號:ZL 200810056192.2
- 曹紜, 趙險峰, 馮登國. 一種加密的Huffman編碼方法及其解碼方法. 專利號: ZL 200910076038.6
- 黃煒, 趙險峰, 馮登國. 一種基於圖像和音頻再編碼處理的隱寫防範方法. 專利號: ZL 201010230477.6
- 趙險峰, 夏冰冰, 黃煒. 一種基於隱寫測評的隱寫分析方法. 專利號:ZL 201210394104.6