







賀號一直研究光學生物調控的技術與機制,在飛秒雷射刺激調控細胞的物理和生物機制領域在光學技術、物理機制、生物套用上都做出了原創性工作,提出了飛秒雷射刺激調控細胞鈣信號的技術體系,研發了雷射刺激直接控制細胞過程與細胞功能的光學方法,深化了雷射損傷的物理機制。以第一或通訊作者共發表SCI論文30餘篇,其中兩篇發表於Nature Photonics,一篇發表於Nature Communications,一篇發表於Laser & Photonics Reviews,兩篇被Nature Photonics亮點報導或專題評論。其中飛秒雷射刺激調控細胞內質網鈣存儲技術獲2012年“中國光學鍵捆紙重要成果”獎,雷射刺激調控ERK通路的文章被編輯推薦為Laser & Photonics Reviews封面文章獨立編著的《飛秒雷射生物光子學》由電子工業出版社出版(ISBN 978-7-121-38209-3,CIP數據核字(2020)第005475號),並獲得“國家科學技術學術著作出版基金”支持。參與編閥漏舉寫學術著作三部:1)《Technique in Confocal Microscopy》Chapter 2, Elsevier and Academic Press,2010年第一版;2)《飛秒雷射在前沿技術中的套用》第七章,國轎危防工業出版社2016年第一版;3)《飛秒雷射屈光手術學》第二章,几几催人民衛生出版社2014年第一版。獲國家自然科學基金支持,獲評日本學術振興會JSPS Oversea Fellowship,受邀作為東京大學Global Science Course (GSC) Lectureship,受陵享剃捉邀參加日本內閣資助的ImPACT重大研究計畫。


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,81571719,飛秒雷射刺激調控細胞核內鈣離子水平的研究,2020/01-2023/12,在研,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,81571719,超快雷射誘導幹細胞分化研究,2016/01-2019/12,已結題,主槳霸幾持
4. 上海市科委 啟明星計畫(A類) 無光基因雷射調控細胞離子通道技術研究 2018/07-2021/0/30,40萬元,在研,主持
5. 上海市晨光計畫,14CG09,深度腦組織光學顯微成像與信號調控,2016/01-2017/12,在研,主持


1. Pan Cheng, Xiaoying Tian, Wanyi Tang, Juan Cheng, Jin Bao, Haipeng Wang, Sisi Zheng, Youjun Wang, Xunbin Wei, Tunan Chen, Hua Feng, Tian Xue, Hao He* All-optical control of store-operated Ca2+ channel by photostimulation for cellular and neural activation in vivo. Nature Communications. 2020
2. Hao He*, S Li, S Wang, M Hu, Y Cao, and C Wang. Manipulation of cellular light from green fluorescent protein by a femtosecond laser. Nature Photonics 6, 651-656 (2012). See also “Biophotonics: The slow fade of cell fluorescence”, Nature Photonics 6, 641–643 (2012)
3. Hao He, Keiichi Nakagawa, Yisen Wang, Yoichiro Hosokawa, Keisuke Goda. Mechanism for microtsunami-induced intercellular mechanosignalling. Nature Photonics 9, 623 (2015)
4. Wang, Shaoyang Liu, Yaohui Zhang, Dapeng Chen, Shih-chi Kong, Siu-Kai Minglie, Hu Cao, Youjia He, Hao*. Photoactivation of Extracellular-Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling in Target Cells by Femtosecond Laser. Laser & Photonics Reviews. 12, 1700137. (2018) Cover story.
5. Hao He, K.T. Chan, S.K. Kong, R.K.Y. Lee. All-optical human cell fusion by a fiber femtosecond laser. Applied Physics Letters 93, 163901 (2008). See also “Femtosecond Fusion,” Nature Photonics 2, 709 (2008).


1. Pan Cheng, Xiaoying Tian, Wanyi Tang, Juan Cheng, Jin Bao, Haipeng Wang, Sisi Zheng, Youjun Wang, Xunbin Wei, Tunan Chen, Hua Feng, Tian Xue, Hao He* All-optical control of store-operated Ca2+ channel by photostimulation for cellular and neural activation in vivo. Nature Communications. 2020
2. Hao He*, S Li, S Wang, M Hu, Y Cao, and C Wang. Manipulation of cellular light from green fluorescent protein by a femtosecond laser. Nature Photonics 6, 651-656 (2012). See also “Biophotonics: The slow fade of cell fluorescence”, Nature Photonics 6, 641–643 (2012)
3. Hao He, Keiichi Nakagawa, Yisen Wang, Yoichiro Hosokawa, Keisuke Goda. Mechanism for microtsunami-induced intercellular mechanosignalling. Nature Photonics 9, 623 (2015)
4. Wang, Shaoyang Liu, Yaohui Zhang, Dapeng Chen, Shih-chi Kong, Siu-Kai Minglie, Hu Cao, Youjia He, Hao*. Photoactivation of Extracellular-Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling in Target Cells by Femtosecond Laser. Laser & Photonics Reviews. 12, 1700137. (2018) Cover story.
5. Hao He, K.T. Chan, S.K. Kong, R.K.Y. Lee. All-optical human cell fusion by a fiber femtosecond laser. Applied Physics Letters 93, 163901 (2008). See also “Femtosecond Fusion,” Nature Photonics 2, 709 (2008).


