趙先德,教授、博士,華南理工大學工商管理學院工業工程系博士生導師、國家千人計畫教授,中國華南理工大學供應鏈整合與服務創新研究所所長 。
- 中文名:趙先德
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:美國猶他大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 發表論文:15篇(截至2019年7月)
- 職稱:教授
1990.8 美國猶他大學運營管理專業 工商管理博士
1987.6 美國猶他大學運營管理專業 工商管理碩士
1985.10 美國猶他大學化學專業 化學碩士
1982.7 中國南開大學化學專業 化學學士
《Decision Sciences Journal》, 《Journal of Operations Management》,《Operations Management Research》, 《Business and System Research》雜誌副主編
《Production and Operations Management》國際雜誌資深編輯
《Journal of Supply Chain Management》亞洲地區合作主編
《International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management》,《International Journal of Yield Management》編委成員
Guest editor for a special issue on“From P-services to E-services” for International Journal of Service Industry Management
Guest editor for a special issue on“Operations Strategy and Supply Chain Management” for International Journal of Production Economics
Guest editor for a special issue on “Innovations in Supply Chains” of Decision Sciences
Guest editor for a special issue on “Behavioral Operations Management” of International Journal of Production Economics
Guest editor for a special issue on “Operations Strategy and Supply Chain Management” of International Journal of Production Economics.
Guest editor for a special issue on “Culture, Development, and Operations Management Viewpoints in Asia” of Journal of Operations Management
香港採購與供應協會 顧問
珠三角供應鏈管理協會 榮譽顧問
決策科學組織亞太協會 主席
決策科學組織亞太協會 副主席
信息與管理科學國際組織 主席
2010 論文“供應鏈質量整合:一個全球性實證研究(作者:霍寶峰,趙先德,賴福軍)”獲第20屆決策科學組織年會最佳套用研究論文獎
2009 論文“制度壓力、高層管理者的態度以及逆向物流對企業績效的影響獲第三屆供應量運作與管理國際會議“最佳論文獎”
2009 決策科學雜誌“優秀決策科學雜誌副主編”
2009 “格蘭仕的經營戰略”獲印第安納大學國際商務教育與研究中心(CIBER)國際案例獎
2008 “應急供應鏈模式及其對績效的影響”獲第39屆決策科學組織年會“2008傑出論文獎”
2007 “供應鏈整合中權利與關係的投入對顧客的影響”獲管理學年會運作管理領域‘Chan K. Han’最佳論文獎(美國賓夕法尼亞,費城)
2005, “美國國家質量獎標準下中國質量評估管理”獲Emerald文人俱樂部頒發的“高度讚揚獎(Highly Commended Awards)”
1. Qi, Y. Zhao, X. and Sheu, C. “Competitive strategy, supply chain strategy and business performance: Moderating effects of environmental uncertainty”, Decision Sciences Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 371-388, 2011
2. Zhao, X. Huo, B, Selen, W and Yeung, J. “The impact of internal integration and relationship commitment on supply chain integration in China”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 29, 17-32 2011
3. Flynn, B. B., B. Huo, and X. Zhao “The impact of supply chain integration on performance: a contingency and configuration approach.” Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 28 No. 1, 58–71. 2010
4. Metters, R., Zhao, X. Bendoly E., Jiang, B. and Young, S, “The way that can be told of is not an unvarying way: Cultural impacts on operations management in Asia”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 29, No. 3, 177-185, 2010
5. Yeung, H.Y. J.; Cheung W.M; Fung K. Y., Zhao, X. and Zhang, M. "The air cargo and express industry in Hong Kong: economic contribution and competitiveness". International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol.2, No.3, 321-345. 2010.
6. Xie, J., Zhou, D., Wei, J. C. & Zhao, X. “Price discount based on early order commitment in a single-manufacturer-multiple-retailer supply chain” European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 200, No.2; p 368, 2010
7. Qi, Y, Boyer, K. and Zhao X. “Supply chain strategy, product characteristics and performance impact: Evidence from Chinese manufacturers.” Decision Sciences, Vol.40, No.4, 667-695. 2009
8. Zhao X. and Lee T.S. “Developments and emerging research opportunities in operations strategy and supply chain management” International Journal of production Economics Vol 120 PP1-4, 2009
9. Qi Y., Sum C.C. and Zhao X., “Simultaneous effect of functional involvement and improvement programs on manufacturing and financial performance in Chinese firm”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management Vol 29 no 6, PP623-662 2009.01
10. Yeung J. H.Y., Selen, W., Zhang, M. and Huo, B., 2008 “The effects of trust and coercive power on supplier integration” International Journal of Production Economics.
11. Yeung J. H.Y., Selen, Zhou, D., and Zhang, M. 2007, “Postponement strategy form a supply chain perspective: Cases from China”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 37(4), pp331-356.
12. Huo B., Selen W., Yeung H.Y. J. and Zhao X., “Understanding drivers of performance of third-party logistics firms in China supply chain management”. An International Journal of Operations and Production Management Vol 28 no 8, pp772-800, 2008
13. Lau R; Xie J. and Zhao X., ”Effects of inventory policy on supply chain performance: A simulation study of critical decision parameters” Computers and Industrial Engineering 2008.
14. Flynn B. B., Zhao X., Huo B. and Yeung H.Y. J. “We’ve got the power! How customer power affects supply chain relationships”. Business Horizons, Vol 51, pp169-174 2008
15. Rungtusanatham M., Ng C. H., Zhao X. and Lee T. S., “Pooling data across transparently different groups of key information: Measurement equivalence and survey research” Decision sciences, Vol 39 No1 PP 115-146 2008
16. Zhao, X., Huo, B., Flynn, B, “The impact of Power and Relationship Commitment on Integration between Manufacturers and Customers in a Supply Chain”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 368-388, 2008
17. Wang, Q., Lai, F. and Zhao, X., “The impact of information technology on financial performance of 3rd party logistics firms in China”, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, 138 – 150, 2008
18. Lai, F. Li, D, Wang, Q., and Zhao, X., “The information technology capability of third-party logistics providers: a resource-based view and empirical evidence from China”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 44, No. 3, 22–38, 2008
19. Flynn, B. Zhao, X. and Roth A. “The myth of the dragon: Operations management in today’s China”. Business Horizon. Vol. 50, No. 3, May/Jun 2007, 177
20. Zhao, X., Flynn, B., Roth, A. V., “Decision sciences research in China: current status, opportunities and propositions for research in logistics, supply chain management and quality management”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 38, No.1, 39-80, 2007
21. Zhao, X., Lai, F, and Wang, Q. “A taxonomy of IT strategy and its impact on performance of 3PLs in China”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No. 10, 2195–2218, 2007.
22. Zhao, X. Xie, J, Wei, “The value of early order commitment in a two-level supply chain”, European Journal of Operational Research. Vol.180, No. 1, 2007, pg. 194
23. Ji, X. Zhao, X. and Zhou, D., “A fuzzy programming approach for supply chain network design”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 15, No. supp02 (April 2007), 75-87
24. Hui, M, Au, K and Zhao, X. “Interactional justice and the fair process effect: The role of outcome uncertainty”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 43, No. 2, 210-220, March 2007.
25. Zhao. X. Flynn, B. and Roth, A. “Decision sciences research in China: A critical review and research agenda” Decision Sciences. Vol. 37, No. 4, 2006, pg. 451-496
26. Zhao X. Zhao X. Yeung, J. and Xie, J. “Sequence-to-customer with stochastic demands for a mixed model assembly Line”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 44, No. 24, 15 December 2006, 5279–5305
27. Lai, F. Zhao, X. and Wang, Q., “The impact of information technology on the competitive advantage of logistics firms in China”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2006, Vol. 106, Iss. 9; pg. 1249
28. Zhao, X., Sum, C.C., Qi, Y., Zhang, H., Lee, T. S., “A taxonomy of manufacturing strategies in China”, Journal of Operations Management, 2006, vol. 24, No.5, 621-636.
29. Lai, F. Zhao, X. & Lee, T. S., Selecting forecasting model parameters in Material Requirement Planning systems. International Journal Internet and Enterprise Management, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 4, 331-354.
30. Zhao, X. Yeung, A and Lee, T.S. “Quality management practices and organizational context in the service sector”, Journal of Operations Management, 2004, Vol. 22, No. 6, 575-587.
31. Hui, M., Zhao, X., Fan, X. C., and Au, K. “When does the service process matter? A Test of two competing theories”, Journal of Consumer Research, 2004, Vol. 31, No. 2, 465-475.
32. Xie, J. Lee, T. S. and Zhao, X. “Impact of forecasting error on the performance of capacitated multi-item production systems”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2004, Vol. 46, No. 2, 205-266.
33. Lau, R. Zhao, X. and Xiao M. “Assessing quality management in China with MBNQA criteria”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2004, Vol. 21, No. 7. 699-713. (Received the Highly Commended Paper Award by the Literati Club)
34. Law, A., Hui, Y.V. and Zhao, X. "Modeling customer satisfaction and repurchase frequency", International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2004, Vol. 21, No. 5, 545-563
35. Xie, J., Zhao, X. and Lee, T. S. “Freezing the master production schedule under single resource constraint and demand uncertainty” International Journal of Production Economics, 2003, Vol. 83, 65-84
36. Zhao, X., Lai, F, and Young, S. “A study of manufacturing resources planning (MRPII) implementation in China”, International Journal of Production Research, 2002, Vol. 40, No. 14, 3461-3478.
37. Lau, R.S.M., Zhao, X, and Lai, F. "Survey of MRPII implementation and benefits in mainland China and Hong Kong," Production and Inventory Management Journal, 2002, Vol. 43, No. 2, Third/Fourth Quarters, 65-71.
38. Zhao, X., Xie, J, and Wei, J. "The impact of forecasting errors on value of order commitment in a supply chain", Decision Sciences, 2002, Vol. 33, No. 2, 251-280.
39. Zhao, X., Xie, J. and Leung, J. "The impact of forecasting models on the value of information sharing in a supply chain", European Journal of Operations Research, 2002, Vol. 142, No. 2, 321-344.
40. Zhao, X., Lau, R, and Lam, K “Optimizing the service configuration with the least cost approach,” International Journal of Service Industry Management. 2002, Vol. 13, No. 4., 348-361.
41. Zhao, X. and Xie, J., "Forecasting errors and the value of information sharing in a supply chain", International Journal of Production Research, 2002, Vol. 40, No. 2, 311-335.
42. Zhao, X., Yeung, J and Zhou, Q. "Competitive priorities of enterprises in mainland China", Total Quality Management, 2002, Vol. 13, No. 3, 285-300.
43. Zhao, X., Bai, C, and Hui, Y. V. "An empirical assessment and application of SERVQUAL at a Chinese department store", Total Quality Management, 2002, Vol. 13, No.2, 241-254.
44. Zhao, X., Xie, J. and Zhang, W. J. "The impact of information sharing and ordering co-ordination on supply chain performance". Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2002, Vol.7, No.1, 24-40.
45. Zhao, X. , Xie, J. and Lau, R. "Improving the supply chain performance: Use of forecasting models versus early order commitment ", International Journal of Production Research , 2001, Vol. 39, No. 17, 3923-3939.
46. Zhao, X., Xie, J, and Jiang, Q, “Freezing the master production schedule for multi-item single level systems with single resources constraint under deterministic demand”, Production and Operations Management, 2001, Vol. 10, No.1, 45-67.
47. Li, E, Zhao, X. and Lee, T, S. “Quality management initiatives in Hong Kong's banking industry: A longitudinal study”. Total Quality Management, 2001, Vol. 12, No. 4, 451-467.
48. Li, E, Zhao, X. and Lee, T, S. “Quality management initiatives in banking industry: A meta analysis of Hong Kong and the UK”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2001, Vol.18, No. 6, 570-583.
49. Zhao, X., Lai, F. and Lee, T. S. “Setting Safety Stock Levels in Material Requirements Planning (MRP) systems”, Production Planning and Control, 2001, Vol. 12, No. 8, 794-803.
50. Xie, J, Lee, T. S. and Zhao, X. “A Feasibility Procedure for Unidirectional Forward-Pass Heuristics for Multi-item Single Level capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems”, OR Transactions, 2001, Vol. 5, No. 1, 39-46.
51. Xie, J. and Zhao, X. "Simulation Study on instability of Material Requirements planning", Industrial Engineering Journal, 2001, Vol. 4, No. 1, 26-30.
52. Zhao, X. and Xie, J. “Improved Multilevel Lot-Sizing Heuristics and Freezing the Master Production Schedule in Material Requirements Planning Systems”, Production Planning and Control, 1998, Vol. 9, No. 4, 371-384.
53. Lam, K. and Zhao, X. “An Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to Improve the Quality of Teaching”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 1998, Vol. 15, No. 4, 389-413.
54. Zhao, X. and Lam, K. "Lot-sizing Rules and Freezing the Master Production Schedule in MRP Systems ". International Journal of Production Economics, 1997, Vol. 53, 287-305.
55. Zhao, X. and Lee, T. S. "Freezing the Master Production Schedule in Multilevel Material Requirements Planning Systems under Deterministic Demand", Production Planning and Control, 1996, Vol. 7, No. 2, 144-161.
56. Zhao, X., Bernhardt, J. C. and Narasipuram, M. “The Impact of Microcomputer Applications on Research Productivity”. International Business Schools Computing Quarterly, 1996, Vol. 8, No. 2, 7-16.
57. Zhao, X., Maheshwari, S. K. and Zhang, J. "Benchmarking Quality Practices in India, China, and Mexico". International Journal of Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology, 1995, Vol. 2, No. 3, 20-40.
58. Zhao, X., Lee, T. S. and Goodale, J. "Lot-sizing Rules and Freezing the Master Production Schedule in MRP Systems under Demand Uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 1995, Vol. 33, No. 8, 2241-2276.
59. Zhao, X., Zhang, J. and Young, S. "A Brief Survey of Quality Management Issues among Chinese Executives and Workers". Production and Inventory Management Journal, 1995, Vol. 36, No. 1, 44-48.
60. Zhao, X., Lee, T. S., Chang, P. and Adam, E. E. Jr. "Lot-Sizing Rules and Forecasting Error in Multiple-Stage Production-Inventory Systems", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering, 1995, Vol. 12, No. 4, 271-279.
61. Maheshwari, S. K. and Zhao, X. "Benchmarking Quality Management Practices in India: A Survey", International Journal of Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology, 1994, Vol. 1, No. 2, 5-52.
62. Zhao, X. and Lee, T. S. "Freezing the Master Production Schedule in Multilevel Material Requirements Planning Systems under Demand Uncertainty", Journal of Operations Management, 1993, Vol. 11, 185-205. .
63. Zhao, X., Zhang, J. and Young S. "A Survey of Quality Management Issues in the People's Republic of China". Included in the Editorial for the Asian Pacific Journal of Quality Management, 1993, Vol. 2, No. 2
1. Hua, G, Zhang, H, Zhao, X. and Lee, T. S.. 關聯規則挖掘在企業運作策略調查問卷中的套用). 工業工程, 2004, 第7卷; 第2期, 47-51頁.
2. Zhang, H., Hua, G. Zhao, X. and Lee, T. S. ANFIS模型在經營策略和績效關係研究中的套用. 武漢理工大學學報 - 信息與管理工程版, 2003, 第25卷專輯, 97-105頁.
3. Zhang, H., Zhu, D, Zhao, X., and Lee, T. S. and Xu, X. 對中國製造業運作策略的聚類分析及實證研究. 南開管理評論, 2003, 第4期, 49-53頁.
4. Zhang, H., Zhu, D., Zhao, X., Qi, Y. and Lee, T.S. 環境不確定性與企業運作策略相互關係的實證分析. 中國管理科學, 2002, 第10卷專輯, 463-466頁.
5. Zhao, X. and Xie, J. “On Several Basic Concepts of Modern Supply Chain Management”, Nankai Business Review, 1999, Vol. 2, No. 1, 62-66.
6. Zhang, J, Zhao, X. and Liu, B. “A Comparison of MRPII Implementation in Mainland China and Hong Kong”, International Business Review, 1998, No. 3, 18-25
7. Zhang, J, Zhao, X. and Lam, K. “Service Industries Developments and Case Analyses of a Two Stage Service System” Modern Finance and Economics, 1998, No. 9, 42-50
8. Xie, J., Jiang, Q., Xiong, X. and Zhao, X. “Simulation Study of Instability of Master Production Schedule ” Control and Decision, 1998, Vol. 13, No. 4, 347-351
1. Zhao, X. and Xie, J. “The Role of Supply Chain Management in Modern Enterprise Management”, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, August 26, 1998 (in Chinese)
2. Zhao, X. and Xie, J. “Traditional Ideas and Pitfalls of Supply Chain Management”, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, August 27, 1998 (in Chinese)
3. Zhao, X. and Xie, J. “Some Basic Concepts of Modern Supply Chain Management Part I”, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, September 2, 1998 (in Chinese)
4. Zhao, X. and Xie, J. “Some Basic Concepts of Modern Supply Chain Management Part II”, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, September 3, 1998 (in Chinese)
1. Zhao, X. Qian, L, Flynn, B., Liu, Y. “Exploiting Supply Chain Integration: when investments don’t pay off”. Under revision for publication in Production and Operations Management Journal
2. Zhang, M., Zhao, X., Lai, F. and Lee, D. “Developing Mass Customization Capability through Supply Chain Integration”. Under revision for publication in IIE Transactions on Engineering Management.
3. Zhao, X., Sum, C.C. , Wang, Z. Q., “An investigation of strategic configurations and their impacts on performance of Chinese manufacturing companies”, Under revision for publication in International Journal of Operations and Production Management
4. Zhao X., Huo, B., Zhou, H. "Business Environment, Supply Chain Information Sharing and Business Performance in China". Under revision for publication in Production and Operations Management Journal
5. Qi, Y, Zhang, M., Zhao X. and Duray, R. "Competitive Strategy and Mass Customization: an Empirical Investigation of Interdependence of Mass Customization Practices in China". Under review for publication in Journal of Operations Management
1. Zhao, X. and Swink, M. “The impacts of intellectual capital and supply chain learning on innovation capability and firm performance”, HK$794,679, General Research Fund from Hong Kong Research Grant Council
2. “Service Innovation and Design in the Network Environment”, this is a subproject for under the National Science Foundation major Program “Service Operations Management in the Network Environment”. This project was jointly applied by four universities with the following people as the PIs: Hua Zhong Sheng,Jia Jianmin, Zhao Xiande, Su Qiang
3. Zhao, X and Ng, S. “The joint effects of TQM and branding efforts on firm performance in China”, HK$268,250, General Research Fund from Hong Kong Research Grant Council.
4.Zhao, X. Fan, X. and Flynn, B. “Product recall and supply chain quality management model”, jointly funded by National Science Foundation of China (RBM320,000) and Hong Kong Research Grant Council (and HKD559,860)
5.Zhao, X. and Moholtra, M. “Developing Mass Customization Capabilities through Organizational Learning” Funeded by University Grant Council through the General Research Fund (GRF),HK$504,896
6.Coauhtored with Barbara Flynn, “A Cross-cultural Investigation of Power,RelationshipCommitment& Supply Chain Integration” Funeded by University Grant Council thorugh the General Research Fund (GRF),HK$628,000
7.Co-authored with Waiman Cheung, “Li & Fung Establishment Fund for Center for supply Chain Management and Logistics”, HKD13,000,000
8.Co-authoured with three European Professors and three Mainland Professors “International Operations Management Project” Funeded under the Asia Link Program of the European Commisison. EURO$ 96000
9.Co-authored with T.S. Lee, "An Investigation of Operations Strategies in Mainland China and Hong Kong", Funded by University Research Grant Council through the Competitive Earmarked Grant (CERG), HK$394,000,
10. Co-authored with Jeff Yeung, “Asia-V-Chain: Advanced Strategies and Tools for Virtual Supply Chain Management in Asia Environment” Funded by the European Community Commission, Euro $ 114,104 (HK$912,375.58)
11. Co-authored with T.S. Lee, "Information Sharing in Supply Chains", Chinese U Direct Grant, HK$70,000, Funded by a Chinese University Direct Grant
12. Co-authored with Hui, M, "The Effects of Procedural Fairness, Prior Relationship and Power on Customers’ Reactions to Outcome Failures in Service Delivery: A Cross-cultural Study” Funded by a Chinese University Direct Grant, HK$20,000.
13. Co-authored with Lee, T. S. “The Impact of Forecasting Errors on the Performance of Supply Chains”, funded by a City University Strategic Research Grant (HK$249,605)
14. Co-authored with Lee, T. S."A Comprehensive Evaluations of Forecasting Models in MRP Operational System Settings”, funded by a Competitive Earmarked grant (CERG) from the University Grant Council. (HK$440,900)
15. Co-authored with T.S. Lee and Wang, K. "An Empirical Investigation of Service Quality and Profitability among Hotels in Hong Kong ", Funded by a Chinese University Direct Grant, HKD30,000
16. Zhao, X. and Lam, K.. "The Impact Waiting on Customer Satisfaction and the Profitability of Hong Kong Service Firms", funded by a Faculty Direct Allocation Grant from the City University of Hong Kong (HK$150,000)
17. Co-authored with Michael Hui and Kevin Au, Service Relationship and Consumer Reaction to Service Failure: A Cross-Cultural Study, Funded by Research Grant Council (CERG), $266,700, Jan. 1, 2005 to Jun. 30, 2007
18. Co-authored with Waiman Cheung, Jeff Yeung, Timon Du and Michael Fung, Supply Chain Hub Study in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta (PRD), Funded by DHL, $450,000, Jan. 2004 to Oct. 31 3004
19. Co-authored with Jeff Yeung, Waiman Cheung, and Michael Fung, A Study of the Competitiveness of Express Industry in PRD, USD80,000, November 2006 to May 2008, A research project funded by the FedEx and CAPEC,
20. Co-authored with T.S. Lee “Understanding and Developing Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing Companies", Funded by a Chinese U Direct Grant, HK$100,000
21. Co-authored with T.S. Lee "An Investigation of Operations Strategies and Priorities in Hong Kong", Funded by a Chinese University Direct Grant, HK$70,000,
22. Co-authored with Lam K. “The Impact of Service Profit Chain in Hong Kong: A Study of Service Industries”, funded by a City University Strategic Research Grant
23. Co-authored with Lee, T. S. “Freezing the Master Production Schedule under Capacity Constraints” Funded by a Chinese University Direct Research Grant
24. Co-authored with Lee, T. S. “The effectiveness of Quality Improvement Practices in Hong Kong Service Industries”, Funded by a Chinese University Direct Research Grant
1. 珠三角地區速遞行業競爭力研究
2. 珠三角地區物流服務提供商供應鏈結構與作用的調查
3. 中小企業的業務流程重組
4. 新鴻基地產發展有限公司物業管理服務的質量研究
5. 香港國際貨櫃碼頭的服務質量改進
6. 渣打銀行數據倉庫部署計畫的開展