- 中文名:趙衛東
- 國籍:陝西西安
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:陝西西安
- 出生日期:1959年6月
- 職業:鄭州輕工業學院院長
- 畢業院校:日本名古屋大學
- 國家自然科學基金1項:小鼠卵子突變基因的修飾基因發現和定位(項目編號:30570267),主持,2006-2008,已驗收結項。
- 國家自然科學基金1項:小鼠DDK與PWK品系卵子細胞質物質與精子因子親和性研究(項目編號:30770321),主持,2008-2010,已驗收結項。
- 河南省科技創新傑出人才計畫項目:攜帶人白細胞介素-10轉基因小鼠的研究(項目編號:094200510010),主持,2009-2011,已驗收結項。
- 河南省科技廳重點攻關項目:人血小板生成素轉基因奶牛的研究,主持,2007-2009,已完成。
- 轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專項:肉用家畜肌肉發育和脂肪沉積關鍵基因的克隆及功能驗證,主持,2009-2010,已完成。
- 人事部回國留學基金項目:近交系小鼠的表型遺傳學研究,主持,2006—2007,已完成。
- 教育部回國留學人員科研基金項目:小鼠胚泡發育調控基因定位(項目編號:2006180013),主持,2005—2006,已完成。
- Modification of survival rate of mouse embryos developing in heterozygous females for ovum mutant gene. Biology of Reproduction 2000; 62:857-863. (the first author).
- Identification of compatibility between ooplasmic factor and sperm gene in the intersubspecific crosses involving DDK and PWK mice strains. Journal of Genetics and Genomics.2011, 38(11):525-531.(coresponding author).
- Fluctuation in fertility phenotypes of the heterozygous (Om/+) mice owing to background genes. Mammalian Genome , 2002,13:114-116.(the first author).
- Female mice of DDK strain are fully fertile in the intersubspecific crosses with Mus musculus molossinus and M. m. castaneus, Mammalian Genome, 2002, 13:345-351. (the first author)
- Arrest of spermatogenesis at the Early Meiotic Stage in the Small Testis Mutant (Smt) mice. Exp. Anim. 2005,54 (4),327-337. (the second author).
- Participation of embryonic genotype in the pregnancy block phenomenon in mice. Biology of Reproduction 1999; 61:367-371. (the second author).
- Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci Causing Abnormal Spermatogenesis and Reduced Testis Weight in the Small Testis Weight in the Small Testis Mutant (Smt) mice Exp. Anim. 2006, 54(2), 97-108. (the second author).
- Molecular Cloning, Expression and Characterization of the Porcine β Defensin 2 in E.coli,Protein and Peptide Letters,2013, 20,715-723 (the fifth author).
- 人β防禦素3和植物des-pGLu1-brazzein融合蛋白表達菌的誘導條件最佳化及其活性分析,生物工程學報,2008,24(3):485-490. (通訊作者).
- 小鼠卵子突變基因功能表達的研究,河南農業大學學報, 2007,41(2):171-177. (通訊作者).