


  • 中文名:詹水清
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:複雜多相流體流動與傳熱傳質
  • 任職院校:江蘇大學


學術任職: 1. Chemical Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering Communications, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Applied Thermal Engineering, the Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals、化工學報、中南大學學報(自然科學版)等期刊審稿人;


1. 複雜多相流體流動與傳熱傳質
2. 多相流、多尺度計算流體力學模擬與實驗


1. 國家自然科學青年基金項目,2018.01-2020.12;
2. 江蘇省自然科學青年基金項目,2017.07-2020.06;
3. 江蘇省高校教育廳面上基金項目,2017.09-2019.08;
4. 校企合作博士後項目,2018.04-2020.04;
5. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2016.05-2017.08;
6. 江蘇大學高級人才基金啟動項目,2016.01-2019.12.
Zhan Shuiqing, Huang yujie, Wang Zhentao, Li Changfeng,Yang Jianhong, Wang Junfeng. CFD Simulations of Gas–Liquid Multiscale Flow Characteristics in an Aluminum Electrolysis Cell with Population Balance Model: Effect of Anode Slot Configuration. JOM, 2019,
Zhan Shuiqing, Wang Junfeng, Wang Zhentao, Yang Jianhong. Computational Fluid Dynamics-Population
Balance Model Simulation of Effects of Cell Design and Operating Parameters on Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows and Bubble Distribution Characteristics in Aluminum Electrolysis Cells. JOM, 2018,
Zhan Shuiqing, Wang Zhentao, Yang Jianhong, Zhao Ruijie, Li Changfeng, Wang Junfeng, Zhou Jiemin. 3D Numerical Simulations of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows in Aluminum Electrolysis Cells with the Coupled Model of Computational Fluid Dynamics-Population Balance Model. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017
Zhan Shuiqing, Yang Jianhong, Wang Zhentao, Zhao Ruijie, Zheng Jun, Wang Junfeng. CFD Simulation of Effect of Interphase Forces and Turbulence Models on Gas–Liquid Two-Phase Flows in Non-Industrial Aluminum Electrolysis Cells. JOM, 2017,
Zhan Shuiqing, Li Mao, Zhou Jiemin, et al. CFD simulation of effect of anode configuration on gas–liquidflow and alumina transport process in an aluminum reduction cell. Journal of Central South University, 2015,
Zhan Shuiqing, Li Mao, Zhou Jiemin, et al. Analysis and modeling of alumina dissolution based on heat and mass transfer. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015,
Zhan Shuiqing, Li Mao, Zhou Jiemin, et al. CFD simulation of dissolution process of alumina in an aluminum reduction cell with two-particle phase population balance model. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,
Zhan Shuiqing, Li Mao, Zhou Jiemin, et al. A CFD-PBM coupled model predicting anodic bubble sizedistribution in aluminum reduction cells. TMS, 2014:
Zhan Shuiqing, WuYe, Zhou Jiemin, et al. Determination of thermal conductivity of inorganic salts at the liquid/solid phase transition point. ICDMA, 2013,
Wang Zhentao, XiaLei, Zhan Shuiqing. Experimental study on electrohydrodynamic(EHD) spraying of ethanol with double-capillary, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,
詹水清,王貞濤,楊建紅,鄭俊,王軍鋒.鋁電解陽極氣泡動力學及分布特性的低溫電解實驗研究.中國有色金屬學報, 2017,
詹水清,李茂,周孑民,等.鋁電解槽熔體內氧化鋁濃度分布的數值模擬.中國有色金屬學報, 2014,
詹水清,周孑民,李茂,等.鋁電解槽熔體內陽極氣泡分布特性的數值模擬.中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2014,
詹水清,周孑民,李茂,等.開孔陽極鋁電解槽熔體中氣液兩相流數值模擬.化工學報, 2013,
詹水清,周孑民,吳燁,等.高溫熔鹽熱物性的動態測定與誤差修正方法.化工學報, 2012,
詹水清,楊建紅,王貞濤,王軍鋒.欠量與過量下料對鋁電解氧化鋁濃度分布影響的數值模擬.有色金屬(冶煉部分), 2017,


1. 荷電多相射流關鍵技術研究與工程套用,教育部高校科技進步二等獎,2016.12


