- 中文名:趙朝方
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:日本東海大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:衛星海洋遙感
- 職務:中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院副院長
- 任職院校:中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院
1988/07-1997/12,山東海洋學院(青島海洋大學)物理系、海洋遙感研究所歷任助教、講師、副教授; 1997/12- ,青島海洋大學海洋遙感研究所、中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院教授;
1999/12- ,中國海洋大學博士生指導教師;
2004/06 - 2017/08, 中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院副院長;
2009/07 – 2012/07, 中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學院海洋技術系主任。
中國海洋學會海洋物理分會常務委員(2015/06-2020/06); 中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版)第六屆編輯委員會委員(中文版)、第四屆編輯委員會委員(英文版)。
⚫ 國家實驗室鰲山科技創新計畫項目“基於國產衛星的海表溫度與風場產品融合研究”(項目編號:2016ASKJ16,執行期間:2017/03-2019/07),課題負責人。
⚫ 國家自然科學基金-山東省聯合基金“海洋環境動力學和數值模擬”(項目編號:U1606405 執行期間:2017/01-2019/12,項目負責人:陳戈),主要參加人員。
⚫ 國家863“海洋動力環境微波遙感信息提取技術與套用”深遠海海洋動力環境觀測系統關鍵技術與集成示範(項目編號:2013AA09A505,執行期間:2013-2016,海大部分項目負責人)。
⚫ 國家衛星海洋套用中心委託項目“海溫融合產品研製”(2012-2013),項目負責人。
⚫ 中海油海上石油設施溢油衛星遙感監測系統研發項目(項目編號:CY-HB-11-ZC-128,執行期間:2011-2012,項目負責人)。
⚫ 國家863項目“機載多通道雷射雷達海面油污染監測技術”( 項目編號:2006AA06Z415,執行期間:2006-2009,項目負責人)。
⚫ 國家863項目“機載多通道雷射雷達海面油污染監測技術”( 項目編號:2006AA06Z415,執行期間:2006-2009,項目負責人)。
1、Zhao, C., et al. 1996, "Study of Process of Wave Breaking and CO2 Flux Transportation in the North Pacific Ocean---Based on Satellite and Ship Data", Ph.D thesis of Tokai University (Japan);
2、Zhao, C., et al. "Analysis of Validation of Ocean Wave Detected by ERS/AMI Image data near Japan", J. Adv. Sci. Tech. Soc., 1(1), pp39-49, 1995
3、He, M., C. Zhao et al., "Surface wave verification Spectra", in the book of "Satellite Remote Sensing of Oceanic Environment", Edited by I. S. Jones, Y. Sugimori, R. W. Stewart (Japan Seibutsu Kankyushia, 1993), pp100-107
4、He, M., C. Zhao et al., "Ocean Wave Directional Spectra by Optical Methods", in the book of "Oceanology of China Seas", Edited by Zhou Di et al., (Kluwer Academic Publishers (1994), pp557-564.
5、Zhao, C., et al., 1996, "Analysis of Ocean Wave Using JERS-1/SAR Data
Around Japan", J. Adv. Mar. Tech. Soc., 2(1),pp17-22, 1996
6、趙朝方、秋山正壽、杉森康宏、賀明霞,北太平洋大氣海洋間二氧化碳交換係數的估算,2001,pp158-165, 《東海海洋通量關鍵過程》(胡敦欣,楊作升編著),海洋出版社,p204, 2001
7、Naoya Suzuki, Naoto Ebuchi, Chaofang Zhao, Isao Watabe, and Yasuhiro Sugimori, Study of the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age effected by wave directionality, Earth and Planetary Sciences, vol.111, No. 3, 2002, pp305-313
9、胡明娜,趙朝方,2007,舟山及鄰近海域上升流長周期的遙感觀測與分析,中國海洋大學學報,第37卷(sup.),235-240, 2007
10、Kunte Pravin D., Zhao Chaofang, Osawa Takahiro, Sugimori Yasuhiro, 2005, Sediment distribution study in the Gulf of Kachchh, India, from 3D hydrodynamic model simulation and satellite data, Journal of Marine Systems, v 55, n 3-4, April, 2005, p 139-153 (SCI, No.: 935VV)
11、Suzuki Naoya,Ebuchi Naoto,Zhao Chaofang,Kobayashi Daisuke, Watabe Isao,Sugimori Yasuhiro,2002, Analysis of various wave components on the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, v 12, Proceedings of the 12th (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2002, p 55-59
12、Suzuki N, Ebuchi N., Zhao C., Watabe I., Sugimori Y., 2002,Study of the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age, effected by wave directionality,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY
13、胡明娜,趙朝方,2008, 浙江近海夏季上升流的遙感觀測與分析, 遙感學報,Vol.12, No.2, pp297-304
14、呂偉艷,趙朝方,杜濤,2008,弱流場調製下的海面微波散射模擬研究,海洋科學,Vol.32, No.7, 57-61
15、Shi L. , A. Yu. Ivanov, M. He and C. Zhao, Oil spill mapping in the western part of the east china sea using synthetic aperture radar imagery, Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No.21, 10, 6315-6329 (SCI收錄)
16、石立堅,趙朝方,劉朋,2009, 基於紋理分析和人工神經網路的SAR圖像中海面溢油識別方法,中國海洋大學學報,39(6),1269-1274
17、Peng Liu, Chaofang Zhao ,Xiaofeng Li ,and Mingxia He,2010,Identification of ocean oil spills in SAR imagery based on fuzzy logic algorithm,Int J. Remote Sensing,38(17),4819-4833,2010
18、李曉龍,趙朝方,齊敏珺,馬佑軍,李志剛,劉智深,2010, 多通道海洋雷射雷達溢油監測系統高台實驗分析,中國海洋大學學報,40(8),145-150,2010
20、Peng Liu, Xiaofeng Li,John Qu, Wenguang Wang , Chaofang Zhao, and William Pichel,2011,Oil spill detection with fully polarimetric UAVSAR data. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.09.036
21、Li Xiaolong, Zhao Chaofang*, Ma Youjun, Liu Zhishen, Field Experiments of Multi-channel Oceanographic Fluorescence Lidar for Detecting Oil Spills and Chlorophyll-a, Journal of Ocean University of China (oceanic and coastal research), 13(4),597-603,2014
22、Wang Zhixiong, Chaofang Zhao, Zou Juhong*, Xie Xuetong, Zhang Yi, Lin Mingsen, An improved wind retrieval algorithm for the HY-2A scatterometer, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(5), 1201-1209, 2015
23、Wang Zhixiong, Zhao Chaofang*, Assessment of wind products obtained from multiple microwave scatterometers over the china seas, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(5),1210-1218, 2015
24、羅秉琨,李潔,趙朝方,雙颱風及其對海洋環境影響的遙感分析, 遙感技術與套用,2014
25、Yong Zhao, Chaofang Zhao*, Ruyao Sun, Wang Zhixiong, 2016, A multiple linear regression model for tropical cyclone intensity estimation from satellite infrared images, Atmosphere 7(3)40 1:17, doi: 10.3390/atmos7030040
26、Wang Chen, Zhao Chaofang*, Zeng Kan, Wang Yunhua. 2016, Analysis of Scattering Mechanisms Over Sea Oil Slicks Based on Eigenvalues of Simplified Coherence Matrix. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. (SCI, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.9.095974)
27、Zhixiong Wang, Ad Stoffelen, Franco Fois, Anton Verhoef, Chaofang Zhao, Mingsen Lin, and Ge Chen, 2016, SST Dependence of Ku- and C-Band Backscatter Measurements, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, DOI. 10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2600749
28、Mingming Li, Chaofang Zhao, Yong Zhao, Zhixiong Wang and Lijian Shi, 2016, Polar Sea Ice Monitoring Using HY-2A Scatterometer Measurements, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8, 688; doi:10.3390/rs8080688
29、Wang, Z., A. Stoffelen, C. Zhao, J. Vogelzang, A. Verhoef, J. Verspeek, M. Lin, and G. Chen (2017), An SST-dependent Ku-band geophysical model function for RapidScat, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 3461–3480, doi:10.1002/2016JC012619
30、Shi Lijian, Li Mingming, Zhao Chaofang, Wang Zhixiong, Shi Yingni, Zou Juhong, Zeng Tao. 2017. Sea ice extent retrieval with HY-2A scatterometer data and its assessment. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(8): 76–83, doi: 10.1007/s13131-017-1022-2
32、Song Shasha, Zhao Chaofang, An Wei, Li Xiaofeng, Wang Chen, 2018, Analysis of impacting factors on polarimetric SAR oil spill detection, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(11), 77-87 (SCIE)
33、王志雄,趙朝方,林明森,2019,地球物理模式函式與衛星散射計遙感海面風場, 科學出版社,pp156,2019
2、Zhao, C., et al. "Analysis of Validation of Ocean Wave Detected by ERS/AMI Image data near Japan", J. Adv. Sci. Tech. Soc., 1(1), pp39-49, 1995
3、He, M., C. Zhao et al., "Surface wave verification Spectra", in the book of "Satellite Remote Sensing of Oceanic Environment", Edited by I. S. Jones, Y. Sugimori, R. W. Stewart (Japan Seibutsu Kankyushia, 1993), pp100-107
4、He, M., C. Zhao et al., "Ocean Wave Directional Spectra by Optical Methods", in the book of "Oceanology of China Seas", Edited by Zhou Di et al., (Kluwer Academic Publishers (1994), pp557-564.
5、Zhao, C., et al., 1996, "Analysis of Ocean Wave Using JERS-1/SAR Data
Around Japan", J. Adv. Mar. Tech. Soc., 2(1),pp17-22, 1996
6、趙朝方、秋山正壽、杉森康宏、賀明霞,北太平洋大氣海洋間二氧化碳交換係數的估算,2001,pp158-165, 《東海海洋通量關鍵過程》(胡敦欣,楊作升編著),海洋出版社,p204, 2001
7、Naoya Suzuki, Naoto Ebuchi, Chaofang Zhao, Isao Watabe, and Yasuhiro Sugimori, Study of the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age effected by wave directionality, Earth and Planetary Sciences, vol.111, No. 3, 2002, pp305-313
9、胡明娜,趙朝方,2007,舟山及鄰近海域上升流長周期的遙感觀測與分析,中國海洋大學學報,第37卷(sup.),235-240, 2007
10、Kunte Pravin D., Zhao Chaofang, Osawa Takahiro, Sugimori Yasuhiro, 2005, Sediment distribution study in the Gulf of Kachchh, India, from 3D hydrodynamic model simulation and satellite data, Journal of Marine Systems, v 55, n 3-4, April, 2005, p 139-153 (SCI, No.: 935VV)
11、Suzuki Naoya,Ebuchi Naoto,Zhao Chaofang,Kobayashi Daisuke, Watabe Isao,Sugimori Yasuhiro,2002, Analysis of various wave components on the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, v 12, Proceedings of the 12th (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2002, p 55-59
12、Suzuki N, Ebuchi N., Zhao C., Watabe I., Sugimori Y., 2002,Study of the relationship between non-dimensional roughness length and wave age, effected by wave directionality,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY
13、胡明娜,趙朝方,2008, 浙江近海夏季上升流的遙感觀測與分析, 遙感學報,Vol.12, No.2, pp297-304
14、呂偉艷,趙朝方,杜濤,2008,弱流場調製下的海面微波散射模擬研究,海洋科學,Vol.32, No.7, 57-61
15、Shi L. , A. Yu. Ivanov, M. He and C. Zhao, Oil spill mapping in the western part of the east china sea using synthetic aperture radar imagery, Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No.21, 10, 6315-6329 (SCI收錄)
16、石立堅,趙朝方,劉朋,2009, 基於紋理分析和人工神經網路的SAR圖像中海面溢油識別方法,中國海洋大學學報,39(6),1269-1274
17、Peng Liu, Chaofang Zhao ,Xiaofeng Li ,and Mingxia He,2010,Identification of ocean oil spills in SAR imagery based on fuzzy logic algorithm,Int J. Remote Sensing,38(17),4819-4833,2010
18、李曉龍,趙朝方,齊敏珺,馬佑軍,李志剛,劉智深,2010, 多通道海洋雷射雷達溢油監測系統高台實驗分析,中國海洋大學學報,40(8),145-150,2010
20、Peng Liu, Xiaofeng Li,John Qu, Wenguang Wang , Chaofang Zhao, and William Pichel,2011,Oil spill detection with fully polarimetric UAVSAR data. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.09.036
21、Li Xiaolong, Zhao Chaofang*, Ma Youjun, Liu Zhishen, Field Experiments of Multi-channel Oceanographic Fluorescence Lidar for Detecting Oil Spills and Chlorophyll-a, Journal of Ocean University of China (oceanic and coastal research), 13(4),597-603,2014
22、Wang Zhixiong, Chaofang Zhao, Zou Juhong*, Xie Xuetong, Zhang Yi, Lin Mingsen, An improved wind retrieval algorithm for the HY-2A scatterometer, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(5), 1201-1209, 2015
23、Wang Zhixiong, Zhao Chaofang*, Assessment of wind products obtained from multiple microwave scatterometers over the china seas, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(5),1210-1218, 2015
24、羅秉琨,李潔,趙朝方,雙颱風及其對海洋環境影響的遙感分析, 遙感技術與套用,2014
25、Yong Zhao, Chaofang Zhao*, Ruyao Sun, Wang Zhixiong, 2016, A multiple linear regression model for tropical cyclone intensity estimation from satellite infrared images, Atmosphere 7(3)40 1:17, doi: 10.3390/atmos7030040
26、Wang Chen, Zhao Chaofang*, Zeng Kan, Wang Yunhua. 2016, Analysis of Scattering Mechanisms Over Sea Oil Slicks Based on Eigenvalues of Simplified Coherence Matrix. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. (SCI, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.9.095974)
27、Zhixiong Wang, Ad Stoffelen, Franco Fois, Anton Verhoef, Chaofang Zhao, Mingsen Lin, and Ge Chen, 2016, SST Dependence of Ku- and C-Band Backscatter Measurements, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, DOI. 10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2600749
28、Mingming Li, Chaofang Zhao, Yong Zhao, Zhixiong Wang and Lijian Shi, 2016, Polar Sea Ice Monitoring Using HY-2A Scatterometer Measurements, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8, 688; doi:10.3390/rs8080688
29、Wang, Z., A. Stoffelen, C. Zhao, J. Vogelzang, A. Verhoef, J. Verspeek, M. Lin, and G. Chen (2017), An SST-dependent Ku-band geophysical model function for RapidScat, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 3461–3480, doi:10.1002/2016JC012619
30、Shi Lijian, Li Mingming, Zhao Chaofang, Wang Zhixiong, Shi Yingni, Zou Juhong, Zeng Tao. 2017. Sea ice extent retrieval with HY-2A scatterometer data and its assessment. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(8): 76–83, doi: 10.1007/s13131-017-1022-2
32、Song Shasha, Zhao Chaofang, An Wei, Li Xiaofeng, Wang Chen, 2018, Analysis of impacting factors on polarimetric SAR oil spill detection, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(11), 77-87 (SCIE)
33、王志雄,趙朝方,林明森,2019,地球物理模式函式與衛星散射計遙感海面風場, 科學出版社,pp156,2019
1、國家發明專利:一種基於螢光光譜的溢油種類識別方法,齊敏珺、趙朝方、馬佑軍、李曉龍,201010216725.6, 中國海洋大學,國家專利局,2010 授權;
2、國家實用新型專利:光譜儀及溢油監測系統,李曉龍、趙朝方、馬佑軍、齊敏珺,ZL201020246265.7, 中國海洋大學,國家專利局,2010;
3、國家實用新型專利: 脈衝雷射同軸發射與接收設備及溢油監測系統, 李曉龍、趙朝方、馬佑軍、齊敏珺, ZL201020246262.3,國家專利局,2010
4、機載多通道雷射雷達海面油污染監測系統軟體(MC-FLS),2009SR037645, 中國海洋大學,國家著作權局,2009;
5、海洋2號衛星散射計極地海冰監測系統, 2016SR211847, 中國海洋大學,國家著作權局,2016。
2、國家實用新型專利:光譜儀及溢油監測系統,李曉龍、趙朝方、馬佑軍、齊敏珺,ZL201020246265.7, 中國海洋大學,國家專利局,2010;
3、國家實用新型專利: 脈衝雷射同軸發射與接收設備及溢油監測系統, 李曉龍、趙朝方、馬佑軍、齊敏珺, ZL201020246262.3,國家專利局,2010
4、機載多通道雷射雷達海面油污染監測系統軟體(MC-FLS),2009SR037645, 中國海洋大學,國家著作權局,2009;
5、海洋2號衛星散射計極地海冰監測系統, 2016SR211847, 中國海洋大學,國家著作權局,2016。