在Chem. Mater., Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Electrochim. Acta., J. Power Sources等化學或電化學專業期刊上發表學術論文40餘篇,以工大為第一單位的一作文章20餘篇。
時間 | 工作經歷 |
2016.04~ | 哈爾濱工業大學,基礎與交叉科學研究院,副教授,博士生導師 |
2014.01~ | 哈爾濱工業大學,基礎與交叉科學研究院,副教授,碩士生導師 |
2008.06~2013.12 | 哈爾濱工業大學,基礎與交叉科學研究院,講師 |
2009.12~2013.12 | 哈爾濱工業大學化學工程與技術博士後流動站,合作導師:孫克寧教授 |
2003年-2008年, 就讀於蘭州大學化學化工學院,博士
1999年-2003年, 就讀於蘭州大學化學化工學院,本科
2013年被邀請為Journal of Nanomaterials(SCI,IF=1.547)雜誌的特刊編輯
2008年 寶鋼教育獎學金獲得者
國基自然科學基金面上項目 |
開始時間: | 2018.01 |
結束時間: | 2021.12 |
擔任角色: | 負責 |
項目類別: | 縱向項目 |
項目經費: | 80萬 |
項目狀態: | 進行中 |
國家自然科學基金 |
開始時間: | 2010-01-01 |
結束時間: | 2012-12-01 |
擔任角色: | 負責 |
項目類別: | 縱向項目 |
項目經費: | 19萬 |
項目狀態: | 完成 |
中國博士後科學基金面上資助 |
開始時間: | 2009-09-01 |
結束時間: | 2012-09-01 |
擔任角色: | 負責 |
項目類別: | 縱向項目 |
項目經費: | 3萬 |
項目狀態: | 完成 |
中國博士後科學基金特別資助 |
開始時間: | 2010-11-01 |
結束時間: | 2013-11-01 |
擔任角色: | 負責 |
項目類別: | 縱向項目 |
項目經費: | 10萬 |
項目狀態: | 完成 |
哈爾濱工業大學理工醫 交叉學科基礎研究培育計畫 |
開始時間: | 2014-06-01 |
結束時間: | 2016-06-01 |
擔任角色: | 負責 |
項目類別: | 橫向項目 |
項目經費: | 10萬 |
項目狀態: | 完成 |
黑龍江省博士後科研啟動金 |
開始時間: | 2014-11-01 |
結束時間: | 2016-11-01 |
擔任角色: | 負責 |
項目類別: | 橫向項目 |
項目經費: | 10萬 |
項目狀態: | 完成 |
低維納米有序結構材料的化學/電化學製備及套用 | |
獲獎時間: | 2006 |
完成人: | 排名第六 |
所獲獎項: | 國防科技進步二等獎 |
1. 新型無碳無粘結劑鋰空氣電池正極的製備與性能研究
鋰空氣電池以其超高的理論比能量成為當前鋰離子電池領域的研究熱點,而其不理想的循環性能是其進一步發展的主要障礙,這就使開發穩定的正極以改善鋰空氣電池的循環穩定性成為主要的研究方向。為了避免碳材料和粘結劑在電池循環過程中產生的副產物的不利影響,我們通過電化學方法在集流體表面原位的製備了多種正極催化劑。結果表明:我們製備的電極在電池充放電過程中保持了良好的穩定性,賦予了電池優異的循環性能。其中,我們製備的Pt催化劑修飾的二氧化鈦納米管陣列電極讓電池在5C倍率和1000mAh/g的容量限制下循環超過150圈,已經達到了國內領先,國際先進的水平,這個工作發表在了美國化學會的Chemistry of Materials雜誌上。目前該方向作為負責人的在研項目有黑龍江省博士後啟動經費和校理工交叉研究計畫兩項項目。經過我們多年在鋰空氣電池領域的積累和發表文章水平的不斷提高,我們的研究逐漸得到了領域同行的認可。2013年被邀請為Journal of Nanomaterials(SCI,IF=1.547)雜誌的特刊編輯,近幾年多次被邀請為Nano Energy,Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Journal of power sources和Langmuir等雜誌的審稿人。
2. 高穩定性鋰電負極材料的製備與性能研究性能研究
Si以其4200mAh/g的理論比能量一直是鋰電負極材料的研究熱點,而其在充放電過程中超過400%的體積膨脹所導致的活性物質剝離使Si負極材料的循環性能難以達到套用要求。我們通過原位製備Si多孔薄膜及石墨烯複合納米Si的方法為其在充放電過程中提供足夠多的容脹空間來提高材料的循環穩定性。結果表明我們製備的新型Si材料有效地改善了其作為電池負極的多種性能。其中,通過電化學原位製備的Si薄膜無碳無粘結劑電極更是達到了2800mAh/g的比容量循環80圈幾乎不衰減的水準,此性能已經達到了國內領先的水平。文章發表在Journal ofPower Sources等雜誌上。在Si基負極材料領域本人作為第一負責人承擔了國家博士後特別資助,國家博士後面上資助和省博士後面上資助等項目經費。在此鋰電負極材料研究的基礎上,2013年作為主要參與人完成了工業與信息化部產業化項目“鈦酸鋰鋰電負極材料的產業化”,與江蘇華富控股集團共同推進了我國高穩定性鈦酸鋰負極材料的產業化步伐。
龔珊, 2015級博士, 研究方向: 鋰離子電池.
劉超, 2016級直博生,研究方向:鋰離子電池.
唐磊, 2016級碩士,研究方向: 鋰離子電池.
孫欣, 2016級碩士, 研究方向: 鋰離子電池
劉雨菲,2017級碩士, 研究方向: 鋰離子電池
魏召喚,碩士研究生,研究方向:鋰離子電池 (畢業去向:電子科技大學 講師)
潘通, 碩士研究生,研究方向:鋰離子電池(畢業去向:大連浦發銀行)
呂吉先, 碩士研究生,研究方向:鋰空氣電池 (畢業去向:上海索尼研究院)
牛艷寧, 碩士研究生,研究方向:鋰空氣電池 (畢業去向:上海中芯國際)
張東, 基礎與交叉科學研究院2011級本科生(研究方向:鋰離子電池(已畢業,中科院化學所 研究生)
李長樂, 碩士研究生,研究方向:鋰空氣電池 (畢業去向:南京金龍客車)
包錫洋, 碩士研究生,研究方向:鋰空氣電池 (畢業去向:廣東比亞迪)
陳軒, 碩士研究生,研究方向: 鋰離子電池 (畢業去向:工業和信息化部電子第五研究所)
46. A practical Li ion battery anode material with high gravimetric/volumetric capacities based on T-Nb2O5/graphite composite
Guangyu Zhao, Li Zhang, Changle Li, Huihuang Huang, Xin Sun, Kening Sun
Chemical Engineering Journal 328 (2017) 844–852 (IF=6.216)
45. T-Nb2O5 quantum dots prepared by electrodeposition forfast Li ion intercalation/deintercalation
Guangyu Zhao,Chen Ye, Li Zhang, Changle Li and Kening Sun
Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 215101 (6pp) (IF=3.44)
44. Electrodeposition of ultra-long copper nanowires on a titanium foil electrode for nonenzymatic voltammetric sensing of glucose
Li Zhang, Yaru Ding, Ranran Li, Chen Ye, Guangyu Zhao, Yan Wang
Microchimica Acta 184 (2017) 2837–2843 (IF=4.580)
43. Ni-Based metal–organic framework derived Ni@C nanosheets on a Ni foam substrate as a supersensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor
Li Zhang, Yaru Ding, Ranran Li, Chen Ye, Guangyu Zhao, Yan Wang
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 5 (2017) 5549-5555 (IF=4.543)
42. A molten Mg corrosion method for preparing porous Ti foam as self-supported Li-O-2 battery cathodes
Guangyu Zhao,Li Zhang, Yanning Niu,Kening Sun
Electrochimica Acta 224(2017) 64–70(IF=4.798)
41.Ti@δ-MnO2 core-shell nanowire arrays as self-supported electrodes of supercapacitors and Li ion batteries
Guangyu Zhao, Dong Zhang, Li Zhang, Kening Sun
Electrochimica Acta 202 (2016) 8–13(IF=4.798)
40.Vertically aligned graphitic carbon nanosheet arrays fabricated from graphene oxides for supercapacitors and Li–O2 batteries
Guangyu Zhao,Li Zhang, Jixian Lv, Changle Li and Kening Sun
39. Enhanced durability of Li−O2 batteries employing vertically standing Ti nanowire array supported cathodes
Guangyu Zhao,Li Zhang, Yanning Niu, Kening Sunand David Rooney,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016,4, 4009–4014(IF=8.867)
38. A graphitic foam framework with hierarchical pore structure as self-supported electrodes of Li–O2 batteries and Li ion batteries
Guangyu Zhao,Li Zhang, Jixian Lv, Changle Li and Kening Sun,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016,4, 1399–1407(IF=8.867)
37. “Sea cucumber”-like Ti@MoO3 nanorod arrays as self-supported lithium ion battery anodes with enhanced rate capability and durability
Guangyu Zhao,Changle Li, Li Zhang, Jixian Lv, Yanning Niu , Ying Du, kening sun,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2015,3, 22547-22551(IF=8.867)
36. Cuprous oxide as Cathode Catalysts of Lithium Oxygen Batteries
Guangyu Zhao, Li Zhang, Baoyu Wang , Kening Sun, Electrochimica Acta,2015,184,117-123(IF=4.798)
35. Pushing the Limits: 3D Layer-by-Layer-Assembled Composites for Cathodes with 160 C Discharge Rates
Runwei Mo , Siu On Tung , Zhengyu Lei , Guangyu Zhao, Kening Sun , and Nicholas A. Kotov, ACS nano,2015,9, 5009–5017(IF=13.942)
34. Self-supported porous CoOOH nanosheet arrays as a non-enzymatic glucose sensor with good reproducibility
Li Zhang, Chunli Yang,Guangyu Zhao, Jianshuai Mu, Yan Wang, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2015,210,190-196(IF=5.401)
33. Freestanding Cu nanowire arrays on Ti/Cr/Si substrate as tough nonenzymatic glucose sensors
Li Zhang,Junyi Zhang,Chunli Yang,Guangyu Zhao,Jianshuai MuaandYan Wang, RSC advances,2015,5, 82998-83003(IF=3.108)
32. Enhanced cyclability of Li-O2 batteries based on TiO2 supported cathodes with no carbon or binder
Guangyu Zhao, Runwei Mo, Baoyu Wang, Li Zhang, Kening Sun, Chemistry of Materials,2014,26, 2551–2556(IF=9.466)
31. Carbon and binder free rechargeable Li-O2 battery cathode with Pt/Co3O4 flake arrays as catalyst
Guangyu Zhao,Jixian Lv, Zhanming Xu, Li Zhang, Kening Sun, Journal of Power Sources,2014,248,1270-1274(IF=6.395)
30. Free-standing Pt@RuO2·xH2O nanorod arrays on Si wafers as electrodes for methanol electro-oxidation
Guangyu Zhao, Li Zhang, Kening Sun, Hulin Li, Journal of Power Sources,2014,245,892-897(IF=6.395)
29. Ruthenium oxide modified titanium dioxide nanotube arrays as carbon and binder free lithium air battery cathode catalyst
Guangyu Zhao ,Yanning Niu, Li Zhang, Kening Sun, Journal of Power Sources,2014,270, 386-390(IF=6.395)
28. The crystal plane effect on the peroxidase-like catalytic properties of Co3O4 nanomaterials
Jianshuai Mu, Li Zhang, Guangyu Zhao,Yan Wang, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16, 15709-15716(IF=4.123)
27. Electrochemical preparation of porous MoO3 film with a high rate performance as anode for lithium ion batteries
Guangyu Zhao,Naiqing Zhang, Kening Sun,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013,1, 221-224(IF=8.867)
26. Hierarchical porous Co3O4 films as cathode catalysts of rechargeable Li–O2 batteries
Guangyu Zhao, Zhanming Xu, Kening Sun,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013,1, 12862-12867(IF=8.867)
25. Decoration of graphene with silicon nanoparticles by covalent immobilization for use as anodes in high stability lithium ion batteries
Guangyu Zhao, Li Zhang, Yufeng Meng, Naiqing Zhang, Kening Sun, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 240, 212-218(IF=6.395)
24. Hierarchical porous Co3O4 films with size-adjustable pores as Li ion battery anodes with excellent rate performances
Guangyu Zhao, Zhanming Xu, Li Zhang, Kening Sun, Electrochimica Acta,2013,114,251-258(IF=4.798)
23. Capacitive contribution to lithium storage capacity in porous MoO3 films
Guangyu Zhao,Li Zhang, Kening Sun,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,2013,694,61-67(IF=3.012)
22. High storage performance of core–shell Si@C nanoparticles as lithium ion battery anodematerial
Guangyu Zhao,Li Zhang, Yufeng Meng, Naiqing Zhang, Kening Sun, Materials Letters,2013,96,170-173(IF=2.572)
21. Preparation of NiO/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposite for use as the oxygen cathode catalyst in rechargeable Li–O2 batteries
Guangyu Zhao, Li Zhang, Tong Pan, Kening SunJournal of Solid State Electrochemistry,2013,17, 1759-1764(IF=2.316)
20. Porous MoO3 films with ultra-short relaxation time used for supercapacitors
Guangyu Zhao,Naiqing Zhang, Kening Sun,Materials Research Bulletin,2013,48, 1328-1332(IF=2.446)
19. Polyaniline nanowire electrodes with high capacitance synthesized by a simple approach
Li Zhang,Guangyu Zhao, Yan Wang,Materials Science and Engineering: C,2013,33, 209-212(IF=4.164)
18. Electrodeposited Si film with excellent stability and high rate performance for lithium-ion battery anodes
Guangyu Zhao, Yufeng Meng, Naiqing Zhang, Kening Sun, Materials Letters,2012,76, 55-58(IF=2.572)
17. Enhanced low temperature performances of expanded commercial mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) as lithium ion battery anodes
Guangyu Zhao, Zhaohuan Wei, Naiqing Zhang, Kening Sun, Materials Letters,2012,89, 243-246(IF=2.572)
16. Template preparation of Pt-Ru and Pt nanowire array electrodes on a Ti/Si substrate for methanol electro-oxidation.
Zhao GY, Xu CL, Guo DJ, et al. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 162 (2006) 492-496.
15. Highly ordered cobalt-manganese oxide (CMO) nanowire array thin film on Ti/Si substrate as an electrode for electrochemical capacitor.
Zhao GY, Xu CL, Li HL, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 163 (2007) 1132-1136.
14. Preparation of polyaniline nanowire arrayed electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors.
13. Template preparation of Pt nanowire array electrode on Ti/Si substrate for methanol electro-oxidation.
Zhao GY, Xu CL, Guo DJ, et al. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (2007) 3242-3246.
12. Patterning polycrystalline aluminum by electropolishing at low voltages.
Zhao GY, Xu CL, Guo DJ, et al. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY 10 (2006) 266-269.
11. Electrochemical oxidation of methanol on Pt nanoparticles composited MnO2 nanowire arrayed electrode.
Zhao GY, Li HL, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 254 (2008) 3232-3235.
10. Pt-Ru nanowire arrayed electrodes for nitrite detection.
Zhao GY, Xu CL, Li HL, MATERIALS LETTERS 62 (2008) 1663-1665.
9. Fabrication and magnetic properties of amorphous Co0.71Pt0.29 nanowire arrays.
Li H, Xu CL, Zhao GY, et al. SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 132 (2004) 399-403.
8. Effects of annealing temperature on magnetic property and structure of amorphous Co49Pt51 alloy nanowire arrays prepared by direct-current electrodeposition.
Li H, Xu CL, Zhao GY, et al. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (2005) 3759-3763.
7. Effective adhesion of Pt nanoparticles on thiolated multi-walled carbon nanotubes and their use for fabricating electrocatalysts.
Yang GW, Gao GY, ZhaoGY, et al. CARBON 45 (2007) 3036-3041.
6. Fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces by a Pt nanowire array on Ti/Si substrates.
Qu MN, Zhao GY, Wang Q, et al. NANOTECHNOLOGY 19 (2008) 055707.
5. Electrodeposition and magnetic properties of Ni nanowire arrays on anodic aluminum oxide/Ti/Si substrate.
Xu CL, Li H, Zhao GY, et al. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (2006) 1399-1403.
4. Preparation and magnetic properties of amorphous Co-Pt alloy nanowire arrays.
Li H, Xu CL, Zhao GY, et al. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA 21 (2005) 641-645.
3. Electrodeposition of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays on AAO/Ti/Si substrate magnetic storage devices.
Xu CL, Li H,Zhao GY, et al. MATERIALS LETTERS 60 (2006) 2335-2338.
2. Biomimetic fabrication of lotus-leaf-like structured polyaniline film with stable superhydrophobic and conductive properties.
Qu MN, Zhao GY, Cao XP, et al. LANGMUIR 24 (2008) 4185-4189.
1. Ultrasonic assisted polyol synthesis of highly dispersed Pt/MWCNT electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation.
Wang ZC, Zhao DD, Zhao GY, et al. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY 13 (2009) 371-376.