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  • 中文名:謝恩
  • 出生日期:1983年10月
  • 畢業院校:重慶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:水污染控制技術
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學






擔任Bioresource Technology、Environmental Technology、Cogent Environmental Science等國際期刊審稿人。



1. 2016/01,短程硝化-反硝化除磷工藝調控和功能菌生態位機制解析,國家自然科學基金,主持;
2. 2014/04,短程硝化-反硝化除磷工藝微生物種群特徵研究,中國博士後科學基金,主持;
3. 2013/01,濕地植物根系分泌物對根際氮轉化菌群特徵空間演化調控,國家自然科學基金,主研;
4. 2010/08,基於PAHs降解機理與微生物群落結構解析的泥漿反應器最佳化調控技術,國家自然科學基金,主研;
5. 2008/03,三峽庫區水質模擬與次級河流污染控制技術研究,三峽建設委員會國際科技合作項目,參研;
6. 2007/11,三峽庫區水環境污染工程控制與安全保障技術研究,科技部國際科技合作項目,參研;
7. 2008/5,城市污水氮磷營養鹽污染控制新技術研究,重慶市重大科技攻關項目,參研:


1. Xie, E., Ding, A.Z., Dou, J.F., Zheng, L.and Yang, J. (2014) Study on decayingcharacteristics of activated sludge from a circular plug-flow reactor using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology 170, 428-435. (SCI)
2. Xie, E., Xu, X.Y.and Luo, G.Y. (2013) Study on a novel reactor of sludge process reduction for domestic sewage treatment. Environmental Technology 34(12), 1593-1599. (SCI)
3. Xie E., Ding A. Z., Zheng L., Lu C., Wang J. S., Huang B. B., Xiu H. F. (2015) Seasonal variation in populations of nitrogen-transforming bacteria and correlation with nitrogen removal in a full scale horizontal flow constructed wetland treating polluted river water. Geomicrobiology Journal 33(3-4), 338-346. (SCI)
4. Xie E., Ding A. Z., Zheng L., Dou J.F., Bruce A., Huang X. L., Jing R. T. (2016) Screening and Characterising a Denitrifying Phosphorus - accumulating Bacterium Isolated from a Circular Plug-flow Reactor. Environmental Technology. (SCI)
5. Dou J. F., Yuan J., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Li S. R., Zheng L. (2016) Evaluation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate as a sorbent material for the removal of spilled crude oil from water. Desalination and Water Treatment 57(24),11233-11241. (SCI)
6. Dou J. F., Qin W., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Zheng L., Ding W. C. (2015) Engineering application of activated alumina adsorption dams for emergency treatment of arsenic-contaminated rivers. Environmental Technology 36(21),2755-2762. (SCI)
7. Qin W., Dou J. F., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Zheng L. (2014) A study of subsurface wastewater infiltration systems for distributed rural sewage treatment. Environmental Technology 35(16),2115-2121. (SCI)
8. Dou J. F., Wang Y. Y., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Fan F. Q. (2013) The Optimization of Square Wave Voltammetry's Parameters for the Determination of Copper Using Screen-Printed Eletrochemical Sensor. Sensor Letters 11(11),2114-2116. (SCI)
9. Dou J. F., Wang Y. Y., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Liu X., Yun Y. (2013) Naphthalene Degradation in Soil Inoculated with Mixed Denitrifying Bacteria. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12(9), 1763-1766. (SCI)
10. Dou J. F., Qin W., Yuan J., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Wang Y. Y., Liu X. Growth Kinetics of Microbacterium lacticum and Nitrate-Dependent Degradation of Ethylbenzene under Anaerobic Conditions. Bioremedition Journal 18(3), 248-257. (SCI)
11. Xie E., Ding A. Z., Zheng L., Dou J. F., Jing R. T., Qin W., Zhi J. H. (2015) The influence of temperature on the Circular Plug-Flow oxidation ditch. IWA Conference, Nutrient Removal and Recovery, GDAŃSK, POLAND.
12. Xie, E., Su Y. P., M.Kontopyrgou, Zheng L., Ding A. Z., Zhang D. Y., Phosphorus forms determine the growth and phosphatase activities of Microcystis aeruginosa, Nature Communications. (Under Review)
13. Xie, E., Zheng, L., Sun, Y., Ding, A. and Zhang, D. Y., One-step synthesis of MNPs-TiO2 catalysts for Rhodamine 6G photodegradation,Chemosphere. (Under Review)
14. Xie, E., Zheng, L., Ding, A. and Zhang, D. Y.,Fenton-like degradation of ethidium bromide by reusable magnetic nanoparticles, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Under Review)
15.景若婷,丁愛中,謝恩*,王大揚,白曉婷.(2016)一體化污水處理反應器處理分散生活污水實驗研究.水處理技術. 12, 108-112.


