



  • 中文名:謝楊蘇
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:前沿熱物性測試技術
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Journal of Thermal Science、Scientific Report、InternationalJournal of Thermophysics等國際期刊審稿人。






1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,2020-2023年, 主持
2. 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目,2020-2023年, 主持
3. 深圳市孔雀計畫科研啟動項目,2019-2022年,主持
4. 深圳大學新進教師科研啟動項目,2018-2021年,主持
5. 橫向項目,納米材料結構與導熱最佳化,2019-2020年,主持
17.Hamidreza Zobeiri, Shen Xu, Yanan Yue, Qianying Zhang, YangsuXie*,Xinwei Wang*, "Effect of Temperature on Raman Intensity of nm-thick WS2:Combined Effects of Resonance Raman, Optical Properties, and Interface OpticalInterference," Nanoscale (in print). (2020)
16.Chenghao Deng, Tianze Cong, Yangsu Xie, Ridong Wang,Tianyu Wang, Lujun Pan and Xinwei Wang, "In Situ Investigation ofAnnealing Effect on Thermophysical Properties of Single Carbon Nanocoil,"International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 151, 119416. (2020)
15.Kai Wu, Luping Yu, Chuxin Lei, Jiexin Huang, Dingyao Liu, Yang Liu, YangsuXie*, Feng Chen*, Qiang Fu*, "Green Production ofRegenerated Cellulose/Boron Nitride Nanosheets Textile for Static and DynamicPersonal Cooling" Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b15612 (2019).
14.Yangsu Xie, Meng Han, Ridong Wang, HamidrezaZobeiri, Xin Deng, Peixin Zhang, Xinwei Wang*, "Graphene Aerogel basedBolometer for Ultrasensitive Sensing from Ultraviolet to Far-Infrared" ACSNano,13, 5385-5396 (2019).
13.Yijia Liu, Qiuzi Dai, Yan Zhou, Benzhang Li, Xianhua Mao, Chunmei Gao*, YuanGao, Chengjun Pan, Qinglin Jiang, Yu Wu, Yangsu Xie, Lei Wang*, "High-PerformanceN-Type Carbon Nanotube Composites: Improved Power Factor by Optimizing theAcridine Scaffold and Tailoring the Side Chains", Acs AppliedMaterials & Interfaces, 11, 32, 29320-29329. (2019)
12.Pengyu Yuan, Ridong Wang, Tianyu Wang, Xinwei Wang*, Yangsu Xie,"Nonmonotonic Thickness-dependence of In-plane Thermal Conductivity ofFew-Layered MoS2: 2.4 to 37.8 nm," Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics, 20, 25752 (2018).
11.Yangsu Xie, Tianyu Wang, Bowen Zhu, Chaoyi Yan, Peixin Zhang andXinwei Wang*, “Up to 19-fold Thermal ConductivityIncrease of Carbon Nanotube Bundles toward High-end Thermal Design Applications”.Carbon 39, 445-458. (2018).
10.Meng Han, Yangsu Xie, Jing Liu, Jingchao Zhang,Xinwei Wang*, "Significantly Reduced c-axis Thermal Diffusivity ofGraphene-based Papers," Nanotechnology 29, 264702 (2018).
9.Yangsu Xie, Bowen Zhu, Jing Liu, Zaoli Xu, Xinwei Wang*, 2017,"Thermal Reffusivity: Uncovering Phonon Behavior, Structural Defects, andDomain Size," Frontiers in Energy 12, 143-157 (2018).
8.Meng Han, Jing Liu, Yangsu Xie, and Xinwei Wang, "Sub-um c-axisStructural Domain Size of Graphene Paper Uncovered by Low-momentum PhononScattering," Carbon, Vol. 126, pp. 532-543. (2018)
7.Tianyu Wang, Jing Liu, Biao Xu, Ridong Wang, Pengyu Yuan, Meng Han, Shen Xu, YangsuXie, Yue Wu, and Xinwei Wang, "Identification of CrystallineOrientation of Black Phosphorus by Optothermal Raman Spectroscopy," ChemPhysChem,18, 1-8. (2017)
6.Jing Liu, Wangda Qu, Yangsu Xie, Bowen Zhu, Tianyu Wang, Xianglan Bai,and Xinwei Wang, "Thermal Conductivity and Annealing Effect on Structureof Lignin-based Microscale Carbon Fibers," Carbon, Vol. 121,pp. 35-47. (2017)
5.Yanan Yue, Jingchao Zhang, Yangsu Xie, Wen Chen, and Xinwei Wang,"Energy Coupling across Low-dimensional Contact Interfaces at the AtomicScale," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,110, 827-844. (2017)
4.Chenghao Deng, Yanming Sun, Lujun Pan, Tianyu Wang, Yangsu Xie, JingLiu, Bowen Zhu and Xinwei Wang, "Thermal Diffusivity of Single CarbonNanocoil: Uncovering the Correlation with Temperature and Domain Size," ACSNano, Vol. 10, 9710−9719, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b05715. (2016)
3.Yangsu Xie, Pengyu Yuan, Tianyu Wang, Nataran Hashemi, andXinwei Wang*. “Switch on the High Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Paper.” Nanoscale8, 40, 17581-17597. (2016)
2.Yangsu Xie, Shen Xu, Zaoli Xu, Hongchao Wu, Cheng Deng, andXinwei Wang*. "Interface-mediated extremely low thermal conductivity ofgraphene aerogel." Carbon 98: 381-390. (2016)
1.Yangsu Xie, Zaoli Xu, Shen Xu, Zhe Cheng, Nastaran Hashemi,Cheng Deng, and Xinwei Wang*. "The defect level and ideal thermalconductivity of graphene uncovered by residual thermal reffusivity at the 0 Klimit." Nanoscale 7, no. 22: 10101-10110. (2015)
學術報告 (Conference Presentations):
1.Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, "The defect level and ideal thermalconductivity of graphene uncovered by residul thermal reffusivity at the 0 Klimit." the Nineteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 21-26,2015, University of Colorado campus in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
2.Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang. Buildings Energy Efficiency Frontiers andInnovation Technologies (BENEFIT) kick-off meeting presentation, November 16,2016, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, USA.
3.Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang. “Switchable Thermal conductivity ofHigh-Quality Graphene Paper”, The 33rd International Thermal ConductivityConference (ITCC) and the 21st International Thermal expansion symposium(ITES), May 15-18, 2017, Utah State University in Logan, Utah, USA.
4.Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, " Up to 19-fold Thermal ConductivityIncrease of Carbon Nanotube Bundles toward High-end Thermal DesignApplications" the Twentieth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, June24-29, 2018, University of Colorado campus in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
5.Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, "Directional Selective ThermalConductivity Switch-on in High Purity Graphene Paper" the TwentiethSymposium on Thermophysical Properties, June 24-29, 2018, University ofColorado campus in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
6.Yangsu Xie and Xinwei Wang, “Graphene Aerogel based Bolometer for Widebandand Ultrasensitive Sensing”, International Symposium on Numerical Methods inHeat and Mass Transfer 2019, May 24-26, 2019, Hangzhou, China, Invited talk.




