



  • 中文名:財經類創新人才培養模式改革:教學與發展
  • 作者:孫錚
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年3月 
  • 頁數:237 頁
  • 定價:54.4 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787030520319




國際認證指導下的商學院師資隊伍建設研究 003
國際化MBA人才培養路徑研究 023
中國EMBA項目教學改革思考與對策研究——基於EMBA教改路徑選擇和職業教育體系完炒熱遷善的視角 042
案例在課堂教學與網路教學的適用性研究汽茅 061
基於網路環境的財經特色MBA案例教學信息化平台創建 081
以參與者為中心的教學方腿婚付厚法研究 097
商學院品牌發展的免費想幾婚增值模式研究 111
商學院開展商學公益講座的實踐策略與長效機制研究 129
生涯視角下的當代MBA職業規劃與發展 147
MBA教育E化模式與發展機制研究 166
職業測評對MBA職業發展輔導的作用研究——以上海財經大學商學院的實踐為例 195
員工激勵方式方法研究 225
Chapters on Education:
Research on the Development of Faculty in Chinese Business Schools Under the Guidance of International Accreditation 003
Research on the Cultivation Path of International MBA Talents 023
Research on the Reflections and Solutions of Teaching Reform for EMBA Program of Chinese Universities 042
Research on the Applicability of Case Study in Classroom Teaching and Online Teaching 061
Establishment of Internetbased MBA Case Teaching Information Platform with Finance Characteristics 081
Research on Participantcentered Teaching Methods 097
Chapters on Development:
Research on Freemium Model for the Brand Development of Business Schools 111
Research on the Practical Strategy and Longterm Mechanism of Developing Business Public Lectures by Business Schools 129
Research on Career Planning and Development of Contemporary MBA from the Career Perspective 147
Research on Eteaching Model and Development Mechanism of MBA Education 166
Research on Career Assessment's Guiding Effect on MBA's Career Development 195
Research on Staff Motivation 225
Research on Participantcentered Teaching Methods 097
Chapters on Development:
Research on Freemium Model for the Brand Development of Business Schools 111
Research on the Practical Strategy and Longterm Mechanism of Developing Business Public Lectures by Business Schools 129
Research on Career Planning and Development of Contemporary MBA from the Career Perspective 147
Research on Eteaching Model and Development Mechanism of MBA Education 166
Research on Career Assessment's Guiding Effect on MBA's Career Development 195
Research on Staff Motivation 225


