
西方語言文化系 (原外語系)是廣東外語外貿大學南國商學院辦學歷史最悠久、規模最大的系別。


  • 中文名:西方語言文化系
  • 學校:廣東外語外貿大學南國商學院
  • 專業:英語、西班牙語、德語、阿拉伯語和法語等
  • 培養目標:培養通基礎、精專業、強外語、重實踐的複合型、套用型、外向型外語專業人才
西方語言文化系,Main body,



Main body

Department of European Languages and Cultures (DELC)
As the oldest and largest department in Nanguo Business College, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, DELC (originally named Department of Foreign Languages) boasts a highly-motivated and experienced teaching faculty with ardent love of education and strong research capacity. The Department also has a well-organized disciplinary echelon and a combination of both old and young teachers with rigorous scholarship. Among the 74 professional teachers, 59 are associate professors or MA Degree holders, while 8 are foreign teachers. At present, the Department offers two programs: English and French. With regard to the former, DELC offers five major orientations: Business English, International Trade, International Tourism Management, Hospitality Management and Translation and Interpretation. At present, DELC has nearly 2,300 students, 500of whom will graduate in 2009. It is dedicated to producing inter-disciplinary, application-based and foreign-studies-oriented graduates with solid academic background, strong professional competency, wonderful foreign languages ability and rewarding pragmatism. Therefore, the Department also gives prominence to application and practice in teaching and is keen on improving students’ command of foreign languages.


