- 中文名:謝周清
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:環境科學家
- 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 2007.05-2008.06,德國馬普化學所,洪堡學者。
- 2005.08-2006.08,美國密執根大學,地球科學系,高級訪問學者。
- 1991.09-2001.06,中國科學技術大學,地球和空間科學系,學士、碩士、博士。
- 1991年畢業於海南中學。
2001.07-2001.12 ,中國科學技術大學,地球和空間科學學院,講師。
- 極地、海洋和城市汞(Hg)和持久性有機污染物(POPs)的環境地球化學(野外考察及監測、實驗室測試分析以及計算模擬研究)
- 氣溶膠與全球變化以及人體健康, 側重於生物氣溶膠和超細顆粒
- 極地生態與第四紀研究
曾多次赴南北極考察, 包括首次中國北極黃河站考察(07/2004-08/2004); 第二次中國北極考察 (07/2003-09/2003) ; 第十五次中國南極考察 (11/1998-04/1999)。
主持或參加了多項科研項目,包括主持國家傑出青年基金項目(1項)、國家自然基金青年和面上項目(各1項) 以及教育部和科學院優秀博士論文項目(各1項), 主要參加了主要參加了973項目子課題(1項)、國家自然基金重點項目(2項)和面上項目(1項). 先後獲國家傑出青年基金資助(2010)、德國洪堡基金會資助(2007/2008)、 目前擔任環境科學學科點負責人、極地環境研究室主任、國際南極科學委員會(SCAR)物質科學常設工作組中國代表、中國第四紀科學研究會理事以及《極地研究》編委.
- Wu, X. G., Lam, J. C. W., Xia, C. H., Kang, H., Sun, L. G., Xie, Z. Q., and Lam, P. K. S.* (2010)Atmospheric HCH concentrations over the marine boundary layer from Shanghai, China to the Arctic Ocean: Role of human activity and climate change. Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 8422-8428.
- Xu, S. Q., Xie, Z. Q.*, Li, B., Liu, W., Sun, L. G., Kang, H., Yang, H. X., and Zhang, P. F. (2010)Iodine speciation in marine aerosols along a 15000-km round-trip cruise path from Shanghai, China, to the Arctic Ocean.Environmental Chemistry, 7, 406-412.
- Xia, C. H., Xie, Z. Q.*, and Sun, L. G. (2010) Atmospheric mercury in the marine boundary layer along a cruise path from Shanghai, China to Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Atmospheric Environment, 44,1815-1821.
- Xie, Z. Q.*, Sander, R., Poeschl, U., and Slemr, F. (2008) Simulation of atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) during polar springtime using the MECCA box model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 7165-7180.
- Xie, Z. Q.*, Zhang, P. F., Sun, L. G., Xu, S. Q., Huang, Y. Y., and He, W. (2008) Microanalysis of metals in barbs of a snow petrel (Pagodroma Nivea) from the Antarctica using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56, 516-524.
- Biswas, A., Blum, J. D., Bergquist, B. A., Keeler, G. J., and Xie, Z. Q. (2008) Natural mercury isotope variation in coal deposits and organic soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 8303-8309.
- Ding, X., X. M. Wang, Z. Q. Xie, C. H. Xang, B. X. Mai, L. G. Sun, M. Zheng, G. Y. Sheng, J. M. Fu (2007) Atmospheric Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in the North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent Arctic Region: Spatial Patterns, chiral signatures and sea-air exchanges. Environmental Science & Technology, 41, 5204-5209.
- Xie, Z.Q.*, J. D. Blum, S. Utsunomiya, R. C. Ewing, X. M. Wang, L.G. Sun (2007) Summertime carbonaceous aerosols collected in the marine boundary of the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 112(D02306), doi:10.1029/2006JD007247.
- Xie, Z.Q.*, L. G. Sun, J. D. Blum, Y. Y. Huang, W. He (2006) Summertime aerosol chemical components in the marine boundary layer of the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research111(D10309), doi:10.1029/2005JD006253.
- Wang, X. M., X. Ding, B. X. Mai, Z. Q. Xie, C. H. Xiang, L. G. Sun, G. Y. Sheng, J. M. Fu, E. Zhang (2005) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in airborne particulates collected during a research expedition from the Bohai Sea to the Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology, 39, 6803-7809.
- Sun L G,Xie Z Q,Zhao J L.A 3000-year record of penguin populations.Nature,2000,407:858.