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1. 2007.09-2011.06,武漢大學,工程力學,學士
2. 2011.09-2016.07,清華大學,固體力學,博士,導師:曹艷平 教授
3. 2016.07-2018.07,香港城市大學,機械與生物醫學工程系,博士後,導師:呂堅 教授


1. 2018.07-至今,湖南大學,機械與運載工程學院,副教授


發表SCI論文17篇,包括JMPS、Angewandte Chemie、ACS Nano、Science Advances、Soft Matter、APL等著名期刊。
1. Zhao, Y.#, Han, X.#, Li, G.Y., Lu, C.H.*, Cao, Y.P.*, Feng, X.Q., Gao, H.J., 2015. Effect of lateral dimension on the surface wrinkling of a thin film on compliant substrate induced by differential growth/swelling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 83, 129-145.
2. Zhao, Y., Cao, Y.P.*, Feng, X.Q., Ma, K., 2014. Axial compression-induced wrinkles on a core-shell soft cylinder: Theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 73, 212-227.
3. Zhao, Y.#, Shao, Z.C.#, Li, G.Y., Zheng, Y., Zhang, W.Y., Li, B., Cao, Y.P.*, Feng, X.Q., 2017. Edge wrinkling of a soft ridge with gradient thickness. Applied Physics Letters 110, 231604.
4. Zhao, Y.#, Li J.#, Cao, Y.P.*, Feng, X.Q., 2016. Buckling of elastic fibers with finite length embedded in soft matrix. Soft Matter 12, 2086-2094.
5. Zhao, Y., Cao, Y.P.*, Hong, W., Wadee, M.K., Feng, X.Q., 2015. Towards a quantitative understanding of period-doubling wrinkling patterns occurring in film/substrate bilayer systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471, 20140695.
6. Zong, C.Y.#, Zhao, Y.#, Ji, H.P., Han, X., Xie, J., Wang, J., Cao, Y.P.*, Jiang, S.C.*, Lu, C.H.*, 2016. Tuning and erasing surface wrinkles by reversible visible-light-induced photoisomeriza-tion. Angewandte Chemie 128, 1-6; Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55, 1-6.
7. Yang, X.#, Zhao, Y.#, Xie, J.#, Han, X., Wang, J., Zong, C.Y., Ji, H.P., Jiang, S.C., Cao, Y.P.*, Lu, C.H.*, 2016. Bioinspired fabrication of free-standing conducting films with hierarchical surface wrinkling patterns. ACS Nano 10, 3801-3808.
8. Ji, H.P.#, Zhao, Y.#, Zong, C.Y., Xie, J.X., Han, X., Wang, J.J., Zhao, J.X., Jiang, S.C., Cao, Y.P.*, Lu, C.H.*, 2016. Simple and versatile strategy to prevent surface wrinkling by visible light irradiation. ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces 8, 19127-19134.
9. Shao, Z.C.#, Zhao, Y.#, Zhang, W.Y., Cao, Y.P.*, Feng, X.Q., 2016. Curvature induced hierarchical wrinkling patterns in soft bilayers. Soft Matter 12, 7977-7982.
10. Han, X.#, Zhao, Y.#, Cao, Y.P.*, Lu, C.H.*, 2015. Controlling and prevention of surface wrinkling via size-dependent critical wrinkling strain. Soft Matter 11,


