



  • 中文名:多模態敘事語篇研究
  • 作者:劉曉琳
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工程大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年4月
  • 頁數:142 頁
  • 定價:32 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787566109415


《多模態敘事語篇研究》主要以Kress Gunther和Theo VanLeeuwen社會符號學框架下的視覺語法和韓禮德的功能語法為理論基礎,論述了各個模態資源之間的關係。全書共分為三個部分,七個章節。第一章是文獻綜述和介紹《多模態敘事語篇研究》研究的範圍和方法;第二章是從功能語言學的三大功能角度研究多模態敘事語篇;第三章主要分析多模態敘事語篇中的文字與圖像之間的關係;第四章主要介紹多模態敘事語篇中文字元號如何協同其他符號共同傳遞語篇意義;第五章到第七章主要是結合具體的語篇進行實例研究。


Chapter One Introduction of Multimodal Narratives
1.1 Narrative
1.2 Semiotics and Narrative
1.3 On Modes and Media
1.4 Method for Analyzing Muhimodal Narrative
Chapter Two Compositional, Interpersonal and Representational Meanings in the Multimodal Discourse Analysis
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Systemic Functional Grammar and Muhimodality
2.3 Relevant the Orgies of Text and Images and of Their Relations: Barthes and Halliday
2.4 Sample Analysis
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three A System for Image-Text Relations
3.1 A System for Image-Text Relations
3.2 Units and Realizations of Status Relations
3.3 Logico-Semantic Relations
3.4 Units and Realizations of Logico-Semantic Relations
3.5 Equal-Status and Logico-Semantics Combined
3.6 Summary
Chapter Four Multimodal Digital Semiotics and Software
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Fox News Video
4.3 Muhimodal Analysis Software
4.4 Modeling the Multimodal Semantic Data Using Allen's Temporal Logic
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Multimodal Storytellers: How to Use Multimodal Semiotics to Narrate
5.1 Artefaetual Literacies and Multimodality in Narrative Texts
5.2 Narrative Theory and Magical Realism
5.3 The Simultaneity of Experience Represented in Converging Time and Space
5.4 Implications for Narrative in the Classroom
Chapter Six Case Study One: Multimodal Analysis of Film
6.1 Implicature in Film Communication
6.2 Data Set and Methodology
6.3 The Process of Analysis
6.4 Analysis and Discussion: Implicature at the Service of Comedy and Romance in Bridget Jones Films
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Case Study Two: Multimodal Analysis in Advertising Narrative
7.1 Advertising Research in Medias
7.2 Multimodal Analysis in Advertising Communication
7.3 Exploring Muhimodal Narrative in Advertising
7.4 Analytical Framework
7.5 Summary


