L-J Jia; HB Ge, Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue Failure of Metal Structures under Strong Earthquakes. Springer, 2018, ISBN: 978-981-13-2660-8.
Y Liu; L-J Jia; HB Ge;T Kato; TIkai(2017). Ductile-fatigue transition fracture mode of welded T-joints under quasi-static cyclic large plastic strain loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 176(5):38-60.
L-J Jia; HB Ge;R Maruyama; KShinohara(2017). Development of a novel high-performance all-steel fish-bone shaped buckling-restrained brace. Engineering Structures, 138:105-119.
J Wang; J Guo; L-J Jia;SChen; Y Dong(2017). Push-out tests of demountable headed stud shear connectors in steel-UHPC composite structures. Composite Structures.
K Ke; Y Chen;L-J Jia(2017). Damage-control evaluation of high-strength steel frames with energy dissipation bays. Structures & Buildings.
Y Chen; LPan;L-J Jia(2017). Post-buckling ductile fracture analysis of panel zones in welded steel beam-to-column connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 132:117-129.
L-J Jia; T Ikai; K Shinohara;HBGe (2016). Ductilecrack initiation and propagationof structural steels under cyclic combined shear and normal stress loading. Construction and Building Materials, 112:69-83.(SCI:000375166900008; EI:20161002065641)
L-J Jia; HB Ge; K Shinohara; H Kato(2016). Experimental and numericalstudy on ductile fracture of structural steels under combined shear and tension. Journal ofBridge Engineering (ASCE), 21(5):04016008.(SCI:000374873200004; EI:15923856)
L-J Jia; T Ikai; K Shinohara;L Kang; HBGe;TKato(2016). Ductile cracking simulation procedure for welded joints under monotonic tension.Structural Engineering &Mechanics, 60(1):51-69.
L-J Jia; T Ikai; HB Ge; S Hada (2016). Seismic performance of compact beam–column connections with welding defects in steel bridge piers. Journal ofBridge Engineering (ASCE).
L-J Jia; H Kuwamura (2015). Ductile fracture model for structural steel under cyclic large strainloading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 106:110-121. (SCI:000350707200011)
Z Zhou; L-J Jia (2015). Damage index for crack initiation of structural steel under cyclic loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 114:1-7. (SCI:000364501300002)
L-J Jia; HB Ge; T Suzuki; X Luo (2015). Experimental study on cracking of thick-walled welded beam-column connections with incomplete penetration in steel bridge piers. Journal ofBridge Engineering (ASCE), 20(4):04014072. (SCI:000351427300003; EI:20151200655660)
HB Ge; L-J Jia; L Kang; T Suzuki (2014). Experimental study on seismic performance of partial penetration welded steel beam-column connections with different fillet radii. Steel &Composite Structures, 17(6):851-865. (SCI:000347547100006; EI:20145200355509)
L-J Jia (2014). Integration algorithm for a modified Yoshida-Uemori model to simulate cyclic plasticity in extremely large plastic strain ranges up to fracture. Computers& Structures, 145:36-46. (SCI:000344204500004; EI:20144500169905)
L-J Jia; H Kuwamura (2014). Prediction of cyclic behaviors of mild steel at large plastic strain using coupon test results. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(2):441-454. (SCI:000332484800019; EI:20140517251192)
L-J Jia; H Kuwamura (2014). Ductile fracture simulation of structural steels under monotonic tension. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(5):472-482. (SCI:000336526700018; EI:20141717617433)
L-J Jia; T Koyama; H Kuwamura (2014). Experimental and numerical study of postbuckling ductile fracture of heat-treated SHS stub columns. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(7):165-180. (SCI:000342832600018; EI:20142617865764)
L-J Jia; HB Ge; T Suzuki (2014). Effect of post weld treatment on cracking behaviors of beam-column connections in steel bridge piers. Steel &Composite Structures, 17(5):685-704. (SCI:000344976000007; EI:20144800254038)
L-J Jia; Y Chen (2014). Evaluation of elastic in-plane flexural rigidity of unstiffened multiplanar CHS X-joints. International Journal ofSteel Structures, 14(1):23-30. (SCI:000334496200003; EI:20141917693963)
L-J Jia; T Koyama; H Kuwamura (2013). Prediction of cyclic large plasticity for prestrained structural steel using only tensile coupon tests. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 7(4):466-476.
P Xiang;HB Ge; L-J Jia (2016). Advancement and applications of Japanese high performance steel in structural engineering. Advanced Steel Construction,12(3):245-262.
L Li, C Jiang, L-J Jia, and Z Lu (2016). Local buckling of bolted steel plates with different stiffener configuration. Engineering Structures,119(7):186-197. (SCI:000376803600015).
1. Yiyi Chen; Liang-Jiu Jia. The Experimental Study and Finite Element Analysis on the Seismic Properties of Stiffened CHS Bracket to CHS Beam Connections, Proc. of 14th WCEE, Beijing, 2008.
2. Liang-Jiu Jia; Yiyi Chen. Elastic Axial Rigidity Formula for Multi-planar CHS X-joint and Its Effect on Performance of Single-layered Ribbed Domes, Proc. of 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Hong Kong, 2010.
3. Liang-Jiu Jia; Yiyi Chen. Effect of Joint Rigidity on Stability of Single-layered Ribbed Domes, Proc. of 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, Hong Kong, 2010.
4.Liang-Jiu Jia; Hitoshi Kuwamura. Selected Plasticity Models for Structural Steel under Cyclic Large Strain (Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior to fracture of Structural Steel, Part 1), Proc. 82th Arch. Res. Meeting of Kanto Chapter AIJ, Tokyo, 2012.
5. Liang-Jiu Jia; Tsuyoshi Koyama; Hitoshi Kuwamura. Uniaxial True Stress-True Strain Behavior to Fracture (Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior to Fracture of Structural Steel, Part 2), Proc. 82th Arch. Res. Meeting of Kanto Chapter AIJ, Tokyo, 2012.
6. Liang-Jiu Jia; Tsuyoshi Koyama; Hitoshi Kuwamura. Prediction of Cyclic Plasticity Using Monotonic Coupon Test Results (Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior to Fracture of Structural Steel, Part 3), Proc. 82th Arch. Res. Meeting of Kanto Chapter AIJ, Tokyo, 2012.
7. Liang-Jiu Jia; Tsuyoshi Koyama; Hitoshi Kuwamura. Prediction of Cyclic Plasticity for Prestrained Mild Steel Using Monotonic Coupon Test Results by Chaboche Model with Isotropic Hardening (Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior to Fracture of Structural Steel, Part 4), Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting AIJ, Nagoya, 2012.
8.Liang-Jiu Jia; Tsuyoshi Koyama; Hitoshi Kuwamura. Modified Yoshida-Uemori Model to Predict Metal Plasticity Using only Coupon Test (Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior to Fracture of Structural Steel, Part 5), Proc. 83th Arch. Res. Meeting of Kanto Chapter AIJ, Tokyo, 2013.
9. Liang-Jiu Jia; Tomoya Kato; Hanbin Ge. Ductile Cracking Simulation of Butt Weld in Steel Structures under Monotonic Tension,The 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Hefei, China, 2014.