2013年10月,在生物質廢物資源化領域的研究成果獲得國際埃尼獎(Eni Award)2014年度候選提名。埃尼獎被譽為國際能源、環境領域的非官方諾貝爾獎,只有獲得其科學委員會提名邀請後才能申請,表明相關研究成果獲得了國際能源領域的關注與肯定。
- 中文名:趙岩
- 外文名:Zhao Yan
- 別名:趙岩
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:老師
- 畢業院校:清華大學
- 主要成就:共發表學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI收錄20餘篇;
獲得國際埃尼獎2014年度候選提名 - 代表作品:農村固體廢物處理處置與資源化技術
- 性別:男
- Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang, D Li. Combined supercritical and subcritical process for cellulose hydrolysis to fermentable hexoses, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, 43(5): 1565-1570.
- Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang, JL Yang. Fermentable hexose production from corn stalks and wheat straw with combined supercritical and subcritical hydrothermal technology. Bioresour. Technol., 2009, 100(23): 5884-5889.
- Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HY Wu, JW Liu, HT Wang. Optimization of supercritical phase and combined supercritical/ subcritical conversion of lignocellulose for hexose production by using a flow reaction system.Bioresour. Technol., 2012, 126: 391-396.
- Y Zhao, HT Wang, WJ Lu, H Wang. Combined supercritical and subcritical conversion of cellulose for fermentable hexose production in a flow reaction system. Chem.Eng. J., 2011, 166(3): 868-872.
- Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang. Supercritical hydrolysis of cellulose for oligosaccharide production in combined technology, Chem. Eng. J., 2009, 150(2-3): 411-417.
- Y Zhao, TH Christensen, WJ Lu, HY Wu, HT Wang. Environmental impact assessment of solid waste management in Beijing City, China. Waste Management, 2011, 31(4): 793-799.
- Y Zhao, W Xing, WJ Lu, X Zhang, TH Christensen. Environmental impact assessment of the incineration of municipal solid waste with auxiliary coal in China. Waste Management, 2012, 32(10): 1989-1998.
- Y Zhao, A Damgaard, HT Wang, WJ Lu, TH Christensen. Life cycle assessment of the municipal solid waste management system in Hangzhou, China (EASEWASTE), Waste Manage. Res., 2009, 27(4): 399-406.
- 趙岩, 李冬, 陸文靜, 王洪濤, 朴雪松. 纖維素超臨界水預處理與水解研究, 化學學報, 2008, 66(20): 2295-2301.
- 趙岩, 王洪濤, 陸文靜, 李冬. 秸稈超(亞)臨界水預處理與水解技術研究進展,化學進展, 2007, 19(11): 1832-1838.
- 趙岩, 司繼濤, 田保國, 王洪濤, 陸文靜. 城市固體廢物處理處置技術政策方法II:案例分析, 北京大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, 44(2): 217-223.
- 趙岩, 司繼濤, 田保國, 王洪濤, 陸文靜. 城市固體廢物處理處置技術政策方法I:模型研究, 北京大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, 43(6): 834-838.
- 趙岩, 王洪濤, 陸文靜. 養殖廢物好氧發酵生產固液混合態肥料技術研究, 農業環境科學學報, 2007, 26(1): 339-343.
- Y Zhao, HT Wang, TH Christensen, ZF Chi, WJ Lu. Environmental impacts of different municipal solid waste systems in Xicheng, Beijing with a life cycle assessment model – EASEWASTE, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China.
- Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang. Combined supercritical/subcritical pretreatment and hydrolysis of stalks for ethanol production, International ORBIT 2009 China Conference, 19-21 Nov., 2009, Beijing, China.
- Y Zhao, HT Wang, WJ Lu, JW Liu, R Han. Combined Supercritical/Subcritical Conversion of Biomass Waste for Ethanol Production by Using Batch and Flow Reaction System, InternationalConference on Solid Waste 2011 – Moving Towards Sustainable Resource Management, 3-7 May, 2011, Hong Kong, China.
- 趙岩, 陸文靜, 吳華勇, 劉晉文, 王洪濤. 秸稈制乙醇的超臨界亞臨界組合預處理與水解研究, 2010 中國可再生能源科技發展大會, 18-19, Dec., 2010, 北京, 中國.
- 趙岩, 邢薇, 王洪濤, 陸文靜. 基於生命周期模型的生活垃圾分類收運與處理系統環境影響評估, 中國環境科學學會2012年學術年會, 25-26, Jun., 2012, 南寧, 中國.
- HY Wu, Y Zhao, YY Long, Y Zhu, HT Wang, WJ Lu. Evaluation of the biological stability of waste during landfill stabilization by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Bioresour. Technol., 2011, 102(20), 9403-9408.
- W Xing, Y Zhao, JE Zuo. Microbial activity and community structure in a lake sediment used for psychrophilic anaerobic wastewater treatment. J. Appl. Microbiol., 2010, 109(5): 1829-1837.
- YX Zhang, Y Zhao, Y Zhu, HY Wu, HT Wang, WJ Lu. Adsorption of mixed cationic-nonionic surfactant and its effect on bentonite structure. J.Environ. Sci., 2012, 24(8): 1525-1532.
- 陽金龍, 趙岩, 陸文靜, 王洪濤. 玉米秸稈超臨界預處理與水解研究, 清華大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 50(9): 1408-1411.
- HY Wu, Y Zhao, T Chen, HT Wang, WJ Lu. Application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for assessment of degradation and stabilization of land-filled municipal solid waste, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China.
- L Zhang, Y Zhao, HT Wang, WJ Lu. Experimental analysis on additivity of the biogas production from the digestion processes of starch, protein, cellulose and fat, The 5th International Conference on Waste Management & Technology, 15-17 Dec., 2010, Beijing, China.
- ZF Chi, Y Zhao, WJ Lu, HT Wang, BJ Yang, ZS Mou. Aerogenic characters of cellulose digestion under simulated landfill condition, Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Healthy, 10-11 Sep., 2010, Wuhan, China.