賈熹濱:女,博士,北京工業大學教授。1987.9-1991.6在重慶大學無線電技術系學習,獲學士學位,1993.9-1996.4在華北工學院測試與計量技術系學習,獲得工學碩士學位,2001.9-2007.7在北京工業大學計算機學院(北京市重點實驗室多媒體與智慧型軟體實驗室)計算機套用技術專業學習,獲得了工學博士學位。1996.6至今在北京工業大學計算機學院任教,2004年9月-12月赴加拿大 MedicineHat College 參加雙語教學項目英語培訓。
- 中文名:賈熹濱
- 職業:北京工業大學教授
- 代表作品:《可伸縮編碼及轉碼系統研究》
- 主要從事:語音動畫合成
A novel edge detection in medical images by fusing of multi-model from different spatial structure clues, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 24 (2014) ,p1289–1298.
Xibin Jia, Yanhua Zhang, David Powers and Humayra Binte Ali,Multi-classifier Fusion Based Facial Expression Recognition Approach;KSII Transactions on Internet and Information System
Xibin Jia, Yanfeng Sun, A Kind of Visual Speech Feature with the Geometric and Local Inner Texture Description,Telkomnika,2013,Vol. 11(2), p 877-889.
賈熹濱,聞春城,包錫元,基於動態圖像序列的表情識別,北京工業大學學報, 2013年9月(39卷9期), p1360-1365
Jia Xibin, BaoXiyuan, David M W Powers, Li Yujian (2013),Facial expression recognition based on block Gabor wavelet fusion feature, JournalofConvergenceInformationTechnology, 2013年2月(8卷5期)
Xibin Jia, Yanfang Han, David Powers, Spatial and temporal visual speech feature for Chinese phonemes; Journal of Information and Computational Science,2012年9卷14期,4177-4185
Xibin Jia, Kewei Zhang, Yanfang Han, David Powers,Pronunciation quality evaluation approach based on bimodal fusion with noise adaptive weight, 2012 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCIT, ICEI and ICACT), 2012.12.3-5
Xibin Jia,Baocai Yin,Yanfeng Sun, Representation of Speaking Mouth Image for Visual Speech Synthesis System ,The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009),2009:P643-646,EI(20102212964198).
Xibin Jia,Baocai Yin,Yanfeng Sun,Xianping Lin, Learning based Visual Speech Synthesis System, Journal of Information & Computational Science Vol 3:Num 2 June, 2006: P227-234,EI(070110348529)
Xibin Jia, Baocai Yin, Yanfeng Sun,Xianping Lin, GA-Based Speaking Mouth Correlative Speech Feature Abstraction, ICCI2006 The 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, 2006: P114-119,EI(9485507),ISTP (BGH41)