- 中文名:謝高崗
- 國籍:中國
- 性別:男
- 職稱:研究員
![謝高崗 謝高崗](/img/b/a6f/cGcq5iYzYDO5Q2M2IWOzI2NyUmM4AzYxE2MiBzLtVGdp9yYpB3LltWahJ2Lt92YuUHZpFmYuMmczdWbp9yL6MHc0RHa.jpg)
曾獲FFCSA基金資助,在INRIA從事博士後研究。主要研究興趣包括網路測量分析與模型化、未來網路體系結構、支持虛擬化可程式的網路設備等。先後承擔國家973、國家863、國家自然科學基金等國家級項目10多項,在國際期刊、國際會議以及國核心心期刊發表學術論文80多篇,獲得國家發明專利10餘項及軟體登記多項。部分研究成果已經授權Agilent、GN NetTest/Navtel Communications、中興通訊等在相關產品中使用,被Cisco、Juniper、Ericsson、中國移動等公司廣泛套用;研製完成的相關係統已經在國家相關部門得到規模部署與套用。
Kun Xie, Lele Wang, Xin Wang, Gaogang Xie, Jigang Wen, Guangxing Zhang. Accurate Recovery of Internet Traffic Data: A Tensor Completion Approach
Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Gareth Tyson, Steve Uhlig, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Gaogang Xie. Privacy-aware Multipath Video Caching for Content-Centric Networks. IEEE JSAC special issue "Video Distribution over Future Internet"
Heng Pan, Gaogang Xie, Peng He, Zhenyu Li, Laurent Mathy. Action Computation for Compositional Software-Defined Networking
Dong Wang, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Kave Salamatian, Adwords Management for Third-parties in SEM: an Optimisation Model and the Potential of Twitter,IEEE INFOCOM, 2016
T. Yang, A. X. Liu, Muhammad Shahzad, Yuankun Zhong, Qiaobin Fu, Zi Li, Gaogang Xie, Xiaoming Li. A shifting bloom Filter Framework for Set Queries
Kun Xie, Wang Luo, Xin Wang, Dongliang Xie, Jiannong Cao, Jigang Wen, Gaogang Xie, Decentralized Context Sharing in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks with Compressive Sensing
Kun Xie, Xin Wang, Wei Li, Zhe Zheng, Gaogang Xie, Jigang Wen, Bloom-Filter-Based Profile Matching for Proximity-based Mobile Social Networkin
Jianer Zhou, Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Steve Uhlig, Peter Steenkiste, Jian Chen, Gaogang Xie, Demystifying and Mitigating TCP Stalls at the Server Side
Zhenyu Li, Qinghua Wu, Kave Salamatian, Gaogang Xie. Video Delivery Performance of a large-scale VoD system and the Implications on Content Delivery
Yonggong Wang, Zhenyu Li, Gareth Tyson, Steve Uhlig, Gaogang Xie. Design and Evaluation of the Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking
Zhenyu Li, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Kave Salamatian, Gaogang Xie, User Behavior Characterization of a Large-scale Mobile Live Streaming System, ACM WWW-web science track 2015
Jianer Zhou, Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Gaogang Xie, A proactive transport mechanism with explicit congestion notification for NDN, IEEE ICC 2015
Tong Yang, Gaogang Xie, Yanbiao Li, Qiaobin Fu, Alex Liu, Qi Li, Laurent Mathy, Guarentee IP Lookup Performance with FIB Explosion, ACM Sigcomm 2014
Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Jianer Zhou, Heng Jiang, Zhiyang Hu, Yunjie Liu, Gaogang Xie, SOFIA: towards Service-oriented Information Centric Networking. IEEE Network, Special Issue on Information-Centric Networking Beyond Baseline Scenarios: Research Advances and Implementation, May, 2014
Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Jiali Lin, Yun Jin, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Kave Salamatian, On the Geographical patterns of a Large-Scale Mobile Video-on-Demand System, IEEE INFOCOM 2014
Zhuo Zhang, Zhibin Zhang, Patrick Pak-Ching Lee, Yunjie Liu, Gaogang Xie, ProWord: An Unsupervised Approach to Protocol Feature Word Extraction, IEEE INFOCOM 2014
Kun Xie, Lele Wang, Xin Wang, Jigang Wen and Gaogang Xie, Learning from the Past: Intelligent On-Line Weather Monitoring based on Matrix Completion, ICDCS 2014
Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, CodingCache: Multipath-aware CCN Cache with Network Coding, ACM Sigcomm ICN Workshop, 2013
Kun Huang, Linxuan Ding, Gaogang Xie, Dafang Zhang, Alex X. Liu, and Kave Salamatian. Scalable TCAM-based Regular Expression Matching with Compressed Finite Automata. the Nineth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems(ANCS), Hyatt Place
HaiyangJiang, GaogangXie, Kavé Salamatian and Laurent Mathy. Scalable High-Performance Parallel Design for Network Intrusion Detection Systems on Many-Core Processors. the Nineth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems(ANCS), Hyatt Place, San Jose, USA , 2013
Yonggong Wang, Zhenyu Li, Gareth Tyson, Steve Uhlig and Gaogang Xie.Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking. the 21st IEEE Intl. Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Gottingen, Germany, 2013
Layong Luo, Gaogang Xie, Yingke Xie, Laurent Mathy, Kavé Salamatian, A Hybrid Hardware Architecture for High-speed IP Lookups and Fast Route Updates IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) 2013
Heng Pan, Hongtao Guan, Junjie Liu, Wanfu Ding, Chengyong Lin, Gaogang Xie, The FlowAdapter: Enable Flexible Multi-Table Processing on Legacy Hardware, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN)2013
Layong Luo, Gaogang Xie, Kave Salamatian, Steve Uhlig, Laurent Mathy, Yingke Xie, A Trie Merging Approach with Incremental Updates for Virtual Routers,IEEE INFOCOM,2013
Dong Wang, Hosung Park, Gaogang Xie, Sue Moon, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Kave Salamatian, A Genealogy of Information Spreading on Microblogs: a Galton-Watson-based Explicative Model, IEEE INFOCOM, 2013
Yonggong Wang, Gaogang Xie, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Steve Uhlig, LMD: a local minimum driven and self-organized method to obtain locators
Haiyang Jiang, Gaogang Xie, Kavé Salamatian, Efficient Fingerprint Extraction for High Performance Intrusion Detection System, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
Haiyang Jiang, Gaogang Xie, Kavé Salamatian,Load Balancing by Ruleset Partition for Parallel IDS on Multi-Core Processors, International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
Yi Sun, Yang Guo, Xiaobing Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Kave Salamatian, Gaogang Xie, The Case for P2P Mobile Video System over Wireless Broadband Networks: A Practical Study of Challenges for a Mobile Video Provider
Layong Luo, Gaogang Xie, Steve Uhlig, Laurent Mathy, Kavé Salamatian, and Yingke Xie, Towards TCAM-based Scalable Virtual Routers
Qinghua Wu, Zhenyu Li, Jianhua Yang, Gaogang Xie, Kave Salamatian, Efficient Traffic Flow Measurement for ISP Networks
Yonggong Wang, Gaogang Xie, Mohamed -Ali Kaafar, FPC: A self-organized greedy routing in scale-free networks
Zhenyu Li, Jiali Lin, Kave Slamatian, Gaogang Xie, Social Connections in User-Generated Content Video Systems: Analysis and Recommendation, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Zhenyu Li, Jiali Lin, Marc-Ismael Akodjenou-Jeannin, Gaogang Xie, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Yun Jin, Gang Peng, Watching Video from Everywhere: a Study of the PPTV Mobile VoD System
Layong Luo, Gaogang Xie, Yingke Xie, Laurent Mathy, Kavé Salamatian, A Hybrid IP Lookup Architecture with Fast Updates, IEEE INFOCOM, Orlando
Junjie Liu, Yingke Xie, Gaogang Xie, Layong Luo, Fuxing Zhang, Xiaolong Wu, Qingsong Ning, Hongtao Guan, Building a Flexible and Scalable Virtual Hardware Data Plane
Gaogang Xie, Peng He, Hongtao Guan, Zhenyu Li, Yingke Xie, Layong Luo, Jianhua Zhang, Yonggong Wang, and Kave Salamatian, PEARL: A Programmable Virtual Router Platform, IEEE Communication Magazine, Special Issue on Future Internet Architectures: Design and Deployment Perspectives
Gaogang Xie, Yi Sun, Yujun Zhang, Zhenyu Li, et al. Service-Oriented Future Internet Architecture (SOFIA), IEEE Infocom/Poster
Dong Wang, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Towards unbiased sampling of Online Social Networks, IEEE ICC
Dong Wang, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Kave Salamatian, The Pattern of Information Diffusion in Microblog, ACM CoNEXT student workshop
Yi Sun, Hanwen Zhang, Haibin Zhai, Yang Guo, Gaogang Xie, Considerations on the Transmission of Multimedia Sessions for Future Internet
Zhenyu LI, Gaogang XIE, Kai Hwang, Zhongcheng LI, Churn-Resilient Protocol for Massive Data Dissemination in P2P Networks
Kun Huang, Dafang Zhang, Gaogang Xie, Junhang Jin. A Compact Regular Expression Matching Algorithm for Deep Packet Inpsection
Kun Huang, Gaogang Xie, Yanbiao Li, Alex X. Liu. Offset Addressing Approach to Memory-Efficient IP Address Lookup
Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Enhancing Content Distribution Performance of Locality-aware BitTorrent Systems
Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie. rSearch: Ring-based Semantic Overlay for Efficient Recall-guaranteed Search in P2P Networks
Yue Peng, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie. Weighting the Edges in Interactive Online Social Network Graphs
Rong Gu, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie. Friend Recommendation Using the Social Network of Videos for UGC Video System
Zhenyu Li, Zengyang Zhu, Gaogang Xie, Zhongcheng Li: Fast and proximity-aware multi-source overlay multicast under heterogeneous environment
Zhenbao Zhou, Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie: ACNS: Adaptive Complementary Neighbor Selection in Bittorrent-Like Applications
Xiaosong Lou, Kai Hwang, Gaogang Xie, Quality of Service in Peer-to-Peer IPTV Networks. The IEEE Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS’09)
Zhenyu LI, Gaogang XIE, Zhongcheng LI, Efficient and Scalable Consistency Maintenance for Heterogeneous Peer-to-peer Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Gaogang XIE, Tingting HE, Guangxing ZHANG, Rogue Access Point Detection Using Segmental TCP Jitter, in Proceedings of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference
Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Zhongcheng Li: Towards reliable and efficient data dissemination in heterogeneous peer-to-peer systems
Zhenyu Li, Zengyang Zhu, Gaogang Xie, Zhongcheng Li: RLM: Reliable and Locality-Aware Membership Protocol for Heterogeneous P2P Systems
Bin Zeng, Dafang Zhang, Wenwei Li, Gaogang Xie, Guangxing Zhang: Design and Implementation of a Network Behavior Analysis-Oriented IP Network Measurement System
Guangxing Zhang, Gaogang Xie, Jianhua Yang, Yinhua Min, Zhaomin Zhou, Xiaodong DUAN, Accurate Online Traffic Classification with Multi-phases Identification Methodology, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2008)
Xi Chen, Jianhua Yang, Gaogang Xie, Mitigate DDoS Attack Using TTL Buckets and Host Threatening Index, The 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2008)
Zhenyu Li, Zengyang Zhu, Gaogang Xie, Zhongcheng Li: Efficient Multi-source Data Dissemination in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Liang Shuai, Gaogang Xie, Jianhua Yang. Characterization of HTTP Behavior on Access Networks in Web 2.0. 15th International Conference on Telecommunications, St
Zhenyu Li, Zengyang Zhu, Zhongcheng Li, Gaogang Xie: SAP2P: Self-adaptive and Locality-aware P2P Membership Protocol for Heterogeneous System
Gaogang XIE, Ji CHEN, Hongxia ZHENG, Jianhua YANG, Yu ZHANG, Handover Latency of MIPv6 Implementation in Linux
Li Wenwei, Zhang Dafang, Yang Jinmin, Xie Gaogang. On Evaluating the Differences of TCP and ICMP in Network Measurement, Computer Communications
Gaogang XIE, Guangxing ZHANG, Jianhua YANG, Yinghua MIN,Valerie ISSARNY, Alberto CONTE, The Survey on Traffic of Metro Area Network with Measurement On-line, Proceedings of the 20th International Teletraffic Congress
Gaogang XIE, Jianhua YANG, Valerie ISSARNY, Alberto CONTE, An Accurate and Efficient 3-Phase Measurement Method for IP Traffic Flow on High Speed Link,Proceeding of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking
Gaogang XIE, Zhenyu LI, Jianing CHEN, Yifen Wei, Valerie ISSARNY, Alberto CONTE. DTCS: A Dynamic Tree-based Consistency Scheme of Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Third IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing
Gaogang XIE, Zhenyu LI, Jianing CHEN, Valerie ISSARNY, Alberto CONTE. Efficient Soft QoS Guarantee in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, ISCA 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (ISCA PDCS 2007)
Dan WANG, Gaogang XIE, Jianhua YANG, Zhenyu LI, Wenjian JIANG, Feedback and Resources Guided Mechanism for Adaptive Packet Sampling
Zhenyu LI, Gaogang XIE, Zhongcheng LI, Locality-Aware Consistency Maintenance for Heterogeneous P2P Systems, Proceeding of the 21st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
Guangxing ZHANG, Gaogang XIE, Jianhua YANG, Dunxing ZHANG, Dafang ZHANG,Self Similarity Characterization in Metro Area Network
Yifen WEI, Gaogang XIE, Zhongcheng LI, A Hierarchical Cross-Layer Protocol for Group Communication in MANET. In the 14th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications
Kun XIE, Yinghua MIN, Dafang ZHANG, Jigang WEN, Gaogang XIE, A Scalable Bloom Filter for Memebership Queries
1) 面向服務的未來網際網路體系結構與機制研究,國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973)項目
2) 未來網路核心設備研製,中國科學院戰略性先導專項
3) 後IP 網路體系結構及其機理探索,國家自然科學基金重點項目