


  • 中文名:趙險峰
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校上海交通大學
  • 職稱:研究員,博導


姓名: 趙險峰
性別: 男


主要研究領域是信息安全事件檢測分析的理論與技術,包括信息隱藏與隱蔽通信及其檢測、安全異常行為與內容取證、大數據安全分析以及相關技術在信息內容保護和網路空間安全等中的套用。曾承擔國家自然科學基金、北京市自然科學基金、863計畫、中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項、信息安全專項、各類部委項目等課題40餘項,在《IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security》、《IET Information Security》、《Multimedia Tools and Applications》、“Intern. Workshop on Information Hiding”、"ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security"、“Intern. Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking”等本領域重要刊物和會議上發表論文90餘篇,獲得與申請發明專利21項,合著、參與撰寫專著和譯著5部,主要提出了增強信息隱藏安全、提高相關檢測性能的多種方法,主持研製了多個重要系統。






2015年,任《International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics》副編輯以及多個國際刊物審稿人,任“中國電子學會計算機取證專委會” 委員、“中國電子學會多媒體信息安全專委會”委員,任“2015 International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking”程式委員會委員、“2015 International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security”程式委員會委員、“2015 International Workshop on Digital Crime and Forensics”程式委員會委員與組委會主席、“2015全國信息隱藏暨多媒體信息安全學術大會”程式委員會委員、“2015全國計算機取證技術研討會”程式委員會委員。


  1. Y. Cao, H. Zhang, X. F. Zhao, H. B. Yu, Covert communication by compressed videos exploiting the uncertainty of motion estimation, IEEE Communication Letters, 19(2): 203-206, 2015
  2. H. Zhang, Y. Cao, X.F. Zhao. Video steganography with perturbed macroblock partition. 2014 ACM Conf. Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, June 11 - 13, 2014, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 115-122
  3. Y. Cao, H. Zhang, X.F. Zhao, H. B. Yu. Statistically undetectable video steganography based on optimized motion estimation perturbation, 2015 ACM Conf. Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, June 17-19, 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA
  4. P.P. Wang, Y. Cao, X.F. Zhao. An adaptive detecting strategy against motion vector-based steganography, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Torino, Italy, June 29 to July 3, 2015
  5. J. Zhu, Q. X. Guan, X. F. Zhao. Multi-class JPEG Steganalysis by Ensemble Linear SVM Classifier, 2014 International Workshop on Digital forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), Taiwan, China, Oct.1-3, 2014, LNCS 9023: 470-484, Springer, 2015
  6. H. Zhang, Y. Cao and X.F. Zhao. Motion vector-based video steganography with preserved local optimality. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Published online, 2015, Springer
  7. K. Ma, W. M. Zhang, X. F. Zhao, N. H. Yu, F. H. Li. Reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reserving room before encryption, IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security, 8(3): 553 – 562, March, 2013
  8. X. C. Hu, W. M. Zhang, X. X Hu, N. H. Yu, X. F. Zhao, F. H. Li. Fast Estimation of Optimal Marked-Signal Distribution for Reversible Data Hiding, IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security, 8(3): 553 – 562, March, 2013
  9. X. F. Zhao, D. G Feng. Bypassing the decomposition attacks on two-round multivariate schemes by a practical cubic round, IET Information Security, 4(3): 167-184, 2010
  10. Y. Cao, X. F. Zhao, D. G. Feng. Video steganalysis exploiting motion vector reversion-based features, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 19(1): 35-38, 2012
  11. X. F. Zhao, N. Li. Reversible watermarking with subliminal channel. Information Hiding’08 (IH’08), LNCS 5284: 118 - 131, Springer-Verlag, 2008
  12. X. F. Zhao, B. B Xia, Y. Deng. Strengthening QIM-based watermarking by non-uniform discrete cosine transform. Information Hiding’08 (IH’08), LNCS 5284: 309 - 324, Springer-Verlag, 2008
  13. Y. Cao, X. F. Zhao, D. G. Feng, R. N. Sheng. Video steganography with perturbed motion estimation, Information Hiding’11 (IH’11), LNCS 6958: 193-207, Springer-Verlag, 2011
  14. H. Zhang, Q. X. Guan, X. F. Zhao. Steganography based on adaptive pixel-value differencing scheme revisited. In: Revised Papers of 2013 Intern. Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS 8389, pp. 32-47, Springer, 2014
  15. Y. Cao, X. F. Zhao, et al. Video steganography with multipath motion estimation. SPIE Conf. Electronic Imaging -- Media Watermarking, security, and Forensics, Feb. 5-7, 2013, Burlingame, CA, USA, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8665
  16. X. F. Zhao, H. B. Yu, J. Zhu, Y. Deng. Differential forensics of DC-DM based watermarking, 2014 IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, invited paper, Xi’an, China, July 9-13, 2014
  17. B. B. Xia, X. F. Zhao, D. G. Feng, M. S. Wang. Strengthening spread spectrum watermarking security via key controlled wavelet filter. Trans. Data Hiding & Multimedia Security X, LNCS 8948: 1-20, Springer, April 2015
  18. Y. B. Zhao, Y. Cao, H. Zhang, P.P. Wang, X. F. Zhao. Video Steganalysis Based on Intra Prediction Mode Calibration. IWDW 2015, Oct. 2015, Tokyo, Japan, to appear in LNCS
  19. 黃煒, 趙險峰, 盛任農. 基於主成分分析進行特徵融合的JPEG隱寫分析, 軟體學報, 23(7): 1869-1879, 2012
  20. 黃煒, 趙險峰, 盛任農. 基於KFD指標聚類的高隱蔽性JPEG隱寫分析, 計算機學報. 35(9): 1951-1958, 2012
  21. 夏冰冰,趙險峰,王明生. 一種基於擴展加減覆蓋集的隱寫方法,電子學報,42(6): 1168-1172,2014
  22. 馮登國, 趙險峰. 信息安全技術概論(普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材),北京: 電子工業出版社,2009年3月(第二版,2014年2月)
  1. 趙險峰, 黃煒. 一種擴展防偽數字水印和電子印章信息量的方法. 專利號: ZL 200810056193.7
  2. 李寧, 趙險峰, 黃煒. 一種數字視頻內容的快速保護及解保護方法,專利號:ZL 200810056192.2
  3. 曹紜, 趙險峰, 馮登國. 一種加密的Huffman編碼方法及其解碼方法. 專利號: ZL 200910076038.6
  4. 黃煒, 趙險峰, 馮登國. 一種基於圖像和音頻再編碼處理的隱寫防範方法. 專利號: ZL 201010230477.6
  5. 趙險峰, 夏冰冰, 黃煒. 一種基於隱寫測評的隱寫分析方法. 專利號:ZL 201210394104.6


