譚錚,國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者、中國科學院"百人計畫"國外引進傑出人才。1991-1996年分別在美國 North Carolina 州立大學、美國國立衛生研究院環境健康研究所分子與細胞藥理學實驗室進行客座研究。研究方向:衰老的分子生物學研究。主持國家教委留學回國人員科研基金,中科院 “百人計畫”,國家傑出青年科學基金、國家自然科學基金、國家973等科研項目。
1. Zhao,Y., Kan,Z.Y., Zeng,Z.X., Hao,Y.H., and Tan,Z. 2004. Determining the folding and unfolding rate constant of nucleic acid by biosensor: Application to telomere G-quadruplex. J Am Chem Soc. Accepted. (IF:6.5)
2. Yuan,B.F., Hao,Y.H., and Tan,Z. 2004. Universal sensing strategy for the detection of nucleic acid targets by optical biosensor based on Surface Plasmon Resonance. Clin Chem. 50:1057-1060 (IF:5.5)
3. Hao,Y.H. and Tan,Z. 2002. The generation of long telomere overhangs in human cells: a model and its implication. Bioinformatics. 18(5):666-671 (IF:6.7)
4. Hao,Y.H. and Tan,Z. 2001. Telomeres at the chromosome Xp might be critical in limiting the proliferative potential of human cell. Exp Gerontol. 36(10):1639-1647 (IF:2.8)
5. Tan,Z. 2001. Simulated shortening of proliferation-restricting telomeres during clonal proliferation and senescence of human cell. Exp Gerontol 36(1):89-97 (IF:2.8)