



  • 中文名:袁廣銀
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1970年5月
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:東南大學


2001.12-2008.12 上海交大輕合金精密成型國家工程研究中心副教授,從事高性能輕金屬材料的研究和教學工作。(2002.9-2004.9 榮獲日本學術振興會(JSPS)研究獎學金,以JSPS研究員身份在日本東北大學金屬材料研究所從事大塊非晶和準晶材料方面的研究工作;)
2011.7-2011.9 日本東北大學金屬材料研究所訪問教授,從事可降解生物材料的合作研究。


主持或參加完成的主要科研項目有:十五“863”重點項目“耐熱鎂合金及其在汽車上的套用研究”(第三完成人);國家安全973項目“面向XXX的高性能鎂合金基礎研究”(子專題負責人);國家自然基金項目“基於非晶組分設計自生準晶增強鎂合金的研究”(2005)、“應力誘導ZrO2相變增韌非晶複合材料製備及其強韌化機理”(2007)、“鎂合金塑性加工中納米準晶的形成及其對織構隨機化的作用機理”(2011)(負責人);國家自然基金項目“鎂合金中沉澱相界面結構及遷移性研究和熱穩定組織設計“(主要參與完成人);上海市基礎重大項目:可降解骨內植物用鎂基生物材料相關重大問題的基礎研究(2012.1-2015.12)項目首席科學家,上海市基礎研究重點項目“準晶增強鎂合金及其變形行為的研究”(2005-2007)和“LPSO結構和稀土強化相複合增強的新一代超高強度鎂合金套用基礎研究”(2008-2010)負責人;日本學術振興會(JSPS)資助項目“鎂基大塊非晶和準晶增強超高強度鎂合金的研究”(負責人)。合著“鎂合金科學與技術”(科學出版社,2007,第二作者)。共發表材料研究領域學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI收錄40餘篇(36篇為第一作者及通訊作者,影響因子I.F.>2.0 計9篇)), EI收錄34篇,SCI收錄論文他引400餘篇次,近5年來7次應邀參加國際學術會議作大會發言。申請發明專利11項,授權7項。榮獲2007年上海市科技進步一等獎、2008上海市發明創造專利獎三等獎。入選2007年教育部新世紀優秀人才,榮獲2008年度上海交通大學“晨星青年學者獎勵計畫”SMC優秀青年教師獎。目前是日本金屬學會海外會員,中國材料研究學會會員,國際著名材料學研究期刊J.Mater.Research, Scripta Materialia 以及Mater Sci & Eng.A等的特約審稿人。


1. 新型輕金屬材料的組織控制與強韌化
2. 可降解生物醫用金屬材料及表面改性
3. 非晶與準晶材料


1.Hua Huang, Guangyin Yuan*, Zhongchang Wang,et al, Effects of icosahedral quasicrystalline fraction and extrusion ratio on microstructure, mechanical properties and anisotropy of as-extruded Mg-Zn-Gd-based alloys, Metall and Mat Trans A, 44(2),Feb 2013, DOI 10.1007/s11661-013-1609-y. pp.1-10.
2.Hua Huang, Guangyin Yuan*, Zhenhua Chu, et al, Microstructure and mechanical properties of double continuous extruded Mg-Zn-Gd-based magnesium alloys,Mater Sci & Eng A 560, 2013, pp.241-248.
3.Z.Chu, G.Y.Yuan*, et al, Correlation between the enhanced plasticity of glassy matrix composites and the intrinsic mechanical property of reinforcement, Mater Sci & Eng A 560, 2013, pp. 40–46
4.X.B.Zhang,G.Y.Yuan*, W.J.Ding, Effects of extrusion and heat treatment on the mechanical properties and biocorrosion behaviors of a Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.7, pp.77-86,2012 (I.F.=3.327)
5.Xiaobo Zhang, Guangyin Yuan*, Jialin Niu, Penghuai Fu, Wenjiang Ding, Microstructure, mechanical properties, biocorrosion behaviors and cytotoxicity of as-extruded Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy with different extrusion ratios, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.9, pp.153-162, 2012 (I.F.=3.327)
6.Wang, Y, Ouyang Y, Peng, X, Mao L,Yuan G, Jiang Y*, He Y, Effects of degradable MG-ND-ZN-ZR alloy on osteoblastic cell function, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Vol. 25(3)(2012) 597-606. (I.F.=2.991)
7.Lin Mao, Guangyin Yuan*, Jialin Niu, Yang Zong, Wenjiang Ding, In vitro degradation behavior and biocompatibility of Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy by hydrofluoric acid treatment, Materials Science and Engineering C 33(1),2013,pp. 242–250. (I.F.=2.686)
8.Chunxi Yang, Guangyin Yuan, Jia Zhang, Ze Tang, Xiaoling Zhang, Kerong Dai*, Effects of magnesium alloys extracts on adult human bone marrow-derived stromal cell viability and osteogenic differentiation, Biomedical Materials.5(2010) 045005. (I.F.=2.467)
9.Xiaobo Zhang, Guangyin Yuan*, Lin Mao, Jialin Niu, Wenjiang Ding,Biocorrosion properties of as-extruded Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy compared with commercial AZ31 and WE43 alloys,Materials Letters,66(2012)209-211. (I.F.=2.120)
10.S. Zhang, G.Y. Yuan*, C. Lu, W.J. Ding, The relationship between (Mg,Zn)3RE phase and 14H-LPSO phase in Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloys solidified at different cooling rates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011, 509(8): 3515-3521
11.Jian Yin, Guangyin Yuan*, Zhenhua Chu, Jian Zhang, Wenjing Ding, Formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ Mg-Ni-(Gd,Nd) bulk metallic glass composite, J.Mater.Research, 2009, 24(12)3603-3610.
12.Y.Liu, G.Y.Yuan*, C Lu, et al,The role of nanoquasicrystals on the ductility enhancement of as-extruded Mg-Zn-Gd alloy at elevated temperature ,Journal of Materials Science 43 (16),2008, pp. 5527-5533
13.Guangyin Yuan, Yong Liu, Wenjiang Ding, Chen Lu, Effects of extrusion on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Gd alloy reinforced with quasicrystalline particles, Mater.Sci.& Eng.A, 2008, 474/1-2, p.348-354.
14.Yong Liu, Guangyin Yuan*, Cheng Lu et al, Stable icosahedral phase in Mg-Zn-Gd alloy, Scripta Materialia, 55(2006)919-922. times cited:10
15.Guangyin Yuan, Cunling Qin, Akihisa Inoue, Mg-Based Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Strength above 900MPa and Plastic Strain,J. Mater. Research, (2005) 20(2),394-400. times cited:16
16.Guangyin Yuan, Akihisa Inoue, The effect of Ni substitution on the glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of Mg-Cu-Gd metallic glass alloys, J. Alloys and Compounds, (2005) 387(1-2),134-138. times cited:57
17.Guangyin Yuan, Zili Liu, Yisuan Wang, Microstructure refinement of Mg alloys containing Mg2Si , Materials Letters (2002) 56,53-58. times cited:116
18.Guangyin Yuan , Yangshan Sun, Wenjiang Ding, Effects of Sb addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 magnesium alloy, Scripta Mater. (2000) 43,1009-1013. times cited:64.


