
諸薇娜 ,女,雲南大學信息學院教授。


  • 中文名:諸薇娜
  • 國籍中國
  • 專業方向:腦與認知、數字圖像處理、人工智慧
  • 職稱:教授


2015 – 2018 National Natural Science Foundation of China (61563056)國家自然科學基金
2015 – 2017 High-level Foreign Expert Recruitment Grant (GDT20155300084)高端外專項目
2013 – 2014 China Scholarship Council Fund for Visiting Scholars (201307035003)留學基金委
2013 – 2016 National Natural Science Foundation of China (61263042)國家自然科學基金
2010 – 2012 National Natural Science Foundation of China (61005087)國家自然科學基金
2010 – 2012 Yunnan Education Department Key Project (2010Z067)雲南省教育廳重點
2009 – 2011 Yunnan Science and Technology Project (2009CD018)雲南省科技廳
2008 – 2010 Research Fund of Yunnan University (KL080012)雲南大學
2008 – 2009 Research Fund of Young Scientific Researcher of Yunnan University (030-WX069051)


1.Drewes J, Zhu W, and Melcher D (2015). Dense sampling reveals behavioral oscillations inrapid visual categorization. Scientific Reports, in press.
2. Drewes J, Zhu W, and Melcher D (2014). Dissociation between spatial and temporal integration
mechanisms in Vernier fusion. Vision Research, 2014, 105, 21–28
3. Drewes J, Zhu W, Hu Y, and Hu X (2014). Smaller Is Better: Drift in Gaze Measurements dueto Pupil Dynamics. PLoS One, 9(10): p. e111197.
4. 諸薇娜 and 張學傑, 面孔認知:概念、問題及其研究進展. 雲南大學學報(自然科學版)2013. 35(3): p. 302-314.Zhu W, and Zhang X, (2013). Face Perception: Concepts, issues and advance. Journal ofYunnan University (Science) 35(3): p. 302-314.
5. Zhu W, Drewes J, and Gegenfurtner, KR (2013). "Animal detection in natural images: effectsof color and image database." PLoS One 8(10): e75816.
6. Zhu W, Zhang J, and Zhou C (2013). The time course of the perceptual processing of “hole”and “no-hole” figures: An ERP study. Neuroscience Bulletin 29(1): p. 47-57
7. Zhu W, Zhang J, Ding X, Zhou C, and Ma Y (2010). Face Capture more Attentional Resourcethan No-face Object: An ERP study. The 6th International Conference on Natural Computation(ICNC'10), p. 1953-1957.
8. Zhu W, Zhang J, Ding X, Zhou C, Ma Y, and Xu D. (2009). Crossmodal Effect of Guqin Musicand Piano music on Selective attention: an event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters466: 21-26
9. Zhang J, Zhu W, Ding X, Zhou C, and Ma Y (2009). Different Masking Effects on “hole” and“no-hole” Figures. Journal of Vision 9(9):6 1-14
10. Zhang J, Zhu W, Liu H, Zhou C, and Ma Y (2009). Configural Processing of DifferentTopological Structure Figures: an ERP Study. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 39(9):898-903.
11. Zhu W, Zhao L, Zhang J, Ding X, Liu H, Ni E, Ma Y, and Zhou C (2008). The Influence ofMozart’s Sonata K.448 on Visual Attention: An ERPs Study. Neuroscience Letters 434(1):35-40.
12. Zhu W, Zhang J, Liu H, Ding X, Ma Y, and Zhou C (2008). Differential cognitive responses toguqin music and piano music in Chinese subjects: an event-related potential study. NeuroscienceBulletin 24(1): 21-28.
13. Zhu W, Zhou C, Xu D, and Xu J (2006). A Multi-feature CBIR Method Using in the TraditionalChinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis. International Symposium on Pervasive Computing andApplications at Xinjiang, China, August 2006: 831-837.
14. 諸薇娜, 徐丹, 周昌樂 (2005), 多特徵圖像檢索技術在中醫舌診中的套用研究. 中國圖象圖形學報, 2005. 10(8): p. 992-998.Zhu W, Xu D, and Zhou C (2005). Application of Multi-feature Content-based Image Retrievalin the Traditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis. Journal of Image and Graphics 10(8):992-998. (in Chinese)
15. Zhu W, Xu D, and Zhou C (2004). Combining Color and Texture for Image Retrieval in theTraditional CMTD. 10th JICC, Proceedings of the Tenth Joint International ComputerConference, at Kunming, China, November 2004:165-172.
16. 諸薇娜, 徐丹, 周昌樂 (2004). 結合顏色紋理特徵的檢索技術在中醫舌診中的套用研究.十三屆全國多媒體技術會議. 2004 :112-118Zhu W, Xu D, and Zhou C (2004). How to Combine Different Features for Image Retrieval inthe Traditional CMTD. 13th National Conference of Multimedia Technology at Ningbo, China,October 2004:112-118. (in Chinese)
17. 諸薇娜, 徐丹, 周昌樂, 基於內容的圖像檢索在舌診客觀化套用中的研究. 雲南大學學報,2004. 26(5A): p. 138-143.Zhu W, Xu D, and Zhou C (2004). The Application of Content-based Image Retrieval in theTraditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis. Journal of Yunnan University: NaturalSciences Edition. 26(5A): 138-143. (in Chinese)
18. 諸薇娜, 徐丹, 基於內容的圖像檢索綜述. 雲南大學學報, 2003. 25(6A): p. 29-34.Zhu W and Xu D (2003). Review of Content-based Image Retrieval. Journal of YunnanUniversity: Natural Sciences Edition. 25(6A): 29-34. (in Chinese)


