



  • 中文名:趙巍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1979年9月
  • 畢業院校:華中農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:土壤學
  • 籍貫:湖北赤壁
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學


2003.09-2009.07 華中農業大學資源與環境學院,土壤學專業,博士(碩博連讀)1999.09-2003.07 華中農業大學理學院,套用化學專業,學士




[1] 黃土高原退耕還草土壤有機-無機碳耦合過程對團聚體穩定性的影響機制(41877037),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2019-2022,62萬;
[2] 土壤團聚穩定性研究,國家自然科轎危學基櫃懂悼金重點項目(子課題),2014-2018,15萬;
[3] 黃土高原土壤氧化鐵形態與結構特徵及其對成土的指示(41101218),國家自然科學基金青年項目,2012-2014,25萬;
[4] 黃土高原土壤氧化鐵類型及其微結構變化特徵,西北農林科技大學基本科研業務費專項資金,2011-2013,10萬;
[5] 黃土剖面演化過程中氧化鐵組成及其微結構的變化特徵研究,中國科學院西部之光人才培養計畫“西部博士資助項目”,2010-2013,10萬;
[6] 不同結構水鈉錳礦的汽漿才表面特性及其與Pb2+吸附關係,西北農林科技大學博士科研啟動基金,2009-2011,5萬;
[7] 不同結構水鈉錳礦的表面特性及其與鉛離子吸附的關係, 黃土高原土壤侵蝕與旱地農業國家重點實驗室自主項目,2009-2011,10萬歸應碑晚。


[1] Zhao W, Zhang R, Cao H, Tan WF. Factor contribution to soil organic and inorganic carbon accumulation in the Loess Plateau: structural equation modeling. Geoderma, 2019. (In press, SCI, IF= 3.74, 中科院1區, Top期刊)
[2] Zhao W, Tan WF, Wang MX, Xiong J, Liu F, Weng LP, Koopal LK. CD-MUSIC-EDL modeling of Pbadsorption on birnessites: role of vacant and edge sites. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52: 10522-10531. (SCI, IF= 6.653, 中科院1區, Top期刊)
[3] Zhao W, Tan WF. Quantitative and structural analysis of minerals in soil clay fractions developed under different climate zones in China by XRD with Rietveld method, and its implications for pedogenesis. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 162: 351-361. (SCI, IF= 3.641,中科院2區)
[4] Zhang L, Zhao W*, Zhang R, Cao H, Tan W. Profile distribution of soil organic and inorganic carbon following revegetation on the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 30301-30314. (通訊作者,SCI, IF= 2.8)
[5] Zhao W, Zhang R, Huang CQ, Wang BQ, Cao H, Koopal LK, Tan WF. Effect of different vegetation cover on the vertical distribution of soil organic and inorganic carbon in the Zhifanggou Watershed on the loess plateau. Catena, 2016, 139: 191-198. (SCI, IF= 3.256,中科院2區)
[6] Zhao W, Liu F, Feng XH, Tan WF, Qiu GH, Chen XH. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy study of acid birnessites before and after Pbadsorption. Clay Minerals, 2012, 47: 191-204. (SCI, IF= 1.219)
[7] Zhao W, Tan WF, Feng XH, Liu F, Xie YN, Xie Z. XAFS studies on surface coordination of Pbon birnessites with different average oxidation states. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, 379: 86-92. (SCI, IF= 2.714)
[8] Zhao W, Wang QQ, Liu F, Qiu GH, Tan WF, Feng XH. Pbadsorption on birnessite affected by Znand Mnpretreatments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2010, 10: 870-878. (SCI, IF= 2.627)
[9] Xiong J, Koopal LK, Tan WF, Fang LC, Wang MX, Zhao W, Liu F, Zhang J, Weng LP. Lead binding to soil fulvic and humic acids: NICA-Donnan modeling and XAFS spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47: 11634-11642.
[10] 趙巍, 劉凡, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰. 不同錳氧化度水鈉錳礦的XPS研究. 中南大學學報, 2012, 43(2): 776-782. (EI)
[11] 趙巍, 殷輝, 劉凡, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰. 水鈉錳礦的Mn(III)分布及Na4P2O7溶液處理對其鉛吸附性能的影響. 環境科學, 2011, 32: 2477-2484.
[12] 趙巍, 譚文峰, 馮雄漢, 劉凡, 謝亞寧, 謝治. Pb在不同錳氧化度水鈉錳礦表面配位形態的EXAFS研究. 土壤學報, 2011, 48: 28-38.
[13] 趙巍, 劉凡, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰, 邱國紅, 陳秀華. 水鈉錳礦吸附Pb亞結構變化的紅外光譜研究. 地球化學, 2011, 40: 99-107.
[14] 趙巍, 崔浩傑, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰, 劉凡. 水鈉錳礦的錳氧化度與Pb吸附量的關係. 環境科學, 2009, 30: 535-542.
[15] 趙巍, 王慶慶, 劉 凡, 邱國紅, 譚文峰, 馮雄漢. Zn和Mn處理水鈉錳礦後對Pb吸附量的影響. 環境科學學報, 2009, 29: 1657-1665.
[4] Zhang L, Zhao W*, Zhang R, Cao H, Tan W. Profile distribution of soil organic and inorganic carbon following revegetation on the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 30301-30314. (通訊作者,SCI, IF= 2.8)
[5] Zhao W, Zhang R, Huang CQ, Wang BQ, Cao H, Koopal LK, Tan WF. Effect of different vegetation cover on the vertical distribution of soil organic and inorganic carbon in the Zhifanggou Watershed on the loess plateau. Catena, 2016, 139: 191-198. (SCI, IF= 3.256,中科院2區)
[6] Zhao W, Liu F, Feng XH, Tan WF, Qiu GH, Chen XH. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy study of acid birnessites before and after Pbadsorption. Clay Minerals, 2012, 47: 191-204. (SCI, IF= 1.219)
[7] Zhao W, Tan WF, Feng XH, Liu F, Xie YN, Xie Z. XAFS studies on surface coordination of Pbon birnessites with different average oxidation states. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, 379: 86-92. (SCI, IF= 2.714)
[8] Zhao W, Wang QQ, Liu F, Qiu GH, Tan WF, Feng XH. Pbadsorption on birnessite affected by Znand Mnpretreatments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2010, 10: 870-878. (SCI, IF= 2.627)
[9] Xiong J, Koopal LK, Tan WF, Fang LC, Wang MX, Zhao W, Liu F, Zhang J, Weng LP. Lead binding to soil fulvic and humic acids: NICA-Donnan modeling and XAFS spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47: 11634-11642.
[10] 趙巍, 劉凡, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰. 不同錳氧化度水鈉錳礦的XPS研究. 中南大學學報, 2012, 43(2): 776-782. (EI)
[11] 趙巍, 殷輝, 劉凡, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰. 水鈉錳礦的Mn(III)分布及Na4P2O7溶液處理對其鉛吸附性能的影響. 環境科學, 2011, 32: 2477-2484.
[12] 趙巍, 譚文峰, 馮雄漢, 劉凡, 謝亞寧, 謝治. Pb在不同錳氧化度水鈉錳礦表面配位形態的EXAFS研究. 土壤學報, 2011, 48: 28-38.
[13] 趙巍, 劉凡, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰, 邱國紅, 陳秀華. 水鈉錳礦吸附Pb亞結構變化的紅外光譜研究. 地球化學, 2011, 40: 99-107.
[14] 趙巍, 崔浩傑, 馮雄漢, 譚文峰, 劉凡. 水鈉錳礦的錳氧化度與Pb吸附量的關係. 環境科學, 2009, 30: 535-542.
[15] 趙巍, 王慶慶, 劉 凡, 邱國紅, 譚文峰, 馮雄漢. Zn和Mn處理水鈉錳礦後對Pb吸附量的影響. 環境科學學報, 2009, 29: 1657-1665.


