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  • 中文名: 語篇研究
  • 作者:王天華、林國麗
  • 出版時間:2019年11月
  • 出版社: 電子工業出版社
  • 頁數:244 頁
  • ISBN:9787121374456
  • 定價:98 元
  • 開本:16 開 


語篇分析作為一門學科,開始於20世紀50年代到60年代,發展於20世紀70年代,成熟於20世紀80年代到90 年代。進入21世紀,語篇分析在人文社會科學“話語轉向”的勢頭中,已經超越了語言學領域的其他任何一門學科。本書主要由七章組成: 第一章語篇研究的概況、第二章語篇研究的歷史回顧、第三章篇章性的標準、第四章語篇的銜接、第五章語篇的連貫、第六章語篇結構、第七章批評語篇分析。在語篇分析的概況及流派部分里,作者對這一領域的重要學者進行了梳理,對他們在語篇分析領域的主要貢獻做了詳盡的論述。在篇章性的標準這一章,作者介紹了什麼是語篇特徵,什麼是篇章性、什麼是篇章,以及銜接與連貫的概念、意圖性、接受性、信息性、情景性及互文性。在語篇的銜接與連貫這兩章中,作者介紹了銜接手段及銜接與連貫的關係,並從語義、語用及認知的角度分析了連貫問題。 在語篇結構這一章, 作者介紹了主位結構及主位推進模式、信息結構、會話語篇結構及會話分析。第七章為批評語篇分析,本章主要介紹批評語篇分析的理論框架、原則、研究內容、方法及批評語篇分析方法等。本書旨在對語篇研究領域作詳盡深入的研究,本書是語篇分析的一本入門書,也是一本介紹語篇分析核心內容的著作。本書主要適用於語篇分析的學習者與研究者。


Chapter 1 Coming to Grips with Discourse Analysis 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Formalism and functionalism 2
1.1.2 Anything beyond the sentence 5
1.1.3 Discourse: language use 6
1.1.4 Discourse: utterances 7
1.2 Discourse analysis 7
1.2.1 Introduction 7
1.2.2 Discourse 8
1.2.3 Analysis 9
1.3 Terms issue 10
1.4 The significance of discourse analysis 11
1.4.1 Limitations of sentence grammar 11
1.4.2 Understanding the nature of language 12
1.4.3 Understanding discourse itself 12
1.4.4 Two levels of achievement in discourse analysis 12
1.4.5 Summary: some uses of discourse analysis 13
1.5 The scope of discourse analysis 15
1.6 Principles of discourse analysis 15
1.6.1 Introduction and classification 15
1.6.2 Principles of discourse analysis:language as social interaction 18
1.6.3 Text-linguistic perspectives on discourse 21
1.7 Approaches to discourse analysis 26
1.7.1 Mchoul 26
1.7.2 Schiffrin 27
1.8 Research methods in discourse analysis 33
1.8.1 Research design (A sample) 33
1.8.2 Nature of data 34
1.8.3 Sources of discourse data 34
1.9 Resources for doing discourse analysis 36
1.9.1 Online resources 36
1.9.2 Major journals publishing discourse research 36
Chapter 2 A Historical Overview of Discourse Analysis 37
2.1 Historical background 37
2.1.1 Plato &Aristotle 37
2.1.2 The ancient distinction between grammar (grammatical) and
rhetoric (rhetorical) 39
2.1.3 The emergence of historical and comparative linguistics at the
beginning of the 19th century 40
2.1.4 The birth of structural linguistics at the beginning of the 20th
century 42
2.2 The origins of modern discourse analysis 46
2.2.1 Europe 46
2.2.2 America 49
2.3 The emergence of discourse analysis as a new discipline 50
2.3.1 Sociolinguistics 50
2.3.2 Philosophy of language or pragmatics 51
2.3.3 Text grammar 52
2.3.4 Artificial intelligence 53
2.3.5 Sociology: American ethnomethodologists 54
2.4 The interdisciplinary study of discourse 55
2.5 The 1990s 55
2.5.1 Shift from structural to functional analysis 55
2.5.2 From descriptive to critical analysis 57
2.6 Discourse analysis: the state of the art 58
Chapter 3 Standards of Textuality 59
3.1 Texture, textuality, text-ness 59
3.2 Cohesion 61
3.2.1 Reusing patterns 62
3.2.2 Compacting patterns 64
3.2.3 Signalling Relations 65
3.3 Coherence 66
3.3.1 Concept 67
3.3.2 Relation 68
3.4 Intentionality 69
3.4.1 Speech act 70
3.4.2 The Cooperative Principle 71
3.4.3 Interactive problem-solving 72
3.5 Acceptability 73
3.6 Informativity 75
3.7 Situationality 76
3.8 Intertextuality 77
Chapter 4 Cohesion 81
4.1 Introduction 81
4.1.1 Text and texture 81
4.1.2 Cohesion and cohesive tie 81
4.2 Reference 82
4.2.1 Phoricity 83
4.2.2 Types of reference 84
4.3 Substitution 88
4.3.1 Substitution and reference 88
4.3.2 Types of substitution 90
4.4 Ellipsis 91
4.4.1 Introduction 91
4.4.2 Types of ellipsis 92
4.5 Conjunction 94
4.5.1 Definition of conjunction 94
4.5.2 Types of conjunction 95
4.6 Lexical cohesion 97
4.6.1 Textual properties of lexical items 97
4.6.2 Types of lexical cohesion 98
4.7 Cohesive harmony 101
4.7.1 Cohesive ties 101
4.7.2 Cohesive chains 101
4.7.3 Chain interaction 103
4.7.4 Cohesive harmony 103
4.8 Structural cohesion 104
4.8.1 Theme-rheme development 104
4.8.2 Given-new organization 104
4.9 Phonological cohesion 105
4.9.1 Intonation contour served as cohesive device to signal information
left unsaid 105
4.9.2 Phonological cohesive in literary works 105
4.10 Summary of cohesive devices 106
Chapter 5 Coherence 107
5.1 Cohesion and Coherence 107
5.1.1 Definitions of cohesion and coherence 107
5.1.2 The role of cohesion with respect to coherence 108
5.2 Semantic perspectives 109
5.2.1 Local coherence 110
5.2.2 Global coherence 113
5.3 Pragmatics perspectives 116
5.3.1 Discourse as sequence of illocutionary acts 116
5.3.2 Rhetorical Structure Theory(RST) 119
5.4 Cognitive perspectives 122
5.4.1 Coherence as a mental phenomenon 122
5.4.2 Schema theory and coherence 124
5.4.3 Procedural approach to coherence 125
5.4.4 Relevance theory 126
5.5 Informational Coherence 131
5.6 Summary: approaches to coherence 132
Chapter 6 Discourse Structure 134
6.1 Thematic structure and thematic progression 134
6.1.1 Function Sentence Perspective 134
6.1.2 Thematic structure 135
6.1.3 Types of the theme 137
6.1.4 Thematic progression (staging, thematisation) 138
6.1.5 General rules of the thematization process 140
6.1.6 Analysing the thematic progression of discourse 141
6.2 Information structure 142
6.2.1 Definition 142
6.2.2 Realization of information structure in discourse 143
6.2.3 Given-new strategy 145
6.2.4 Topicalization and left-dislocation 147
6.2.5 Topic continuity 148
6.3 Conversational discourse structure 150
6.3.1 Lesson 150
6.3.2 Move 152
6.3.3 Act 153
6.4 Sample analysis 155
6.5 Conversation analysis 156
6.5.1 Transition relevance place: the recognizable end of a turn-
construction unit 159
6.5.2 Turn-taking rules 160
6.5.3 Conversational structure 160
6.5.4 Superstructure of written discourse 166
6.5.5 Systemic-functional approach to discourse structure: Generic
Structure Potential(GSP) 168
6.5.6 Story-Grammar approach to discourse structure 170
6.5.7 Textual pattern 172
6.5.8 Combination of approaches 175
Chapter 7 Critical Discourse Analysis 177
7.1 Introduction 177
7.2 Conceptual and theoretical frameworks 179
7.3 Principles of CDA 185
7.4 Research in CDA 187
7.4.1 Gender inequality 187
7.4.2 Media discourse 188
7.4.3 Political discourse 189
7.4.4 Ethnocentrism, anti-semitism, nationalism, and racism 189
7.4.5 From group domination to professional and institutional power 191
7.5 Methods of doing CDA 191
7.5.1 What to be analysed? 191
7.5.2 A three-dimensional method of discourse analysis 193
7.6 CDA: From theory to Practice 199
7.6.1 The grammar of transitivity 199
7.6.2 The grammar of modality 202
7.6.3 Transformations 205
7.6.4 Classification 207
7.6.5 Coherence, order and unity of discourse 208
References 210


