
賈昕,男,博士,現任北京林業大學水土保持學院教授、博士生導師、寧夏鹽池毛烏素沙地生態系統國家定位觀測研究站副站長、聯合國防治荒漠化公約履約專家。主要研究領域為荒漠生態學、荒漠化防治、生態系統碳水循環、植物功能性狀與相互作用等。近年來主要採用通量觀測、野外控制實驗、遙感和模型模擬等方法探究乾旱/半乾旱生態系統碳-水-能量過程對氣候變化和人為活動的回響規律與機理。主持國家自然科學基金項目3項、北京林業大學青年教師科學研究中長期項目1項、北京林業大學新教師啟動基金項目1項,參與多項國家自然科學基金項目、國家重點研發計畫課題、北京市科技計畫課題等。曾獲教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)自然科學獎(一等獎,6/8)、中國林學會第八屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎、北京市園林綠化科技進步獎(一等獎,5/7)、北京林業大學優秀青年學術論文獎一等獎、北京林業大學科技之星稱號。以第一/通訊作者在Agricultural and Forest MeteorologyPlantand SoilScienceof the Total EnvironmentBiogeosciencesHydrological ProcessesOikosFrontiers in Plant Science、植物生態學報、生態學報、生物多樣性、林業科學、套用生態學報等期刊發表論文30餘篇。參編《荒漠化防治學》、《風沙物理學》等教材/專著。


  • 中文名:賈昕
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生態學、水土保持與荒漠化防治
  • 任職院校北京林業大學


2008.9-2011.6:浙江大學生命科學學院, 生態學, 博士研究生
2005.9-2008.6:西北大學生命科學學院(與復旦大學生物多樣性科學研究所聯合培養), 生態學, 碩士研究生
2001.9-2005.6:西北大學生命科學學院, 生物科學, 本科生
2018.11-現在:北京林業大學水土保持學院, 教授
2016.1-2018.10:北京林業大學水土保持學院, 副教授
2011.7-2015.12:北京林業大學水土保持學院, 講師


《專業英語》, 本科生專業選修課, 主講
《學術論文寫作與發表》,研究生公共課, 主講
《生態環境建設與管理(英文)》, 研究生專業選修課, 主講
《生態統計與建模(英文)》, 研究生公共選修課, 參講
《荒漠生態學》, 研究生專業選修課, 參講
《生態水文學》, 研究生專業選修課, 參講




[1] 春季溫升對油蒿灌叢生態系統碳水平衡的影響, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(32071843),主持
[2] 油蒿灌叢生態系統碳交換對降水年際變異回響的滯後性研究, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31670708),主持
[3] 荒漠化地區地表過程及其驅動機制, 北京林業大學青年教師科學研究中長期項目(2015ZCQ-SB-02),主持
[4] 典型沙生植物對土壤呼吸的調控機制, 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(31200537),主持
[5] 寧夏鹽池荒漠生態系統能量平衡特徵及其在碳收支估算中的作用, 北京林業大學新教師啟動基金項目(BLX-2011008), 主持
[6] 沙生資源植物選育與防風固沙技術集成及產業示範, 國家重點研發計畫課題(2016YFC0500905), 參與
[7] 沙蒿群落對氮水互動驅動作用的回響, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31470711),參與
[8] 生態系統碳固持和生產力對氣候趨勢、變異和極端天氣的回響敏感性研究:荒漠植被和北方森林的比較, 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目(31361130340),參與
[9] 典型沙生灌木光化學效率對環境波動的生理可塑性, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31270755), 參與



[1]Jia X, Mu Y, Zha T,Wang B, Qin S, Tian Y (2020) Seasonal and interannual variations in ecosystemrespiration in relation to temperature, moisture, and productivity in atemperate semi-arid shrubland. - Scienceof the Total Environment 709: 136210.
[2] Jia X, Zha T, Wang S, Bourque CPA, Wang B, Qin S, ZhangY (2018) Canopy photosynthesis modulates soil respiration in a temperatesemi-arid shrubland at multiple timescales. - Plant and Soil 432: 437-450.
[3] Jia X, Zha T, Gong J,Zhang Y, Wu B, Qin S Peltola H (2018) Multi-scale dynamics and environmentalcontrols on net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a temperate semiaridshrubland. - Agricultural and ForestMeteorology 259: 250-259.
[4] Jia X, Zha T, Gong J,Wang B, Zhang Y, Wu B, Qin S, Peltola H (2016) Carbon and water exchange over atemperate semi-arid shrubland during three years of contrasting precipitationand soil moisture patterns. - Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology 228: 120-129.
[5] Jia X, Zha TS, GongJN, Wu B, Zhang YQ, Qin SG, Chen GP, Feng W, Kelloäki S, Peltola H (2016)Energy partitioning over a semi-arid shrubland in northern China. - Hydrological Processes 30: 972-985.
[6] Jia X,Zha TS, Wu B, Zhang YQ, Gong JN, QinSG, Chen GP, Kellomäki S, Peltola H (2014) Biophysical controls on netecosystem CO2 exchange over a semiarid shrubland in northwest China.- Biogeosciences 11: 4679-4693.
[7] Jia X, Zha T, Wu B,Zhang Y, Chen W, Wang X, Yu H, He G (2013) Temperature response of soilrespiration in a Chinese pine Plantation: hysteresis and seasonal vs. diel Q10. - PLoS ONE 8: e57858.
[8] Jia X, Dai XF, ShenZX, Zhang JY, Wang GX (2011) Facilitation can maintain clustered spatialpattern of plant populations during density-dependent mortality: insights froma zone-of-influence model. - Oikos120: 472-480.
[9] Jia X, Pan XY, SosaAJ, Li B, Chen JK (2010) Differentiation in growth and biomass allocation amongthree native Alternanthera philoxeroidesvarieties from Argentina. - Plant SpeciesBiology 25: 85-92.
[10] Jia X,PanXY, Li B, Chen JK, Yang XZ (2009) Allometric growth, disturbance regime, anddilemmas of controlling invasive plants: a model analysis. - Biological Invasions 11: 743-752.
[11] Dai XF,Jia X, Zhang WP, Bai YY,Zhang JY, Wang Y, Wang GX (2009) Plant height-crown radius and canopycoverage-density relationships determine above-ground biomass-densityrelationship in stressful environments. - Biology Letters 5: 571-573.
[12] Jiang X, Jia X, Gao S, Jiang Y, WeiN, Han C, Zha T, Liu P, Tian Y, Qin S (2021) Plant nutrient contents ratherthan physical traits are coordinated between leaves and roots in a desertshrubland. - Frontiers in Plant Science12: 734775.
[13] Zhang WP, Jia X, Wang GX (2017) Facilitationamong plants can accelerate density-dependent mortality and steepenself-thinning lines in stressful environments. - Oikos 126: 1197-1207.
[14] Chen W, Jia X, Li C, Yu H, Wang B, WuY, Wang S (2016) Extreme rainfall impacts on soil CO2 efflux in anurban forest ecosystem in Beijing, China. - CanadianJournal of Soil Science 96: 504-514.
[15] Mu Y, Yuan Y, JiaX, Zha T, Qin S, Ye Z, Liu P, Yang R, Tian Y (2022) Hydrologicallosses and soil moisture carryover affected the relationship betweenevapotranspiration and rainfall in a temperate semiarid shrubland. - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 315:108831.
[16] Li C, Jia X,Ma J, Liu P, Yang R, Bai Y, Hayat M, Liu J, Zha T (2020) Linking diffuseradiation and ecosystem productivity of a desert steppe ecosystem. - PeerJ8: e9043.
[17] Ma J, Jia X, Zha T, Bourque CPA, Tian Y, BaiY, Liu P, Yang R, Li C, Li C, Xie J, Yu H, Zhang F, Zhou C (2019) Ecosystemwater use efficiency in a young plantation in Northern China and itsrelationship to drought. - Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology 275: 1-10.
[18] Zhang X, Jia X, Yan L, Wang J, Kang X, Cui L(2017) Cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation influences the nitrogen removal efficiencyin a constructed wetland. - Water 9,865.
[19] Gong J, Jia X, Zha T, Wang B, Kellomäki S,Peltola H (2016) Modeling the effects of plant-interspace heterogeneity onwater-energy balances in a semiarid ecosystem. - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 221: 189-206.
[20] Xie J, Jia X, He G, Zhou C, Yu H, Bourque PAC,Zha T (2015) Environmental control of seasonal variation in carbon fluxes of anurban temperate forest ecosystem. - Landscapeand Urban Planning 142: 63-70.
[21] Chen W, Jia X, Zha T, Wu B, Zhang Y, Li C, WangX, He G, Yu H, Chen G (2013) Soil respiration in a mixed urban forest in Chinain relation to soil temperature and water content. - European Journal of Soil Biology 54: 63-68.
[22] Pan XY, Jia X, Fu D, Li B (2013) Geographicaldiversification of growth-defense strategies in an invasive plant. - Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51:308-317.
[23] Sibomana C, Jia X, Qiu YP, Wang GX (2013)Self-thinning in a space-limited rocky intertidal barnacle system. - Annales Zoologici Fennici 50: 64-70.
[24] Zhang XD, Jia X, Chen YY, Shao JJ, Wu XR, ShangL, Li B (2013) Crabs mediate interactions between native and invasive saltmarsh plants: a mesocosm study. - PLoS ONE8: e74095.
[25] Zhang WP, Jia X, Damgaard C, Morris C, Bai YY,Pan S, Wang GX (2013) The Interplay between above- and below-ground plant-plantinteractions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layerzone-of-influence models. - Oikos122: 1147-1156.
[26] Pan XY, Jia X, Chen JK, Li B (2012) For oragainst: the importance of variation in growth rate for testing the EICAhypothesis. - Biological Invasions14: 1-8.
[27] Zhang WP, Jia X, Morris EC, Bai YY, Wang GX(2012) Stem and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. - Ecological Research 27: 819-825.
[28] Pan XY, Jia X, Zeng J, Sosa A, Li B, Chen JK (2011)Stem tissue mass density is linked to growth and resistance to a stem-boringinsect in Alternanthera philoxeroides.- Plant Species Biology 26: 58-65.
[29] Zhang WP, Jia X, Bai YY (2011) The differencebetween above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. - Ecological Research 26: 819-825.
[30] Iqbal S, Zha T, Jia X, Hayat M, Qian D, Bourque CPA,Tian Y, Bai Y, Liu P, Yang R, Khan A (2021) Interannual variation in sap flowresponse in three xeric shrub species to periodic drought. - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 297:108276.
[31] Hayat M, Zha T, JiaX, Iqbal S, Qian D, Bourque CPA, Khan A, Tian Y, Bai Y, Liu P, Yang R(2020) A multiple-temporal scale analysis of biophysical control of sap flow inSalix psammophila growing in a semiarid shrubland ecosystem of northwestChina. - Agricultural and ForestMeteorology 288-289: 107985 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.107985).
[32] Liu P, Zha T, Jia X, Bourque CPA, Tian Y, Ma J, Bai Y, Wu Y, Muhammad H (2020) Soilrespiration sensitivity to temperature in biocrust soils in a desert-shrublandecosystem. - Catena 191: 104556 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.104556).
[33] Wei S, Han G, JiaX, Song W, Chu X, He W, Xia J, Wu (2020) Tidal effects on ecosystem CO2exchange at multiple timescales in a salt marsh in the Yellow River Delta. - Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science 238: 106727 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106727).
[34] Liu P, Zha T, Jia X, Black TA, Jassal RS, Ma J, BaiY, Wu Y (2019) Carbon and water exchange in a semiarid shrubland ecosystem innorthwest China. - Ecosystems 22:1869-1885.
[35] Ma J, Zha T, Jia X, Tian Y, Bourque CPA, Liu P, BaiY, Wu Y, Ren C, Yu H, Zhang F, Zhou C, Chen C (2018) Energy and water vaporexchange over a young plantation in northern China. - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 263: 334-345.
[36] Gong J, Wang B, Jia X, Feng W, Zha T, Kelloäki S,Peltola H (2018) Modelling the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of soil CO2exchange in a semiarid ecosystem with high plant-interspace heterogeneity. - Biogeosciences 15: 115-136.
[37] Wang B, Zha TS, Jia X, Gong JN, Bourque C, Feng W, TianY, Wu B, Zhang YQ, Peltola H (2017) Soil water regulates the control ofphotosynthesis on diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature in adesert shrubland. - Biogeosciences14:3899-3908.
[38] Ma J, Zha T, Jia X, Sargent S, Burgon R, BourqueCPA, Zhou X, Liu P, Bai Y, Wu Y (2017) An eddy-covariance system with aninnovative vortex intake for measuring carbon dioxide and water fluxes ofecosystems. - Atmospheric MeasurementTechniques 10: 1259-1267.
[39] Zha TS, Wu YJ, Jia X, Zhang MY, Bai YJ, Liu P, Ma JY,Bourque CPA, Peltola H (2017) Diurnal response of effective quantum yield ofPSII photochemistry to irradiance as an indicator of photosynthetic acclimationto stressed environments revealed in a xerophytic species. - Ecological Indicators 74: 191-197.
[40] Zha T, Qian D, Jia X, Bai Y, Tian Y, Bourque CPA, MaJ, Feng W, Wu B, Peltola H (2017) Soil moisture control of sap-flow response tobiophysical factors in a desert-shrub species, Artemisia ordosica. - Biogeosciences14: 4533-4544.
[41] Liu P, Zha T, Jia X, Wang B, Guo X, Zhang Y, Wu B,Yang Q, Peltola H (2016) Diurnal freeze-thaw cycles modify winter soilrespiration in a desert shrub-land ecosystem. - Forests 7: 161.
[42] Guo X, Zha T, Jia X, Wu B, Feng W, Xie J, Gong J,Zhang Y, Peltola H (2016) Dynamics of dew in a cold desert-shrub ecosystem andits abiotic controls. - Atmosphere 7:32.
[43] Wang B, Zha TS, Jia X, Gong JN, Wu B, Bourque CPA,Zhang Y, Qin SG, Chen GP, Peltola H (2015) Microtopographic variation in soilrespiration and its controlling factors vary with plant phenophases in adesert-shrub ecosystem. - Biogeosciences12: 5705-5714.
[44] Chen ZH, Zha T, Jia X, Wu Y, Wu B, Zhang Y, Guo J, QinS, Chen G, Peltola H (2015) Leaf nitrogen is closely coupled to phenophases ina desert shrub ecosystem in China. - Journalof Arid Environments 122: 124-131.
[45] Qian D, Zha T, Jia X, Wu B, Zhang Y, Bourque CPA, QinS, Peltola H (2015) Adaptive, water-conserving strategies in Hedysarum mongolicum endemic to a desertshrubland ecosystem. -Environmental EarthSciences 74: 6039-6046.
[46] Xie J, Zha T, Jia X, Qian D, Wu B, Zhang Y, BourqueCPA, Chen J, Sun G, Peltola H (2015) Irregular precipitation events in controlof seasonal variations in CO2 exchange in a cold desert-shrub ecosystemin northwest China. - Journal of AridEnvironments 120: 33-41.
[47] Zhang WP, MorrisEC, Jia X, Pan S, Wang GX (2015)Testing predictions of the energetic equivalence rule in forest communities. - Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 469-479.
[48] Feng W, Zhang Y,Jia X, Wu B, Zha T, Qin S, Wang B,Shao C, Liu J, Fa K (2014) Impact of environmental factors and biological soilcrust types on soil respiration in a desert ecosystem. - PLoS ONE 9: e102954.
[49] Wang B, Zha TS, Jia X, Wu B, Zhang YQ, Qin SG (2014)Soil moisture modifies the response of soil respiration to temperature in adesert shrub ecosystem. - Biogeosciences11: 259-268.
[50] Wang N, Xu SS, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang WP, Wang GX (2013)Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and alongenvironmental gradients in China – a meta-analysis. - Plant Biology 15: 144-151.
[51] Zhang YQ, LiuJB, Jia X, Qin SG (2013) Soilorganic carbon accumulation in arid and semiarid areas after afforestation: ameta-analysis. - Polish Journal ofEnvironmental Studies 22: 611-620.
[52] Bai YY, ZhangWP, Jia X, Wang N, Xu SS, Wang G(2011) How dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. - Ecological Complexity 8: 310-312.
[53] Bai YY, ZhangWP, Jia X, Wang N, Zhou L, Xu SS, WangGX (2010) Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between aboveand belowground mass-density relationships along an aridity gradient. - Acta Oecologica 36: 393-395.
[54] Jiang Y, Tian Y,Zha T, Jia X, Bourque CPA, Liu P,Jin C, Jiang X, Li X, Wei N, Gao S (2021) Dynamic changes in plant resource useefficiencies and their primary influence mechanisms in a typical desert shrubcommunity. - Forests12: 1372.
[55] Guo X, Shang G,Tian Y, Jia X, Zha T, Li C, Yang H,Zhang X (2021) Dynamics of nocturnal evapotranspiration and its biophysicalcontrols over a desert shrubland of Northwest China. - Forests 12: 1296.
[56] Hayat M, IqbalS, Zha T, Jia X, Qian D, BourqueCPA, Khan A, TIan Y, Bai Y, Liu P, Yang R (2021) Biophysical control onnighttime sap flow in Salix psammophilain a semiarid shrubland ecosystem. - Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology 300: 108329.
[57] Bai Y, Zha T,Bourque CPA, Jia X, Ma J, Liu P,Yang R, Li C, Du T, Wu Y (2020) Variation in ecosystem water use efficiencyalong a southwest-to-northeast aridity gradient in China. - Ecological Indicators 110: 105932 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105932).
[58] Ren C, Wu Y, ZhaT, Jia X, Tian Y, Bai Y, BourqueCPA, Ma J, Feng W (2018) Seasonal changes in photosynthetic Energy utilizationin a desert shrub (Artemisia ordosicaKrasch.) during its different phenophase. - Forests9: 176.
[59] Xie J, Zha T,Zhou C, Jia X, Yu H, Yang B, ChenJQ, Zhang F, Wang B, Bourque CPA, Sun G, Ma H, Liu H, Peltola H (2016) Seasonalvariation in ecosystem water use efficiency in an urban forest reserve affectedby periodic drought. - Agricultural andForest Meteorology 221: 142-151.
[60] Liu JB, Feng W,Zhang Y, Jia X, Wu B, Qin S, Fa K,Lai Z (2015) Abiotic CO2 exchange between soil and atmosphere andits response to temperature. - EnvironmentalEarth Sciences 73: 2463-2471.
[61] Li C, Zha T, LiuJ, Jia X (2013) Carbon and nitrogendistribution across a chronosequence of secondary lacebark pine in China. - The Forestry Chronicle 89: 191-197.
[62] Huang QQ, QianC, Wang Y, Jia X, Dai XF, Zhang H,He F, Peng SL, Wang GX (2010) Determinants of the geographical extent ofinvasive plants in China: effects of biogeographical origin, life cycle andtime since introduction. - Biodiversityand Conservation 19: 1251-1259.
[63] She W, Bai Y, Zhang Y, Qin S, Jia X, Feng W, Lai Z, Fu J, Qiao Y (2020) Nitrogen enrichment suppressesrevegetated shrub growth under increased precipitation via herb-induced topsoilwater limitation in a desert ecosystem in northern China, - Plant and Soil 446: 97-110.
[64] Bai Y, Zhang Y,Michalet R, She W, Jia X, Qin S (2019) Response of different herblife-history groups to a dominant shrub species along a dune stabilizationgradient. - Basic and Applied Ecology 38: 1-12.
[65] Han Y, Wu J,Tian Y, Zha T, Jia X, Bourque CPA,Wu Y, Bai Y, Ma J, Zhang M (2018) Light energy partitioning and photoprotectionin an exotic species (Salix psammophila)grown in a semi-arid area of northwestern China. - Forests 9: 341.
[66] Liu JB, ZhangYQ, Wu B, Qin SG, Jia X, Fa KY, FengW, Lai ZR (2015) Effect of vegetation rehabilitation on soil carbon and itsfractions in Mu Us Desert, northwest China. - International Journal of Phytoremediation 17: 529-537.
[67] Li H, Li C, ZhaT, Liu J, Jia X, Wang X, Chen W, HeG (2014) Patterns of biomass allocation in an age-sequence of secondary Pinus bungeana forests in China. - The Forestry Chronicle 90, 169-176.
[68] Liu JB, ZhangYQ, Wu B, Qin SG, Jia X, Feng W(2014) Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus along a chronosequenceof Caragana microphylla plantation,northwestern China. - Polish Journal ofEnvironmental Studies 23: 385-391.
[69] Feng W, Zhang Y,Wu B, Zha T, Jia X, Qin S, Shao C,Liu J, Lai Z, Fa K (2013) Influence of disturbance on soil respiration inbiologically-crusted soil during the dry season. - Scientific World Journal, Article ID 408560.
[70] Chen R, Ran J,Hu W, Dong L, Ji M, Jia X, Lu J,Gong H, Aqeel M, Yao S, An L, He JS, Niklas KJ, Deng J (2021) Effects of bioticand abiotic factors on forest biomass fractions. - National Science Review (DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwab025)
[71] Liu J, Fa K,Zhang Y, Wu B, Qin S, Jia X (2015) AbioticCO2 uptake from the atmosphere by semiarid desert soil and itspartitioning into soil phases. - GeophysicalResearch Letters 42: 5779-5785.
[72] Lai Z, Zhang Y,Wu B, Zha T, Qin S, Jia X, Liu J,Feng W (2014) Fine root distribution and belowground interactions in an alleysilvopasture system in northern China. - TurkishJournal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 644-651.
[73] Liu P, Black TA,Jassal RS, Zha T, Nesic Z, Barr A, Helgason WD, Jia X, Tian X, Stephens JJ, Ma J (2019) Divergent long-term trendsand interannual variation in ecosystem resource use efficiencies of a southernboreal old black spruce forest 1999-2017. - GlobalChange Biology 25: 3056-3069.
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[1] 王根軒,歐曉彬, 賈昕,甘毅(2011)一種乾旱和半乾旱地區條帶綠化法(CN201010218408.8).
[2] 田贇, 劉新月, 吳雨晴, 山丹, 姜麗霞, 周建琴, 張克斌, 賈昕(2021)一種半乾旱區生態家庭牧場的建設方法(ZL 2019 1 1276809.6).


2020 中國林學會第八屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎
2019 高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)自然科學獎(一等獎,6/8)
2019 北京林業大學第七屆優秀青年學術論文獎一等獎
2018 北京林業大學科技之星
2017 北京林業大學第五屆優秀青年學術論文獎一等獎
2017 北京林業大學科技之星


