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工作經歷,教學工作,本科生課程,研究生課程,研究方向,主持研究項目,學術論文 ,學生指導,


2019.9- 浙江師範大學蘭辨漏勸心理學院副教授、碩士生導師,浙江師範大學家長教育研究中心執戰坑幾樂行主任







1. 親職教育與兒童積極發展
2. 兒童青少年心理健康與維護
3. 兒童閱讀與教學促進


1. 國家社會科學基金教育學一般項目——《“雙減”政策下家庭適應的影響機制及干預研究》(BBA220198),2023.01—2025.12 ;
2. 浙江省笑臭兆哲學社會科學規劃重點課題——《屑膠章國小兒童的閱讀發展:語素意識的影響及其機制的橫斷和追蹤研究》(20JDZD060),2020.01—2022.12 ;
3. 浙江省教育科學規劃重點項目——《留守兒童共情能力的發展軌跡及家庭因素的影響》(GZ2021500),2021.01—2021.12;


1. Xie, R., Xia, Y., Wu, X., etal. (2023). Role of compounding awareness in vocabulary knowledge among Chinese children with blindness and sightedness. Research in Developmental Disabilities. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2023.104469. (SSCI, Q1)
2.喻艷玲, 謝瑞波, 伍新春, 夏月, 王振梁, 阮世芳. (2023).國小低年級兒童元語言意識對閱讀流暢性的影響:漢字識別和辭彙膠樂罪知識的中介作用. 心理學報, 55(6), 941-953.
3.周怡彤, 謝瑞波, 伍新春, 阮世芳 , 夏月, 王振梁. (2023).國小低年級兒童語音意識和語素意識對閱讀理解的影響:閱讀流暢性的中介作用. 心理學報, 55(6), 930-940.
4. Wang, Z., Xie, R., Xia, Y., etal. (2023). Unpacking the relation between morphological awareness and reading comprehension in Chinese. British Journal of Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12591 (SSCI, Q1)
5. Song, S., Ding, W., Li, W., Xie, R. (2023). The Transactional Relationship between Mother-child Attachment, Father-child Attachment and Self-compassion. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2023.112112 (SSCI, Q1)
6. Yuan, Z., Li, W., Ding, W., Xie, R. (2023). Your support is my healing: the impact of perceived social support on adolescent NSSI — a sequential mediation analysis. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-023-04286-w.
7. Xia, Y., Xie, R. , Wu, X., et al. (2023). The Role of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Rapid Automatized Naming in the Braille Reading Comprehension of Chinese Blind Children. Learning and Individual Differences. DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2023.102272. (SSCI, Q1)
8. Tan, D., Xie, R., Ding, W., et al. (2023). How Does Parent-Child Attachment Influence Left-Behind Children’s Loneliness and Depression: The Mediating Roles of Peer Attachment and Teacher-Student Relationship.Child: Care, Health & Development. (Accepted)
9. Jiang, M., Ding, W., Xie, R.et al. (2023). The more you avoid, the worse you will get: a cross-lagged panel model of shyness, mobile phone dependence and depression.Journal of Mental Health.(Accepted)
10. Sun, Z., Xie, R., Ding, W., et al. (2023). Why am I Always Lonely? The Lasting Impact of Childhood Harsh Parental Discipline on Loneliness. Family Relations. (Accepted)
11. 朱晨飛, 李偉健, 丁菀, 謝瑞波. (2023).父母心理控制對兒童孝道信念的影響:親子依戀的中介作用.心理學探新. (Accepted)
12. 王思怡, 丁菀, 孫趙星, 謝瑞波 . (2023).中職生同伴、師生關係對學業倦怠的影響:歧視知覺與自我同情的鏈式中介作用.心理與行為研究. (Accepted)
13. 謝瑞波, 方園園, 伍新春, 趙英, 阮世芳. (2023).國小中年級兒童成語理解的發展軌跡及其影響因素. 心理發展與教育. (Accepted)
14. 方園園, 謝瑞波, 王振梁, 阮世芳,伍新春. (2023).漢語成語理解的加工機制及其發展階段. 套用心理學. (Accepted)
15.Yang Q., Xie, R., Ding, W., et al. (2023).Does interpersonal and intrapersonal resources protect adolescents from self-harm? A mutual influence between self-compassion, perceived social support and non-suicidal self-injury.Mindfulness. (SSCI, Q1) (Accepted)
1. Wang, Z., Xie, R., Xia, Y., et al. (2022). A golden triangle? Reciprocal effects among morphological awareness, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension in Chinese children. Contemporary Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102089 (SSCI, Q1, IF=6.922,Top期刊)
2. Xie, R., Fang, Y., Wu, X., et al. (2022).Bidirectional Longitudinal Relationship between Chinese Children's Compounding Awareness and Idiom Comprehension among from Grades 3 to 5. Reading and Writing. DOI:10.1007/s11145-022-10316-z. (SSCI, Q2)
3. Xia, Y., Xie, R. , et al. (2022). Cross-Lagged Relationships between Vocabulary Knowledge and Morphological Awareness among Chinese Children: A Longitudinal Study from Grade 1 to Grade 3. Reading and Writing. DOI : 10.1007/s11145-022-10364-5 (SSCI, Q2)
4. 夏月, 謝瑞波, 王振梁, 阮世芳, 伍新春. (2022).國小低年級漢語兒童語素意識、漢字識別和辭彙知識的發展關係—交叉滯後研究. 心理學報, 54(9).
5. Wang, D., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W., et al.(2022). The Longitudinal Influence of Mothers’ Co-parenting on School Adjustment of Left-Behind Children with Absent Fathers in China: The Mediating Role of Parent-child Attachment. Journal of Child and Families Studies. DOI:10.1007/s10826-022-02273-6(SSCI, Q2)
6. Wang, X., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W., et al. (2022). The Influence of Child Maltreatment on Teacher-student and Peer Relationships: The Mediating Roles of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression. Current Psychology.DOI:10.1007/s12144-022-03268-8. (SSCI, Q1)
7. Zhang, R., Xie, R., Ding, W., Wang,X., Song, S., & Li, W. (2022). Why is my world so dark? Effect of Child Physical and Emotional Abuse on Child Depression: The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion and Negative Automatic Thoughts. Child Abuse & Neglect.DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105677. (SSCI, Q1,Top期刊)
8. Wang, X., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). “Growing out of depression and neuroticism”: Keep children away from maltreatment.Children and Youth Service Review. DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.1064221. (SSCI, Q2)
9. Yan, R., Xie, R., Ding W., Jiang, M., Li, J., Lin X. (2022). Longitudinal relationship between bullying victimization and depression among left-behind children: Roles of negative thoughts and self-compassion. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.852634.(SSCI, Q2)
10. Wang, X., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). You hurt me, so I hurt myself and others: How does childhood emotional maltreatment affect adolescent violent behavior and suicidal ideation? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:10.1177/08862605211072177 (SSCI, Q1)
11. Wang, D., Xie, R., Ding, W. , Li, W. , et al. (2022). Bidirectional Longitudinal Relationships Between Parents’ Marital Satisfaction, Parenting Stress and Self-compassion in China. Family Process. DOI:10.1111/famp.12785 (SSCI, Q1,Top期刊)
12. Li, J., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). Longitudinal Relationship between Beliefs about Adversity and Learning Engagement in Chinese Left-Behind Children: Hope as a Mediator and Peer Attachment as a Moderator. Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-021-02671-x (SSCI, Q1)
13. Wang, D., Xie, R.*, Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). Reciprocal Influences Between Perceived Interparental Conflict and Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behaviors among Left-Behind Children in China. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-02761-4 (SSCI, Q1)
14. Chu, X., Yang, S., Sun, Z., Jiang, M., Xie, R. (2022).The Association between Cyberbullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation among Chinese College Students: The Parallel Mediating Roles of Core Self-Evaluation and Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.929679(SSCI, Q1)
15. Ge, Y., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W.(2022). The Role of Resilience and Student-teacher Relationship to Parent-child Separation-PTSS among Left-behind Children in China.Children and Youth Service Review. (Accepted) (SSCI, Q2)
16.宋省成, 丁菀, 謝瑞波, 吳偉, 王蝶, 陳艷華, 李偉健. (2022).父親協同教養對留守兒童問題行為的影響:父子依戀與自尊的鏈式中介. 心理科學, 42(5).
17. 吳偉, 謝瑞波, 丁菀, 王蝶, 李偉健. (2022).父母心理控制對兒童中期問題行為的縱向影響:父子依戀和母子依戀的中介作用. 心理科學, 42(5).
18.孫趙星, 丁菀, 謝瑞波, 朱理論, 王蝶, 吳偉. (2022).父親協同教養與兒童生活滿意度的關係:父子依戀和兒童自尊的鏈式中介作用. 套用心理學, 28(2).
19.譚德琴, 謝瑞波,丁菀, 吳偉, 王蝶, 李偉健. (2022).親子依戀和師生關係對留守兒童內化問題的影響:同伴依戀的中介作用. 心理與行為研究, 20(3), 339-345.
20. 袁志帆, 李偉健, 宋省成, 謝瑞波, 丁菀. (2022). 家庭功能與留守兒童親社會行為的關係:共情的中介作用. 套用心理學,28(6), 500-506
21. Xie, R., Wang, D*. Ding, W.*, Li et al. (2022). Bidirectional Longitudinal Relationship Between Chinese Children’s Paternal-and Maternal-Attachment and Self-Compassion. Mindfulness.DOI : 10.1007/s12671-022-02001-7 (SSCI, Q1,Top期刊)
22. Zhu, C., Li, Y., Li, Z.,Ding, W., Li, W., Xie, R. (2022). Family functionality and psychological distress in Chinese left-behind children: A serial mediation model. Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-022-03751-2
23.Sun, Z., Ding, W., Chu, X., Xie, R., Li, W., et al. (2022). The Relationship between Perceived Childhood Harsh Parental Discipline and Cyberbullying among College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model.Journal of Adult Development. (Accepted)
1. Wu, W., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W., et al. (2021). Bidirectional longitudinal relationships between maternal psychological control and bullying/victimization among father-absent left-behind children in China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:08862605211022062 (SSCI, Q1)
2. Chu, X., Xie, R.* (2021).Parental harsh discipline and cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese college students: Why and when are they related? Deviant Behavior. DOI:10.1080/01639625.2021.2011480.
3. Xie, R., Xia, Y., Wu, X., et al. (2021). The Role of Morphological Awareness in Listening Comprehension of Chinese Blind Children: The Mediation of Vocabulary Knowledge. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 1823–1832. (SSCI, Q2)
4. Wu, W., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2021). Fathers’ involvement and left-behind children’s mental health in China: The roles of paternal-and maternal-attachment. Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-021-01804-6. (SSCI, Q1)
5. Chen, H., Zhao, B., Li, X., Xie, R., Li, W. (2021). Nicotine Dependence, Perceived Behavioral Control, Descriptive Quitting Norms, and Intentions to Quit Smoking among Chinese Male Regular Smokers. Substance Use & Misuse, 56(1), 145-152.
6. 李佳依, 丁菀, 孫趙星, 謝瑞波, 張俊傑. (2021).父母教養投入與兒童孤獨感:自尊與同伴依戀的中介作用. 中國臨床心理學雜誌, 29(4), 842-845+849.
7.謝瑞波, 王蝶, 丁菀, 李偉健, 李新宇. (2021).父親協同教養對兒童學校適應的影響:父子依戀的中介作用.心理與行為研究, 19(3), 341-347.
8. 陳海德, 趙博強, 疏雯, 謝瑞波, 李偉健. (2021). 吸菸者感知吸菸社會規範與社交性吸菸行為的關係:身份認同和關係觀的作用.心理科學, 44(4), 933-939.
9. 陳海德, 疏雯, 高崚峰, 趙博強, 謝瑞波. (2021). 吸菸警示信息框架效應研究現狀與展望.中國臨床心理學雜誌, 29(1), 24-27.
1. Xie, R., Wu, X., Thi Phuong Nguyen. (2020). Bidirectional longitudinal relationship between Chinese children’s compounding awareness and vocabulary knowledge from grades 3 to 6. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(4), 482-495.
2. 趙英, 伍新春, 謝瑞波. (2020). 視覺語言對聽覺障礙人群閱讀能力的影響及作用機制.心理科學進展, 28(6), 969-977.
3. Xie, R., Zhang, J., Wu, X. ,Thi Phuong Nguyen. (2019). The Relationship Between Morphological Awareness and Reading Comprehension Among Chinese Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (54) .(SSCI, Q2)
4. Zhao,Y., Sun,P., Xie, R., Chen, H., Feng, J., Wu, X. (2019).The relative contributions of phonological awareness and vocabulary knowledge to deaf and typical developing children’s reading fluency. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 92(10), 34-44.
5. Zhao,Y., Wu,X., Sun,P., Xie, R., Feng,J., Chen, H. (2019). Relationship between morphological awareness and reading comprehension among Chinese children: Evidence from multiple mediation models. Learning and Individual Differences, 72, 59-68.
6. Chen, H., Cao, N., Gao L., Xie, R., Li, X., Li, W. (2019). Comparing of the effects of perceived injunctive and descriptive norms on the willingness to quit smoking among Chinese low-rate and regular smokers. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 4.
7. Feng, J., Liu, C., Chen, H., Sun, P., Xie, R., Zhao,Y., Wu, X. (2019). Effect of blindness on mismatch responses to Mandarin lexical tones, consonants, and vowels. Hearing Research, 371, 87-97.
8. 陳紅君, 趙英, 伍新春, 孫鵬, 謝瑞波, 馮傑. (2019). 國小兒童辭彙知識與閱讀理解的關係:交叉滯後研究. 心理學報, 51(8) , 924-934.
9. Ding, W., Shao, Y., Sun, B., Xie, R., Li, W., Wang, X. (2018). How can prosocial behavior be motivated? The different roles of moral judgment, moral elevation, and moral identity among the young Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 814.
10. Zhang, P., Ni, W., Xie, R., Xu, J., Liu, X. (2017). Gender differences in the difficulty in disengaging from threat among children and adolescents with social anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1), 419.
11. Ding, W., Xie, R., Sun, B., Li, W., Wang, D., Zhen, R. (2016). Why does the sinner act prosocially? The mediating role of guilt and the moderating role of moral identity in motivating moral cleansing. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1878).
12. 謝瑞波, 路璐, 李偉健. (2016). 學習時間分配的基於議程調節模型. 心理與行為研究, 14(2), 283-288.
13. 伍新春, 謝瑞波. (2016). 聽障兒童語言能力評估的現狀與展望. 中國聽力語言康復科學雜誌,14(4), 271-274.
14. Li, F., Xie, R., Li, X., Li, W. (2015). The influence of perceptual information on control processes involved in self-regulated learning: evidence from item selection. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(4), 1007-1013.
15. 謝瑞波, 丁菀, 陳海德, 李偉健. (2015). 學習時間分配研究的新進展及展望. 心理科學, 38(1), 249-253.
16.丁菀, 謝瑞波. 道德心理研究促進道德水平提高. 中國社會科學報, 紅旗文稿轉載. 2015-07-13 (A08).
17. 李新宇, 李平, 謝瑞波, 張宇馳. (2015). 價值導向記憶: 方法、進展與理論解釋. 寧波大學學報, (2), 6-11.
18.丁菀, 謝瑞波. 道德認同在道德教育中有特殊作用[N]. 中國社會科學報, 2014-09-22(A07).
19. 張宇馳, 謝瑞波, 李偉健, 李平. (2014). 面孔呈現角度對面孔再認的信心判斷的影響.心理研究,7(5), 29-33.
20. 任潔, 李偉健, 謝瑞波, 李平, 陳海德. (2014). 項目分值對學習時間分配的影響: 一種動態的過程.心理科學, 37(4), 907-911.
21. 謝瑞波, 黃杰, 陳海德, 李偉健. (2014). 不同學習目標下詞對位置對學習時間分配的影響.心理科學, 37(5), 1185-1189.
22. 李偉健, 謝瑞波, 陳海德, 黃杰. (2014). 議程與習慣性反應對學習時間分配的影響: 來自眼動的證據. 心理發展與教育, 30 (3), 277-283.


吳 偉(專碩,復旦大學讀博)
王 蝶(專碩,西南大學讀博)
夏 月(專碩,獲國家獎學金、校級優秀畢業生,校級優秀研究生,北京師範大學讀博)
嚴 如(專碩,獲國家獎學金、省級優秀畢業生,校級優秀研究生,廈門大學讀博)
5. Song, S., Ding, W., Li, W., Xie, R. (2023). The Transactional Relationship between Mother-child Attachment, Father-child Attachment and Self-compassion. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2023.112112 (SSCI, Q1)
6. Yuan, Z., Li, W., Ding, W., Xie, R. (2023). Your support is my healing: the impact of perceived social support on adolescent NSSI — a sequential mediation analysis. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-023-04286-w.
7. Xia, Y., Xie, R. , Wu, X., et al. (2023). The Role of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Rapid Automatized Naming in the Braille Reading Comprehension of Chinese Blind Children. Learning and Individual Differences. DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2023.102272. (SSCI, Q1)
8. Tan, D., Xie, R., Ding, W., et al. (2023). How Does Parent-Child Attachment Influence Left-Behind Children’s Loneliness and Depression: The Mediating Roles of Peer Attachment and Teacher-Student Relationship.Child: Care, Health & Development. (Accepted)
9. Jiang, M., Ding, W., Xie, R.et al. (2023). The more you avoid, the worse you will get: a cross-lagged panel model of shyness, mobile phone dependence and depression.Journal of Mental Health.(Accepted)
10. Sun, Z., Xie, R., Ding, W., et al. (2023). Why am I Always Lonely? The Lasting Impact of Childhood Harsh Parental Discipline on Loneliness. Family Relations. (Accepted)
11. 朱晨飛, 李偉健, 丁菀, 謝瑞波. (2023).父母心理控制對兒童孝道信念的影響:親子依戀的中介作用.心理學探新. (Accepted)
12. 王思怡, 丁菀, 孫趙星, 謝瑞波 . (2023).中職生同伴、師生關係對學業倦怠的影響:歧視知覺與自我同情的鏈式中介作用.心理與行為研究. (Accepted)
13. 謝瑞波, 方園園, 伍新春, 趙英, 阮世芳. (2023).國小中年級兒童成語理解的發展軌跡及其影響因素. 心理發展與教育. (Accepted)
14. 方園園, 謝瑞波, 王振梁, 阮世芳,伍新春. (2023).漢語成語理解的加工機制及其發展階段. 套用心理學. (Accepted)
15.Yang Q., Xie, R., Ding, W., et al. (2023).Does interpersonal and intrapersonal resources protect adolescents from self-harm? A mutual influence between self-compassion, perceived social support and non-suicidal self-injury.Mindfulness. (SSCI, Q1) (Accepted)
1. Wang, Z., Xie, R., Xia, Y., et al. (2022). A golden triangle? Reciprocal effects among morphological awareness, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension in Chinese children. Contemporary Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102089 (SSCI, Q1, IF=6.922,Top期刊)
2. Xie, R., Fang, Y., Wu, X., et al. (2022).Bidirectional Longitudinal Relationship between Chinese Children's Compounding Awareness and Idiom Comprehension among from Grades 3 to 5. Reading and Writing. DOI:10.1007/s11145-022-10316-z. (SSCI, Q2)
3. Xia, Y., Xie, R. , et al. (2022). Cross-Lagged Relationships between Vocabulary Knowledge and Morphological Awareness among Chinese Children: A Longitudinal Study from Grade 1 to Grade 3. Reading and Writing. DOI : 10.1007/s11145-022-10364-5 (SSCI, Q2)
4. 夏月, 謝瑞波, 王振梁, 阮世芳, 伍新春. (2022).國小低年級漢語兒童語素意識、漢字識別和辭彙知識的發展關係—交叉滯後研究. 心理學報, 54(9).
5. Wang, D., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W., et al.(2022). The Longitudinal Influence of Mothers’ Co-parenting on School Adjustment of Left-Behind Children with Absent Fathers in China: The Mediating Role of Parent-child Attachment. Journal of Child and Families Studies. DOI:10.1007/s10826-022-02273-6(SSCI, Q2)
6. Wang, X., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W., et al. (2022). The Influence of Child Maltreatment on Teacher-student and Peer Relationships: The Mediating Roles of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression. Current Psychology.DOI:10.1007/s12144-022-03268-8. (SSCI, Q1)
7. Zhang, R., Xie, R., Ding, W., Wang,X., Song, S., & Li, W. (2022). Why is my world so dark? Effect of Child Physical and Emotional Abuse on Child Depression: The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion and Negative Automatic Thoughts. Child Abuse & Neglect.DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105677. (SSCI, Q1,Top期刊)
8. Wang, X., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). “Growing out of depression and neuroticism”: Keep children away from maltreatment.Children and Youth Service Review. DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.1064221. (SSCI, Q2)
9. Yan, R., Xie, R., Ding W., Jiang, M., Li, J., Lin X. (2022). Longitudinal relationship between bullying victimization and depression among left-behind children: Roles of negative thoughts and self-compassion. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.852634.(SSCI, Q2)
10. Wang, X., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). You hurt me, so I hurt myself and others: How does childhood emotional maltreatment affect adolescent violent behavior and suicidal ideation? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:10.1177/08862605211072177 (SSCI, Q1)
11. Wang, D., Xie, R., Ding, W. , Li, W. , et al. (2022). Bidirectional Longitudinal Relationships Between Parents’ Marital Satisfaction, Parenting Stress and Self-compassion in China. Family Process. DOI:10.1111/famp.12785 (SSCI, Q1,Top期刊)
12. Li, J., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). Longitudinal Relationship between Beliefs about Adversity and Learning Engagement in Chinese Left-Behind Children: Hope as a Mediator and Peer Attachment as a Moderator. Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-021-02671-x (SSCI, Q1)
13. Wang, D., Xie, R.*, Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2022). Reciprocal Influences Between Perceived Interparental Conflict and Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behaviors among Left-Behind Children in China. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-02761-4 (SSCI, Q1)
14. Chu, X., Yang, S., Sun, Z., Jiang, M., Xie, R. (2022).The Association between Cyberbullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation among Chinese College Students: The Parallel Mediating Roles of Core Self-Evaluation and Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.929679(SSCI, Q1)
15. Ge, Y., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W.(2022). The Role of Resilience and Student-teacher Relationship to Parent-child Separation-PTSS among Left-behind Children in China.Children and Youth Service Review. (Accepted) (SSCI, Q2)
16.宋省成, 丁菀, 謝瑞波, 吳偉, 王蝶, 陳艷華, 李偉健. (2022).父親協同教養對留守兒童問題行為的影響:父子依戀與自尊的鏈式中介. 心理科學, 42(5).
17. 吳偉, 謝瑞波, 丁菀, 王蝶, 李偉健. (2022).父母心理控制對兒童中期問題行為的縱向影響:父子依戀和母子依戀的中介作用. 心理科學, 42(5).
18.孫趙星, 丁菀, 謝瑞波, 朱理論, 王蝶, 吳偉. (2022).父親協同教養與兒童生活滿意度的關係:父子依戀和兒童自尊的鏈式中介作用. 套用心理學, 28(2).
19.譚德琴, 謝瑞波,丁菀, 吳偉, 王蝶, 李偉健. (2022).親子依戀和師生關係對留守兒童內化問題的影響:同伴依戀的中介作用. 心理與行為研究, 20(3), 339-345.
20. 袁志帆, 李偉健, 宋省成, 謝瑞波, 丁菀. (2022). 家庭功能與留守兒童親社會行為的關係:共情的中介作用. 套用心理學,28(6), 500-506
21. Xie, R., Wang, D*. Ding, W.*, Li et al. (2022). Bidirectional Longitudinal Relationship Between Chinese Children’s Paternal-and Maternal-Attachment and Self-Compassion. Mindfulness.DOI : 10.1007/s12671-022-02001-7 (SSCI, Q1,Top期刊)
22. Zhu, C., Li, Y., Li, Z.,Ding, W., Li, W., Xie, R. (2022). Family functionality and psychological distress in Chinese left-behind children: A serial mediation model. Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-022-03751-2
23.Sun, Z., Ding, W., Chu, X., Xie, R., Li, W., et al. (2022). The Relationship between Perceived Childhood Harsh Parental Discipline and Cyberbullying among College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model.Journal of Adult Development. (Accepted)
1. Wu, W., Ding, W., Xie, R., Li, W., et al. (2021). Bidirectional longitudinal relationships between maternal psychological control and bullying/victimization among father-absent left-behind children in China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:08862605211022062 (SSCI, Q1)
2. Chu, X., Xie, R.* (2021).Parental harsh discipline and cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese college students: Why and when are they related? Deviant Behavior. DOI:10.1080/01639625.2021.2011480.
3. Xie, R., Xia, Y., Wu, X., et al. (2021). The Role of Morphological Awareness in Listening Comprehension of Chinese Blind Children: The Mediation of Vocabulary Knowledge. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 1823–1832. (SSCI, Q2)
4. Wu, W., Xie, R., Ding, W., Li, W., et al. (2021). Fathers’ involvement and left-behind children’s mental health in China: The roles of paternal-and maternal-attachment. Current Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s12144-021-01804-6. (SSCI, Q1)
5. Chen, H., Zhao, B., Li, X., Xie, R., Li, W. (2021). Nicotine Dependence, Perceived Behavioral Control, Descriptive Quitting Norms, and Intentions to Quit Smoking among Chinese Male Regular Smokers. Substance Use & Misuse, 56(1), 145-152.
6. 李佳依, 丁菀, 孫趙星, 謝瑞波, 張俊傑. (2021).父母教養投入與兒童孤獨感:自尊與同伴依戀的中介作用. 中國臨床心理學雜誌, 29(4), 842-845+849.
7.謝瑞波, 王蝶, 丁菀, 李偉健, 李新宇. (2021).父親協同教養對兒童學校適應的影響:父子依戀的中介作用.心理與行為研究, 19(3), 341-347.
8. 陳海德, 趙博強, 疏雯, 謝瑞波, 李偉健. (2021). 吸菸者感知吸菸社會規範與社交性吸菸行為的關係:身份認同和關係觀的作用.心理科學, 44(4), 933-939.
9. 陳海德, 疏雯, 高崚峰, 趙博強, 謝瑞波. (2021). 吸菸警示信息框架效應研究現狀與展望.中國臨床心理學雜誌, 29(1), 24-27.
1. Xie, R., Wu, X., Thi Phuong Nguyen. (2020). Bidirectional longitudinal relationship between Chinese children’s compounding awareness and vocabulary knowledge from grades 3 to 6. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(4), 482-495.
2. 趙英, 伍新春, 謝瑞波. (2020). 視覺語言對聽覺障礙人群閱讀能力的影響及作用機制.心理科學進展, 28(6), 969-977.
3. Xie, R., Zhang, J., Wu, X. ,Thi Phuong Nguyen. (2019). The Relationship Between Morphological Awareness and Reading Comprehension Among Chinese Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (54) .(SSCI, Q2)
4. Zhao,Y., Sun,P., Xie, R., Chen, H., Feng, J., Wu, X. (2019).The relative contributions of phonological awareness and vocabulary knowledge to deaf and typical developing children’s reading fluency. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 92(10), 34-44.
5. Zhao,Y., Wu,X., Sun,P., Xie, R., Feng,J., Chen, H. (2019). Relationship between morphological awareness and reading comprehension among Chinese children: Evidence from multiple mediation models. Learning and Individual Differences, 72, 59-68.
6. Chen, H., Cao, N., Gao L., Xie, R., Li, X., Li, W. (2019). Comparing of the effects of perceived injunctive and descriptive norms on the willingness to quit smoking among Chinese low-rate and regular smokers. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 4.
7. Feng, J., Liu, C., Chen, H., Sun, P., Xie, R., Zhao,Y., Wu, X. (2019). Effect of blindness on mismatch responses to Mandarin lexical tones, consonants, and vowels. Hearing Research, 371, 87-97.
8. 陳紅君, 趙英, 伍新春, 孫鵬, 謝瑞波, 馮傑. (2019). 國小兒童辭彙知識與閱讀理解的關係:交叉滯後研究. 心理學報, 51(8) , 924-934.
9. Ding, W., Shao, Y., Sun, B., Xie, R., Li, W., Wang, X. (2018). How can prosocial behavior be motivated? The different roles of moral judgment, moral elevation, and moral identity among the young Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 814.
10. Zhang, P., Ni, W., Xie, R., Xu, J., Liu, X. (2017). Gender differences in the difficulty in disengaging from threat among children and adolescents with social anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1), 419.
11. Ding, W., Xie, R., Sun, B., Li, W., Wang, D., Zhen, R. (2016). Why does the sinner act prosocially? The mediating role of guilt and the moderating role of moral identity in motivating moral cleansing. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1878).
12. 謝瑞波, 路璐, 李偉健. (2016). 學習時間分配的基於議程調節模型. 心理與行為研究, 14(2), 283-288.
13. 伍新春, 謝瑞波. (2016). 聽障兒童語言能力評估的現狀與展望. 中國聽力語言康復科學雜誌,14(4), 271-274.
14. Li, F., Xie, R., Li, X., Li, W. (2015). The influence of perceptual information on control processes involved in self-regulated learning: evidence from item selection. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(4), 1007-1013.
15. 謝瑞波, 丁菀, 陳海德, 李偉健. (2015). 學習時間分配研究的新進展及展望. 心理科學, 38(1), 249-253.
16.丁菀, 謝瑞波. 道德心理研究促進道德水平提高. 中國社會科學報, 紅旗文稿轉載. 2015-07-13 (A08).
17. 李新宇, 李平, 謝瑞波, 張宇馳. (2015). 價值導向記憶: 方法、進展與理論解釋. 寧波大學學報, (2), 6-11.
18.丁菀, 謝瑞波. 道德認同在道德教育中有特殊作用[N]. 中國社會科學報, 2014-09-22(A07).
19. 張宇馳, 謝瑞波, 李偉健, 李平. (2014). 面孔呈現角度對面孔再認的信心判斷的影響.心理研究,7(5), 29-33.
20. 任潔, 李偉健, 謝瑞波, 李平, 陳海德. (2014). 項目分值對學習時間分配的影響: 一種動態的過程.心理科學, 37(4), 907-911.
21. 謝瑞波, 黃杰, 陳海德, 李偉健. (2014). 不同學習目標下詞對位置對學習時間分配的影響.心理科學, 37(5), 1185-1189.
22. 李偉健, 謝瑞波, 陳海德, 黃杰. (2014). 議程與習慣性反應對學習時間分配的影響: 來自眼動的證據. 心理發展與教育, 30 (3), 277-283.


吳 偉(專碩,復旦大學讀博)
王 蝶(專碩,西南大學讀博)
夏 月(專碩,獲國家獎學金、校級優秀畢業生,校級優秀研究生,北京師範大學讀博)
嚴 如(專碩,獲國家獎學金、省級優秀畢業生,校級優秀研究生,廈門大學讀博)


