研究興趣:微磁學、硬磁軟磁交換彈簧材料、鐵磁反鐵磁交換偏置材料、雙相交換耦合垂直磁記錄介質、Magnetic Vortex、聚變堆磁場線圈設計計算
趙國平教授共發表論文50餘篇,被SCI檢索40餘篇,大部分為第一作者,包括在國際上有重要影響的Physics Review B、 Applied Physics Letter、Journal of Applied Physics等期刊論文10餘篇。近5年來主持國家自然科學基金等10餘項科研項目,參加973項目1項。2008年獲四川省科技進步三等獎 (排名第一);2009年成為四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選,被聘為四川師範大學第二屆特聘教授;2010年被推薦為四川省有突出貢獻的優秀專家候選人,成為四川師範大學“小尺度物質的磁學和光學特性”科研創新團隊負責人。2005年和2010年分別當選為四川師範大學理科十佳。
1、國家自然科學基金 交換偏置和交換彈簧體系的成核模式和反轉機制理論研究 2011-2013(編號:11074179)(主持)
2、國家自然科學基金 納米鐵磁和鐵電的疇壁演化和反轉機制理論研究 2008-2010 (編號:10747007)(主持)
3、教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 納米複合磁體矯頑力機制理論研究 2008-2010 (主持)
4、 人事部留學人員科技活動擇優資助項目:交換偏置薄膜系統的理論研究 2009-2010(主持)
5、電子薄膜與集成器件國家重點實驗室(電子科技大學)開放課題 交換偏置和交換彈簧薄膜系統的理論和實驗研究 2008-2010(主持)
6、南京大學固體微結構國家重點實驗室開放課題 交換偏置薄膜界面的自旋分布研究 2009-2010 (主持)
1.G. P. Zhao, N. Bo, H. W. Zhang, Y. P. Feng, and Y. Deng,“Demagnetization process and hysteresis loops in perpendicularly oriented hard/soft trilayers”,J. Appl. Phys.,107, 083907 (2010).
2.G. P. Zhao, Y. Deng, H.W. Zhang, L. Chen, Y. P. Feng, N. Bo, “Thickness dependent magnetic reversal process and hysteresis loops in exchange-coupled hard-soft trilayers”,J. Appl. Phys.,108,093928, (2010).
3.G. P. Zhao, L. Chen, C.W. Huang, N.L. Guo and Y.P. Feng, “Micromagnetic calculation of hysteresis loops in exchange-coupled nanolayers”,Solid State Commun.,150,1486(2010).
4. BO Niao,ZHAO Guo Ping*?, YE Lin Ning, XU Jin Song, DENG Ya “The influence of the interface exchange coupling on demagnetization process for perpendicularly oriented FePt/α-Fe/ FePt trilayers” ,Science in China, series G, October 2010,Vol.53No.10: 1836–1841
5. Yong-Hong Zhao,Guo-Ping Zhao, Yong Liu, et al,“Structural stability and half-metallicity of the zinc-blende phase ofAl1-xCrxAs: Density-functional study”,Phys. Rev. B,80,224417 (2009)
6.G. P. Zhao, Lang Chen*and Junling Wang “A modified scaling law for 180°stripe domains in ferroic thin films”,J. Appl. Phys.,105, 061601, (2009)
7.G. P. Zhao,L. Chen,C. W. Huang,Y. P. Feng“Evolution of domain walls and reversal mechanism in exchange-coupled nanolayers”,J. Magn.Magn. Mater,321, 2322-2326(2009).
8.趙國平,鮮承偉,楊春,葉淋寧,薄鳥“硬、軟磁多層膜體系成核的解析分析”,中國科學, G輯,39(12)1728-1735 (2009)
9.G. P. Zhao,Chun Yang, C.W. Xianand Y. P. Feng, “Analytical Determination of Nucleation field and Magnetic Reversal Modes in Exchange-coupled Nanolayers”,Mod.Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 23, No. 252955-2961 (2009)
10.G. P. Zhao,X. L. Wang,“Nucleation, pinning and coercivity in magnetic nanosystems: An Analytical Micromagnetic Approach”,Phys. Rev. B74, 012409(2006).
11.G. P. Zhao,X. L. Wang,Chun Yang,L. H. Xie and G. Zhou,“Self-pinning: the dominant coercivity mechanism in exchange-coupled nanomagnets?”J. Appl. Phys.10109k102,(2007).
12.G. P. Zhao,X. L. Wang , Y. P. Feng and C. W. Huang,“Coherent rotation and effective anisotropy”,IEEE Trans. Magn.,43,No. 6,2908-2910(2007).
13.G. P. Zhao, G. Zhou, C.W. Xian, Q.X. Zhang,“Angular dependence of magnetic reversal in two-phased nanolayers”,Comput. Mater. Sci.,44, 117-121 (2008).
14.G. P. Zhao, H. W. Zhang,Y. P. Feng,Chun Yang, C. W. Huang,“Nucleation or Pinning: Dominant Coercivity Mechanism in Exchange-coupled Permanent/Composite Magnets”,Comput. Mater. Sci.44, 122-126(2008).
15.G. P. Zhao, M. G. Zhao , H. S. Lim, Y. P. Feng and C. K. Ong, From nucleation to coercivity”,Appl. Phys. Lett.,87162513(2005).
16.G. P. Zhao, H. S. Lim, Y. P. Feng, C. K. Ong and G. R. Liu, “Reversal mechanism in permanent magnets”,J. Appl. Phys.,912186-2191 (2002).
17.G. P. Zhao, M. G. Zhao,H. S. Lim, Y. P. Feng, C. K. Ong,“Coercivity of permanent magnetic thin films”,J. Phys., Condens. Matter.,17151-160 (2005).
18.G. P. Zhao, H. S. Lim, Y. P. Feng, C. K. Ong, A hybrid model to calculate hysteresis loop of nanostructured permanent magnets,Comput. Mater. Sci.,30308-313 (2004).
19.G. P. Zhao, H. S. Lim, C. K. Ong, Y .P. Feng, “Remanence enhancement in nano-structured composite magnets”,J.Phys., Condens. Matter.,113323-3334 (1999).
20.G. P. Zhao, C. K. Ong, Y. P. Feng, H. S. Lim, J. Ding, “Remanence enhancement of Single-phased isotropic nanostructured permanent magnets”,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.192543-552 (1999).