- 中文名:趙翠萍
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1967年
- 性別:女
1984-1988 雲南大學地球物理系地球物理學系,學士
1998-2001 中國科技大學地球物理系,碩士
2003-2006 中國地震局地球物理研究所,博士
2.中國地震局行業專項(項目編號 20070826),地震目錄新參數及其在地震預測中的套用,項目負責人;
1. 國家科技支撐課題(項目編號:2006BAC01B04-02-01),水庫誘發地震監測與分析處理技術研究
2. 地震預測研究所基本科研業務專項(項目編號02092439),介質三維衰減結構層析成像研究,項目負責人;
3. 中國數字地震觀測網路項目測震前兆專業軟體研製,數據挖掘與套用,主要參加人;
4. 新疆自治區科技公關課題,新疆巴楚-伽師6.8級地震及未來強震趨勢研究,專題負責人;
2.Zhao C P, Chen Z L, Zhou L Q, et al. 2009. Rupture process of the 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of Sichuan, China: the segmentation feature. Chinese Sci Bull, January 2010 Vol.55 No.3: 284~292, doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0425~7
3.Zhao C P, Chen Z L, Zheng S H and Zhang Z Q. 2008. Moment inversion of moderate earthquakes and the locally perturbed stress field in the Jiashi source region. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51 (3): 558~568
4.Zhao C P, Chen Z L, Zheng S H. 2008. Source rupture process of 3 Jiashi Ms6 events(1998~2003)and its correlation with the aftershock activity. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51 (4): 774~783
5.Zhao C P, Xia A G. Study on source parameters of earthquakes occurred on the middle-east area of Northern Tienshan in Xinjiang,Earthquake Research in China, 2005,Vol.19, No.4,382~390.
6.Zhao C P, Chen Z L, Zheng S H. 2004. Study on the rupture process of the Sep 27, 2003 Ms7.9 earthquake on the border area of China, Russia and Mongolia. ACTA SEISMOLOGICAL SINICA,Vol.27(3):237~249
7.趙翠萍、張智強等,利用數字地震波資料研究新疆天山中東段地區的介質衰減特徵,防災減災工程學報,2004,Vol.24, No.3,300-305
8.Zhao C P, B L N LENNETT, 2003. Contrasts in regional seismic wave propagation to station WMQ in central, Geophys.J.Int. Vol.155, 44~56
9.趙翠萍、顧瑾平、白彤霞,2001,新疆伽師強震群的震源應力環境分析,中國地震, Vol.17,No.3,289-298
11.Zhou L Q, Zhao Cuiping (Corresponding Author), 2011. Three-Dimensional VP and VP/VS Structure in the Longtan Reservoir Area by local Earthquake Tomography. Pure Appl. Geophys. DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0300-8
12. Zhou L., Zhao C., Chen Z., et. al,2011. Inferring water saturation in the Longtan reservoir area by three-dimensional attenuation tomography, Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05124.x
13. Zhou L., Zhao C., Chen Z., et. al, 2011, Amplitude tomography of Lg waves in Xinjiang and its adjacent regions, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 101(3):1302~1314