在土地資源管理專業從事教學與科研工作,國土資源部土地整治重點實驗室固定研究人員,中國地質大學(北京)土地利用工程創新團隊骨幹研究人員。在Ecological Engineering、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environment International、Journal of Plant Nutrition等期刊發表論文30餘篇,SCI收錄10餘篇,教學法論文1篇。主持和參加國家自然科學基金、國家科技支撐計畫、國土資源部公益性行業科研專項和教育部科學技術重點項目等10餘項。主講土壤環境學、土地生態學、環境影響評價等課程。
1994年7月-1998年6月,河南師範大學生物學專業, 獲理學學士學位。
Journal of Hazardous Materials、International Journal of Phytoremediation、Chemosphere等期刊審稿人;
[1].Zhao Z. Q., Z. K. Bai, Z. Zhang, D. G. Guo, J. C. Li, Z. G. Xu and Z. G. Pan. Population structure and spatial distributions patterns of 17 years old plantation in a reclaimed spoil of Pingshuo opencast mine,China. Ecological Engineering, 2012, 44, 147-151(SCI)
[2].Zhao ZQ, Xi MZ, Jiang GY, Liu XN, Bai ZK, Huang YZ. Effects of IDSA, EDDS and EDTA on Heavy Metals Accumulation in Hydroponically Grown Maize (Zea mays, L). Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010, 181: 455-459(SCI)
[3].Zhao ZQ,Cai YL, Fu MC, Bai ZK. Response of the soils of different land use types to drought: Eco-physiological characteristics of plants grown on the soils by pot experiment. Ecological Engineering, 2008,34(3): 215-222(SCI)
[4].Zhao ZQ, Zhu YG, Kneer R, Smith SE, Smith FA. Effect of Zn on Cd Toxicity-induced Oxidative Stress in Winter Wheat Seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2005, 28(11): 1947-1959 (SCI)
[5].Zhao ZQ, Zhu YG, Smith SE, Smith FA. Cadmium Uptake by Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum,L) Seedlings in Response to Interactions Between Phosphorus and Zinc Supply in Soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2005, 28(9): 1569-1580 (SCI)
[6].Zhao ZQ,Zhu YG, Li HY, Smith SE, Smith FA. Effects of Forms and Rates of Potassium Fertilizers on Cadmium Uptake by Two Cultivars of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.). Environment International, 2003, 29:973-978 (SCI)
[7].Zhao ZQ, Zheng HL, Zhu YG. Changes of Plasma Membrane ATPase Activity, Membrane Potential and Transmembrane Proton Gradient inKandelia candelandAvicennia marina seedlingswith Various Salinities. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China,2004, 16(5): 742-745 (SCI)
[8].Zhao ZQ, Zhu YG, Cai YL. Effects of zinc on cadmium uptake by spring wheat (Triticum aestivem, L.): long-time hydroponic study and short-time 109Cd tracing study. Journal ofZhejiangUniversity SCIENCE, 2005,6A(7): 643-648 (EI)
[9].Zhao ZQ, Cai YL, Zhu YG, Kneer R. Cadmium-induced oxidative stress and protection byL-Galactono-1, 4-lactone in winter wheat(Triticum aestivum,L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2005, 168(6): 759-763 (SCI).
[1].Zhao Zhongqiu, Bai Zhongke. Courses Construction of “Land Ecology” in the Subject Knowledge System of Land Science.Wuhan,China, 2012 (ISTP)
[2].Zhao Zhongqiu, Bai Zhongke. Ecosystem Restoration and Land Reclamation in OpencastCoalMineLandin Loess Plateau inChina: Soil Quality Development in Reclaimed Spoils, The 4th EAFES International Congress,Sangju,Korea, 2010