- 中文名:謝偉
- 外文名:Xie Wei
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:東南大學 清華大學
- 學位:博士
- 謝偉,李培馨,影響企業電子商務採納的關鍵因素,經濟管理, 2012.2期, 150-158
- 李培馨,謝偉, 王寶鏈. 海外上市地點和企業投資: 納斯達克、香港、新加坡上市企業比較.南開管理評論,2012,第2期,81-86
- 孫忠娟,謝偉,賈哲,模仿的陷阱研究,研究與發展管理,2012,24卷,1期,1-10。
- 孫忠娟,謝偉,中國企業技術併購經營業績研究,科學學研究,2012,已錄用
- 謝偉,孫忠娟,李培馨.影響企業技術併購績效的關鍵因素研究.科學學研究.2011.2期,245-251.
- 謝偉,孫忠娟,周巍.模仿的國外研究及驗證.科技進步與對策.2011.28卷,12期,156-160.
- 孫忠娟,謝偉.核心能力、整合能力及方向與併購績效的關係.科學學與科學技術管理. 2011.8期,118-121.
- 謝偉,周巍,孫忠娟.製造企業模仿活動的路徑及其影響因素:多案例研究[J].科學學與科學技術管理. 2011.32卷.12期:132-136.
- 李培馨,謝偉.電子商務模式與價值創造.科技管理研究.2011.11期.167-171.
- 李培馨,謝偉.影響技術併購效果的關鍵因素.科學學與科學技術管理.2011.5期.5-10
- 謝偉,“模仿和技術學習-文獻綜述”,《科學學與科學技術管理》,7期,PP.85-89頁,2008-08-09
- 謝偉,“創新分類和關鍵成功因素”,《創新與創業管理》,3期,3卷,108-116頁,2007-12-22
- 謝偉,“中國卓越企業本土創新之道”,《北大商業評論》,11期,71-74頁,2007-11-20
- 謝偉,“供給導向型創新七大模式”,《北大商業評論》,8期,2007-08-20
- 謝偉,“全球生產網路中的中國轎車工業”,《管理世界》,12期,67-87頁,2006-12-26
- 謝偉,“技術學習和創新能力積累:文獻綜述”,《創新與創業管理》,2期,2卷,108-115頁,2006-12-22
- 謝偉,“新產品開發的1-3-3法則”,《北大商業評論》,8期,25卷,122-127頁,2006-12-22
- 謝偉,“中國企業能創新嗎”《,北大商業評論》,5期,22卷,50-55頁,2006-05-26
- 謝偉,“中國企業技術創新的分布和競爭策略”,《管理世界》,2期,50-62頁,2006-02-28
- 謝偉,“IT業標準競爭的動力學”,《科研管理》,4期,26卷,138-143頁,2005-12-20
- 謝偉,“如何獲取標準創造的價值”,《科學學與科學技術管理》,8期,25卷,29-33頁,2005-08-20
- 謝偉,“中國PC製造業的技術學習和能力建設”,《科研管理》,2期,26卷,126-130頁,2005-04-20
- "A strategic framework for determining learning performance in Chinese firms",International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets,2009-10-22
- "Main characteristics of world-first innovation in catching-up countries",Journal of Technology Management in China,2009-10-22
- "Evolving learning strategies for latecomers",Journal of Technology Management in China,2008-06-09
- "From Imitation to creation: the critical yet uncertain transition for Chinese firms",Journal of Technology Management in China,2006-10-28
- "Windows of opportunity, learning strategies and the rise of China's handset makers",International Journal of Technology Management,2006-06-26
- "Sequential learning in a Chinese spin-off",R&D Management,2004-10-23
- "Review of leading Chinese journals reporting on R&D management and innovation",R&D Management,2004-10-23
- "Technological Learning in Chinese CTV Industry",TECHNOVATION,2004-06-11
- "Differences between learning processes in small tigers and large dragons",Research Policy,2003-09-16
- "A survey of Chinese literature on the management of technology and innovation",International Journal of Technology Management,2001-02-11 download
- "Acquisition of Technological Capability Through SEZ",Industry and Innovation,2000-04-11
三、會議論文 - "What makes the difference in learning performance?",2008 International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China,21-23, Oct. 2008.Beijing, China,2008-10-09
- "Joint ventures, technology transfer and Chinese sedan industry",4th International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology,2005-10-20
- "Distribuion Strategies and the Rise of Chinese Local Handset Makers",Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Management Science,2005-12-20
- "Network effects and the HDTV standard setting process in China",Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology,2005-12-20
- "The lifecyle of technical standards",International Conference on Management Science and Engineering,2005-12-20